~***September Mummies***~

I've no idea. I didn't want to seem rude and ask. I think it's a fab idea. I love that you even get a choccy if you go over!
Hi ladies hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

I seriously overestimated myself for my London trip, I've struggled so much :-( my pelvis is sore my hips are sore my feet are sore, I've got serious cankles going on and feel incredibly emotional!
Moaning aside my mum had a great time and was so nice to be able to surprise her at the train station. The show was incredible too, we saw sound of music in the open air theatre at regents park and it was worth every penny! It was incredible. I would highly recommend it to anyone I can't praise it enough.

In other news TMI alert........ I think I'm starting to lose my plug, I've had some very large jelly like things going on over the weekend, much clearer than usual discharge. No blood or anything but I've read it's not always bloody? I also had some pretty awful Braxton hicks, at one point they were about 6 mins apart lasting about 30 seconds but stopped after about an hour. I think I've just over done it and disturbed things which has caused a bit of irritation.
I plan on doing nothing tomorrow! Just glad to be home again.

Sorry for the massive long post haha xx
Halyian the sound of music sounds fab- my mum would love that! It's hard to recognise that at this stage you can't rush around like before- u am feeling useless at the moment!
Dies sound like your plug! Just take it easy it's not quite time yet!!
Awww Hayley, pleased you had such a good time, shame about the side effects. Stay in bed as log as you an tomorrow and do as little as you possibly can :-)

Plug sounds promising! I think it's *more* promising when it's got blood in it, but shows something's going on down there.

I had a really disgusting discharge moment today that noone wants to read about (but ill tell you anyway), as I was changing this morning, it was literally like my downstairs sneezed, and I got 2 (pretty small) globs of discharge just fall out.... Disgusting!!!
Pregnancy discharge is disgusting! I can't wait to be back to normal once this baby is born, bleeding has finished etc. Get me back on that pill immediately haha x
Hi Haylian! Glad you had a great time, like everyone said though - it is time to put your feet up today and treat yourself to a day in front of the goggle box with some "good" ;-) food!

It cracks me up us with our dischrage. Sneezing and having the flu down there! Oh the joys! Where would we be without this forum to discuss this on. I would be going out my brain with worry if it wasnt for you guys comforting me that this is all completely normal. :lol:

Wishing everyone a great week!!!!
Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Have you all seen, looks like pregnot is going to be first Sept mummy too have her baby! How exciting! Hope everything is ok and we can see little photos soon xxx
Isn't being pregnant so dignifying! Not had any more pains or jelly stuff so far which I'm quite relieved about cause I'm not quite ready for her yet :-) few more weeks please little girl!

I feel so excited for pregnot but she's really been through it hasn't she bless her! Hope everything is going ok for her and there's not too many complications, wonder how big baby will be :-) xx
Talking of discharge, as you do lol, I had so much this morning that for a minute I actually thought my waters had gone! The joys of pregnancy indeed!

Had the mw this morning. All is well. Baby hasn't started engaging yet not that that means a lot! Next appt is in two weeks, scary to think she could actually come before then!

Just had to catch up on pregnot's thread, bless her, can't believe she could be having the first September baby today. Hope they are both ok.

I've just rang my mw as I've started with really awful pains in my back again, been going on for an hour or so now, timed them for the last 45 minutes and they're 6-7 mins apart and lasting about 35 seconds. She said to keep an eye on the times etc as may need to go get checked! I hope it's nothing but Braxton hicks I'm not ready yet lol.

My blood pressure had come down at mw this morning so that's one less thing to worry about for now. Then had aqua natal and now I'm shattered! Might have to squeeze a nap in today, the joys of being pregnant!

Hope pregnot is ok, can't believe she'll be the first September mummy. So many August mummies have had their babies over the last few days it'll be us next! Ahhhh
Glad your BP has come down, good that it won't be on your mind now :-)

Oh it's a shame she's not had a proper labour thread :-( can't wait for an update xx
Im def nesting. Id seen some ikea stuff I wanted and fed up waiting for oh to get it so went myself. Lifted 4 flat pack chest of drawers. No one offered to help. Got to till and one of the plastic tubs id got had a crack. Couldnt be arsed to.go back so gotta get a new one another time. Took to my car. Everyone watched as I struggled to lift in by myself. 1 nice man lifted the last one for me. Im now at home in bed as feel broken and achy!!! All the stuffs in the car. Im 3rd floor no lift so I sooo not bringing that stuff up!!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
How's the pains doing now Hayley? Hope it's just a practise for you!! Lucky that we're so close to Sept now that any early babies won't be *too* early. Hope pregnots coping ok with everything.

People suck sometimes constantstar, I'd be really upset I think if NOONE offered to help me!!! Not surprised your leaving them in the car till later :-)

I've done my last Monday morning for a long while today, can't wait to get this week over with. It's not the getting up early I struggle with, just the time pressure of having to get myself and all the animals etc sorted and then trundle off to sit at my desk ALL day!!!

Sammy cat isn't so good today, he's very alert and mad for his food etc but he's started to fall over again/miss when he's jumping on stuff :-( only half way through his antibiotics though so will wait and see till next week!!
Pains still coming but not getting any longer or closer so hopefully just a practice.

I've lost all faith in humanity these last couple of months, people are just so rude!

Hope Sammy starts to pick up soon Tigger, it's good that he's not off his food etc so hopefully it's nothing too bad.

Hopefully this week will go super fast for you so you can relax on Maternity leave before baby arrives :-) x
Hope the pains have gone Haylian?


My mum gave me this earlier so enjoying eating it tonight!! I feel so hungry but can only eat tiny amounts at the moment. Move down baby, I want more room in my tummy!! Mw said baby is right in the brim but not engaged at all yet
Awe thats soo sweet! ! ( and looks yummy!)
Ive got my consultant appoint tommo. Lets hope baby in right place or I rexkon he will say c section :/ she was at 34 midwife appoint. Fingers crossed ! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Ah bless your mum for giving you that, it looks lovely.

Fingers crossed baby is still in same place constantstar and no section is required.

My pains have stopped again but they got really bad earlier. I hate not knowing what's going on, my tummy still keeps going really tight still and baby is all in bottom of my belly not at the top at all. God knows what's happening. Glad I've got mw apt tomorrow so can talk to her about what's happening xx
Morning all. Wierdly I didnt have heartburn at all last night?@ ive had it for weeks and weeks and weeks! Last night, nothing and went wee loads like 7 times. Making me wonder if theres a slim chsnce with all that Carrying and moving in ikea she has moved down a bit?! Im sure il find out later xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

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