~***September Mummies***~

Ahhh that's so amazing Hayley, do mine next?! I need an interior designer ;-) xx
I was lucky really cause I told hubby what I wanted and he's done such a great job doing everything bless him x
Heartburn/ acid reflux :/ just wannnnnnna sleeeeep x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Terrible nights sleep and ds been up half hour already! Yawn. Still have heartburn and feel sick. Oh the joys!!
Midwife later at 9.30 will be interest to see what she thinks about position of baby etc xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I was up in the night too :-( pelvic pain is so bad at the minute and my hips I just can't get comfy!

What position was baby at last apt constantstar? X
When I had my private scan which was after my last midwife ( at about 28 1/2 weeks) they said head down but facing right ( sideways) which worries me as thats how ds got stuck in the end I think! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Oh right, I've never heard of that before, I've heard back to back etc but not sideways.mfinbers crossed lo has moved round and is in the right position. There's no staking the bum that keeps poking out of my belly haha x
Yeah thats how he got stuck was back to back but turned half way round last time during labour!! And when the man scanned me and told me that I was like great!! She had 6 weeks to shift tho lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Baby still has plenty of time - don't they say they can go from sideways to the correct position during labour? Hopefully won't be a repeat of last time :-)

I slept ace last night, until I had a dream a rat ran over me. And at the exact same time, the cat ran over me. Waking me up with a squeal (from my own mouth, rather than the rat cat!)!!!!
I'm jealous of your sleep Tigger even if you did have a rude awaking :-(

I'm 100% delighted with the cooler weather, even if it means I can't hang my washing out because its raining.
I'm also getting sky installed today, sounds silly to be excited about it but I hate virgin tv soooooo much I can't wait to have some fully functioning tv again haha.
Happy 1st day of maternity to me :-) xx
Had my 34 week midwife. Found something in ny urine that means I have to drink more water. Nor sure what it was. Baby is head down but free. Not engaged at all! Prob why heartburn so terrible at the moment!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Glad all was ok and baby is head down, did she say if she'd turned? X
No she couldn't say xz

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Head downs good, she may not engage till labour being your second? Haha Hayley, your alright because YOU didn't have to go to work today... Boooooo to working!! 7 working days left, can't wait!!!

Had my final cardiologist appt, they're happy and don't want to see me again, told me to just tell my midwife that if I need it in labour to call them and they will bring me medicine - is that not fairly obvious anyway!! Haha!!

I have pigs trotters for feet again - sitting at my desk/in the car all day is really making my ankles swell. I'm hoping that's the reason for my 9lb weight gain over the last 3 weeks :-/
Good baby is head down and hopefully will have turned the right way sideways. At my 31 weeks appointment my midwife said she was very to my right side and facing sideways and suggested rolling on my ball so brought one and got it today :) I sat on floor over ball and rocked and she moved and when got up bum was sticking out to left! Needless to say she did move right back to right after about ten minutes. Don't think we ever know where they are when they come out till the during labour, little fidgets :)

it was my first day maternity too, (got 5 weeks hol first to take) and actually wasn't bored! Spent day with my mum and went to get photo for renewing driving license, perfect timing, spots, fat face and non-dyed hair, I look gorgeous! haha. Think everytime I have to show anyone my license I will have to tell them I was heavily pregnant at the time!

Hope all you girls had nice day :) xx
Aw bless yay on starting maternity leave! I hate my piccy atm lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Had our tour of the labour ward tonight. It's made me sooo excited to meet our baby, can't believe that the next tour is in a month and we could be in there having our baby by then! The rooms were huge and all en suite and all the rooms on the post natal ward were single too so no sharing with other crying babies. I can't believe we'll be going there so soon to have our baby...so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time!
Not long left Tigger, 7 days will fly by although I know it doesn't feel that way.
I'm having a day in bed tomorrow as I have nothing to get up for :-) I say that but I'll be up by 9 I'm sure haha.


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