~***September Mummies***~

Hayley - you can get pains for baby engaging. I was getting pretty horrendous ones, very intermittently (as in weeks apart) and next appt baby is nearly there, and never in the top part of my uterus anymore, so maybe? Is she already engaged?

Baby was kicking crap out of me last night, all weekend in fact. Up till now I've had this lovely calm placid baby that only does a bit of a wiggle for me really. All weekend, it's been a proper toad. Was driving last night and it didn't stop, put my hand on my side because s/he was hurting me, and it kicked SO hard, I'm convinced I was feeling the knee and surrounding area of a chubby little leg, more so than I've ever felt before.

It better start behaving again soon!!!
I hope that's what it is Kim, I was 1/5 last weeks but maybe with all the walking etc over the weekend she's moved down? Had awful pelvic pain while in the shower this morning again but no back pain or period paid so far today, lets hope it stays that way.

I'm jealous of your no heartburn constantstar, I had horrendous heartburn last night, woke up with a funny tummy too and felt like I was going to be sick but luckily got back to sleep. Gosh I'm a right moaner sorry girls!

Ooh just had to update, my best friend has gone into labour! She's been having contractions since 7pm yesterday and all through the night, she's hardly got any time in between now so she's heading off to the hospital :-) I'm so excited for her.
She's been trying for nearly 6 years so she's waited so long for this xx
So consultation went well. He happy im measuring bang in 36 weeks, baby is head down too. He expects ( but obv no guarentee) il go.into labour naturally early sept or by due date otherwise ive got another appointment with him at 40 weeks to discuss options..we shall c! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Good news constantstar, won't be long till your due date now, can't believe how quickly August is flying by!!

Ahhh exciting news about your friend too Haylian. It'll make it more real for you once the baby's born that you're next!!
That's great news constantstar, brill that baby is head down still.

Yeah BeeSmall it'll be very real when her baby comes, we've gone through our entire pregnancy together after both suffering losses in the past so I can believe its nearly time :-) xx
How's your friend doing? Any sign of baby yet??

I'm good. Had NHS breastfeeding class today which was so informative and really useful. Took my mum along and she couldn't believe how much had changed since she had us so it's good that she's up to date on what to suggest and how to help etc.
She was 2cm when she went to hospital at dinner time so went back home. The pains have slowed down but got more intense so think it'll be a slow one :-(

Glad the class was good, I haven't had any ante natal classes etc as me n hubby couldn't go at the same time, I've read everything there is to read on everything though so hopefully I won't be too clueless haha.

Had my home visit today with mw and it all went well, she said I had a bit of sugar in my urine but not had it before so shouldn't be a problem as long as my next one is clear in 2 weeks.

You'll be fine, the Internet is amazing for info. Our NHS class was pretty rubbish to be honest, I don't think we really learnt anything new. We did NCT classes which were good but probably not necessary.

Ah your poor friend must be really tired, hope it speeds up for her x
I just had a major melt down. Fell asleep on the sofa, hubby woke me up and sent me to bed then said he'd feed the animals but probs not come to bed as it was too early. So I've just balled my eyes out because I wanted a cuddle and he didn't want to give me one!!!! What a weirdo!!

Hope the wees clear next time Hayley, sure it will be - did you just eat a massive chocolate bar before hand? Hehe! Hope it picks up for your friend overnight, she might be able to sleep her way through the boring bit of labour :-)
Ah tigger, everyone is allowed a pregnancy melt down. I cry at something every day at the moment. Thought I was doing well today and hadnt cried then watched some programme about dogs on itv an hour ago and cried the whole way through it!! I've never been clingy with my husband really but have been since I've been pregnant. I'm so much more insecure asking if he loves me etc where I never would have before. These poor men, must think we've lost the plot!!
Oh no hope you're feeling better now, I've had more of the emotional outbursts in the last week than I have the whole 8 months, hormones must really have kicked up a notch for us eh? How's Sammy doing now?

