~***September Mummies***~

Aww she's gorgeous! All these baby pictures are making me so impatient to meet my little girl! Xxx
I know she's so gorgeous, Amelia May they've called her and I'm so jealous she has her and I have to wait another 3weeks :-) xx
Ah she's perfect. Bet your friend is shattered, what a long labour! x
I know she really went through it all bless her :-( x
96 hours! She should get a medal - well going on the piccie there she did! :-)

I had a bit of a meltdown last night too. Feeling totally naff - toothache is back, cant feel much of my feet anymore and they hurt so much, bump hurts, wee man wriggles like there is no tomorrow and as for the peeing..............now I am up at 4am. Oh the joys!

Need to get like you Haylian, daydreaming of the autumn walks to come and plan a bit for our first Xmas. Either that or a damn big Chockie cake needs to be brought home!!!!
Hello hope everyone is well! We drove out of london yest took us 3 hours to go visit our friend who hss a two week.old baby!. I honestly forgot how smsll they r!!my ds is 2 and such a heavy weight! ! I had cuddles . The others got food but I wasnt hungry so I looked after her while her mum dad and my oh had food and my friend sorted some washing out bless her.
My son wasnt too interested but when this baby comes she will be here all the time!!haha.
Kinda made me think really anytime ( hopefully after thurs) in next 5 weeks baby will be here!! Il have to kids to watch! Ohhh my!
Very tired as we got lost driving back through central London and didnt get home until 12.00am! My feet felt all sore and swollen from the sitting in the car too! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
How we doing today girls??

I get swollen feet from too much time in the car too constantstar, it's annoying. I demand foot rubs to make it better :-D

Officially on maternity now!! Woohoo!! And fully cooked. Operation eviction starts soon - I'm not gonna get obsessed, infact I think I'm only gonna attempt the only real proven method... Hehe, more to pass the time than get baby out!!

Hubby asked me nicely if I'd please pack my hospital bag today. He's scared it won't be done. Fitted the car seat base and car seat in the new car last night! I'm sooo not in any rush for baby to get here!
Yay for maternity leave and fully cooked tigger!

Ugh, I'm feeling odd today, all agitated and like I might burst into tears at any moment even though I have absolutely nothing to be upset about! Had trouble finding anything to wear this morning as well because nothing fits so that doesn't help! Hopefully I can pull myself together xxx
Can't believe there is some fully cooked September mummy's now! It's so exciting congratulations!

I'm very frustrated! After reading the shagging thread in getting desperate but was told at 34 scan my placenta is still low lying so strictly no sex or orgasm as don't want me to bleed or go into natural labour until next scan at 37 plus 2!! I woke up seven times after sexy dreams, one of which oh was washing his motorbike topless! He found that amusing. I satisfied him last night but that just make me worse!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Xxx
I'm also feelin like I could burst into tears. In such a moody thing at the moment!! I'm really sick of being pregnant now. I'm so huge I'm like a giant blob just waiting for him to come out. I have every symptom going and quiet frankly I've had enough! Hahaha. Wish he would just arrive. Even if I had a date wouldn't that be amazing like Amy your baby will arrive on the 1st of September. Just so you know the end is in sight!! Xx
Ohhh bubbles that sounds horrendous!! Naughty placenta!!! Do you have to somehow be careful about your naughty dreams too??

I feel a bit guilty, I was ALL over OH when I wanted to get pregnant, up for it alllll the time. Then the last 8 months, pretty much nothing!!!! And now I want something again.... Mean wifey!

Hope you feel better soon girls with the moodiness - it's a good sign that your hormones are ramping up a bit though right? Means its getting closer :-) I'm excited to see which ones of you will end up being August mummy's! There's bound to be at least 1!
I'm fully cooked too :) Officially on maternity leave...

Spending a couple of days in Blackpool with family. So Monday will see the start of me getting organised. Nothing packed yet. To be honest I'm scaring myself. Think I need to unpack car seat...it's getting close. Help!

Hiya Ladies. Dont mean to rub it in or anything :p ;) My Little boy decided he wanted to make an early appearance! He weighed 4lbs 4oz born at 34weeks (15/8/2013). Hes a perfect little boy. No urgent care needed. Breatheing fantasticly and feeding nicely. Really proud at the minute. and a Very fast labour. 5 minutes in a delivery room lol... noone believed i was in labour but only we know our bodies :P.

GOODLUCK ladies and hope your all have easy births :)
I can't help the dreams so hopefully they are ok ;)

Congratulations chery! Our first sept mummy!!! :) fantastic all went so well and he didn't need urgent care, I bet he is adorable! Xx
Ahhh congratulations, how diddy!!! Hope your both doing well!!

Michelle, I'm so glad we share a due date and your more unorganised than me. It makes me feel so much better!!! Haha!! Enjoy Blackpool :-)

I just had a massive nap on the sofa, made up for the fact I was awake from 5.30 this morning!!
Aww Cheryl glad little one is doing well.

I'm struggling badly.. my heart palps and dizziness is getting worse. Have another app mon to see Obstetric doc.

I'm crying all the time also... want to nest and i can't stand up long enough to do it. My mum been getting what i need for hospital bag.

I'm also sad coz this will be my last pregnancy and i can't enjoy the end of it :-(

ok moan over x
Ahhh sunshine state I know how you feel!! Put your feet up as much as you can, honestly it helps. I was at zero symptoms, forgot and started doing more and then I just hit a brick wall. It's almost like a build up to them, so if you slow right down it should hopefully help after a few days. Feel better :-(
Sounds like we're all getting a but more moody and worker up. I've definitely been very agitated the last 2 days. Went to meadowhall this morning and had to stop a few times as I had awful shooting pains in my pelvis, I'm sure passers by thought I was going into labour haha.

Great news on the fully cooked mummy's and to you Cheryl on your little boy, do you have a name for him yet?

My hubby has also been after me to pack my hospital bag, it doesn't help that I've been having pains in my back etc and with the pains this morning he's just gonna do it himself I think :-) I've got everything for it pretty much so I'm just being lazy. Plugin waiting for a wash bag for my toiletries etc so don't want to do it until I've got everything I need.

I've also been heating up a lot more than usual, even tho the weather is cooler I'm a sweaty mess all the time.

So basically I've just moaned at you all....... Sorry lol xxx
Oh wow congratulations Cheryl, first September mummy! Have you got a name for him yet? I will update the front page when I'm home later.

Sounds like we're all struggling a bit. Glad I'm not the only one who's a grumpy mess! Just off to get DS's first pair of school shoes so no doubt that's going to make me feel even more emotional, grr to these hormones! Going to get a big pizza from asda for tea though and think I'll get a choccie cake too, hopefully that will improve my mood! Xxx
So basically I've just moaned at you all....... Sorry lol xxx

Ahhahaha that's all I feel like I do!! X

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