~***September Mummies***~

My sister in law was like that, I'm so jealous! That definitely won't be me!

Just made myself a banana milkshake to try and get rid of my indigestion a bit. Milk usually helps so I figured adding a banana couldn't do too much harm!!
It turns out watching One born every minute when 8 months pregnant is a very different experience!
Hi Tigger,
Oh god, I hope poor Sammy is better soon. Maybe an extra dose of anti's?? That with the car is a worry too!

Tonight we have a bf "training" - am fascinated what I will learn there. When it comes to horses I know what to do but humans! ;-) Was out today buying some cream for the nips as they suffer the most! What is everyone else (who is bf'ing) using?

Everyone seems to recommend lansinoh cream (think that's what it's called) so I've bought some of that. You don't have to wash it off before feeding which is a bonus. At our bf workshop yesterday she said rubbing breast milk into your nipples and letting it dry is one of the best things you can do so will definitely give that a try x
YEAH!! THANKYOU!! That is just what I have bought and what my mw has recommened to do. MW also said that breast milk is the best for LO when they get a cold (put a little drop up their nose) and it helps there too. Seems to be a wonder healer this milk!?!?!?
Yeah, the mw yesterday said if baby gets a sticky eye it's brilliant in there too. So clever! x
Only problem is my nearest primark is 60 miles away :-( maybe ill ask MIL to have a look for me?!

Don't panic Hayley, chances of undiagnosed diabetes are slim, and even more slim is the chance of such severe complications. Violets gonna be absolutely perfect, as is her mummy. She'll just float into the world, no pain, no issues or anything (yeah right about the pain thing!!!). Really though, wouldn't worry. I had ketones in my wee early on, major panic after my google search, but it's not been a problem since :-)

Ah thanks :-) I hope so. These September babies are going to be scummy :-)

Wow this breast milk seems to be a miracle cure, I hope I can do it cause I want to give bubs the best I can.

Any news on pregnot? Not seen an update for a while xx
yeah breastmilk is sterile and contains antibodies to fight infections and bugs so its good for any minor infection, can help with rashes and ecxema too lol. lansinoh is the shizz for sore nips just use it anyway before they get sore when you start as it'll help
I've got lanisoh on numerous recommendations!! I also got recommended today to put Vaseline on baby's bum as soon as its born to help get the meconium off easier.

We bought a new car :-) inlaws have loaned us some money so we doubled our budget and got a VERY nice 08 Zafira for just £3k - they're going for double that on eBay!!! (Makes it v tempting to just sell it and go again but I'm not taking that risk...!!). Problem one fixed. Next issue, mr Sam Sam, will be fixed next week when we finish the pills and see what the vet says!!
Excellent news on the car front :-) what a bargain!

Talking of nipples, my right nipple really really hurts sometimes. It's like it's fine in my bra until I move it and then it's agony until I uncover it again. It's such a strange thing, doesn't look sore or different etc but its so painful. Anyone else had this?

I've just put nappies and clothes in changing bag ready for hospital :-) shit is getting real haha xx
lol ive mostly packed my bag, just doing the 1 for me and baby this time, sod the towel etc just taking bare essentials. ive just gotta stick some knickers in there and im sorted
My nipples keep hurting a lot. OH commented the other day on how "long" they look (I've never heard that as a description of nipples before!) so they're obviously getting ready for bubs!! I never got painful boobs in tri 1, but I'm feeling it now :-( how on earth do you feed a baby with these when they're so tender?! Haha.
I've been getting pains like this too. They feel heavier again just like in Tri1 but not sooooo painful.
Hehe, long nipples is funny! Guess men and kids have a most fantastic way with words.

CONGRATS on the car Tigger! Sounds like a right bargain. Like you say, now it is just Sammy to sort out and then you are done and dusted for LO?!?! :-)

Had a bf workshop last night which was good but didnt really learn anything new that I didnt know from here. I realise just how down to earth and good this forum really is! You ladies are just the BEST! One woman there drove me crazy. She thinks her baby is going to work like clockwork and was saying how it was going to be fed dot every 2-3 hours then sleep so she can do the cooking and cleaning - BOY is she in for a surprise!!! lol
Ahhh we had a couple like that at our antenatal classes. They kept going on about routine from day 1 etc and we kept saying to eachother that they had nooo idea!!

Tigger that's brilliant news about the car, one less thing to worry about x
I think we'd all love to fall straight into a routine but we all know it won't happen :-) be lovely if it did!

I can only say that I'm up so much in the night anyway it'll be nice to have something to get up for :-) xx
My nipples keep hurting a lot. OH commented the other day on how "long" they look (I've never heard that as a description of nipples before!) so they're obviously getting ready for bubs!! I never got painful boobs in tri 1, but I'm feeling it now :-( how on earth do you feed a baby with these when they're so tender?! Haha.

not gonna lie tigger it hurts the first week, its ok for 2/3 days unless baby has a terrible latch but they do get tender and sore but its not unbearable, if it gets really really painful then either latch is wrong, or you have thrush generally. i had to take painkillers to just stand the pain the first few weeks and had a massive battle with thrush for the first 2 months. if you do get thrush then make sure the doctor gives you cream for you, generally miconazole cream and that you get nystan drops for baby at the same time as if your bf and have thrush then baby will too, and vice versa. thrush is a burning or stabbign type of pain inside the boob or nipple, bad latch makes sores on your nips and you can tell its happening as baby will make part of your nipple pointy at odd places if theyre not latching properly
Had the best day ever... baby has turned and is 1/5 engaged... no more breech woohooo

So i've been spending the day washing and drying clothes and packing my hospital bag :)
Ah that's excellent news Senoidmac so pleased that you don't have to have the c section in the end :-) bring on the labour pains...... Not quite yet though :-)

I had an emotional breakdown yesterday lol over nothing! I just cried n cried n cried over all sorts of silly things. I'm starting to feel impatient now, I don't want bubs to come if she's not ready but I'm so excited to meet her that I can barely contain myself sometimes :-) I'm also looking forward to moving around freely again and not peeing every 10 minutes and for the winter to come to I can bundle up and go for nice walks. Lots of daydreaming today haha xx
Awww huni xx I've been super emotional recently too xx its no bad thing its a good release. .. I know what you mean re the peeing lol x

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Thought I'd update you all on my friend who was in slow labour.

Well 96 hrs later and an emergency c section she had her little girl today at 14.32 weighing 7lb 12.5 she's the spitting image of her dad and I'm so proud that she's done it xx

Isn't she beautiful :-)


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