I'd had some coco pops before I did it so maybe that's it?

Yeah the labour has slowed down for my friend now :-( Drs confirmed she was in labour and thought she'd be back in by tea time but the contractions are now further apart but more intense. Bless her :-(

Wouldn't have thought coco pops would do it, I was think more of a 200g bar of galaxy hehehe!!

Bf classes sound good, we had a session with our NHS ante natal and I found it v useful. They do tell you some stuff I don't quite agree with (like: stop eating pineapple because it might make you go into labour, but don't bother with RLT, it doesn't work)!! My mum takes them sometimes so you'd hunk I'd get lots of info from her, but she just forgets to tell me things.

Anyone packed their hospital bag? I want some new nighties, but I've failed to find any that are button down and not £20 each?! Maybe ill just go for pyjamas - are you all packing black?! Baby's bag is done, so that's something at least.

Sammy isn't so good. We have to take him back to the vets next week - he can run full pelt in a straight line, but he misses the trees when he tries to climb them. He's wailing like a mad man for his food, and he'll eat his tablets if you just drop them in his bowl on their own!! So his appetite is ok. He's been a week on antibiotics now so I'm thinking this may not be an infection, but something else. At least he's insured.

Off to the car auctions tonight to hopefully buy a new car. My brothers a mechanic and we asked him to come but he's v busy today so might not be able to :-( crossed fingers!!! Hope this baby stays put until we've got the Sammy and the car situation sorted - I don't want sammys health taking a back seat, and as we only have one car, it'd be very helpful to have it working! I am insured on my dads (and he only lives next door) but Jim isn't so can't drive anything)!!
I don't know then cause that's all I had? Oh eck I'm gonna start to worry about that cause my sister in law had un diagnosed diabetes and had a still born :-( I know it's very very rare but you just can't help but worry can you!

I've just started my hospital bag only yesterday, my mum has a neighbour who's quite good with clothes so I've bought some cheap nighties and she's added buttons/poppers down the front for me. I've got an old one for the actual labour that I can throw away if I need to when I'm done. Tesco had some buttoned ones the last time I was in there so might be worth a look?

Fingers crossed for the car and Sammy, are his pads ok on his feet? My mums cat lost a pad off his back foot and it threw him way off but the vets missed it cause they thought it was his ears.

Not long left till you're done at work now :-) xx
Aw hope sammy and car get sorted ;(

As for hosp bag, havent packed black. Got shorts and vest for birth and also long bottomd too. Bags r packed I think and ready. When I thought I was gunna breastfeed with ds I got my nighties from primark with buttons down the front x

Today im building the furniture for ds room/ babies. Looking forward to seeing it look nice in there ;) its hard work bloody work tho. Ikea stuff looks nice in shop. U get it home then gotta put it together! ! Im slowky getting there! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Tigger, primark is brilliant for nighties with buttons - £4.50 each. I also bought some bright PJs (short sleeve and cropped trousers) for after baby is born and they were £5. Definitely worth looking in there x
Only problem is my nearest primark is 60 miles away :-( maybe ill ask MIL to have a look for me?!

Don't panic Hayley, chances of undiagnosed diabetes are slim, and even more slim is the chance of such severe complications. Violets gonna be absolutely perfect, as is her mummy. She'll just float into the world, no pain, no issues or anything (yeah right about the pain thing!!!). Really though, wouldn't worry. I had ketones in my wee early on, major panic after my google search, but it's not been a problem since :-)
Oh no, that's a long way to go for a primark! Definitely ask your mil if you can, they're so cheap and do up to size 22-24 I think so you can get any size. I hate when places only do up to a 16 cos we'll still have huge tummies for the first few weeks so the bigger the better x
Hehehe, I'm sooo not looking forward to that. I keep reading "you'll look 5 months pregnant for a while"....

My work colleague had a little girl 3 weeks ago, saw her yesterday and she doesn't even look like she's had a baby - straight back in her size 10 clothes!! Cow ;-) haha xx

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