~***September Mummies***~

Our babies are due next month girls!!

Thats so exciting :) and I start my mat leave today yay! Have a months annual leave bolted on to the beginning :) am feeling relieved as temperatures are beginning to rise again! And I couldnt find anything to wear to work, my clothing options are running out, I just want to stick my summer dress on but am not allowed to wear kt to work, sat in front of the wardrobe today balling I can't find anything to wear! Think oh will be getting fd up of me lOl
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OMG next month!! Some of us may even go this month eeeeeek!!
I was daydreaming last night about having my baby asleep on me and could see a picture clesr as day in my head with oh and her, I'm getting totally excited now.

Hope you're feeling better today Bev, I feel terrible. My hips and pelvis are so sore and has kept me up most of the night so I'm also shattered. Penultimate day at work day, tissues at the ready tomorrow cause I know I'm going to cry haha.

My hips are killing too, especially in the night. It hurts to lie on either side too long because of it and I can't lie on my back so I'm sleeping really badly and constantly shuffling! Aghhhh not sure I can take another potential 8 weeks of this...really hoping baby isn't late! x
Opened my buggy to check it's all there ; ) so im happy looks good easy to push happy happy better put it away now!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13


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roll on september lol i cant wait!
My hips are killing too, especially in the night. It hurts to lie on either side too long because of it and I can't lie on my back so I'm sleeping really badly and constantly shuffling! Aghhhh not sure I can take another potential 8 weeks of this...really hoping baby isn't late! x

Exactly like me, keeps waking me up with that horrible dull ache :-( x
Hi I'm for team yellow. Due 20th September!! So close now :-D

Added you Hun :) xxx

Our babies are due next month girls!!

Eeek! I'm so excited, can't wait to meet my little girl! Although a lot of my family seem to think she's going to be an August baby and I've always had a feeling she's going to be a bit early but I'm trying not to think that too much because it will make it even harder if I end up going overdue!

I am really struggling with the heat today :-( haven't been too bad up until now but it's the hottest it's been so far here today and I don't feel too great! Lazy evening in front of the fan for me I think xxx
EEEEEEEHHHHHKKKKKK!!! Next month - OMG! That is really mind blowing! Such a strange thought that we are going to really be real live mums soon holding our bubbas and not just theortically talking all about it! :shock::lol:

I am soo exhausted today too and the weather for the weekend (what a surprise) blinkin 38° AGAIN - this is not funny any more! :mad: Could cry but I just dont have the energy anymore!!!!! Right now I would pay alot of money to fly to the north pole and roll in some snow!!! :shock:
I keep daydreaming about having my little girl in my arms, feel like I've waited sooooo long!

Last day at work tomorrow, I'm feeling so emotional about it, I know I'm gonna cry big time :-( but I am ready now cause I'm shattered xx
Aww 5element, 38 degrees that's ridiculous. It was 32 here today at 5 o clock and that's bad enough!

Hayley I hope your last day goes well and without too many tears! I also keep daydreaming about having my little girl in my arms and trying to imagine what she looks like and imagine her in all her little clothes :-) xxx
I know, I've always visioned a little blonde girl like me but now I've started to think she'll have dark hair like oh xx
I'm imagining dark hair too most of the time although DS was very fair as a baby so sometimes I wonder if she'll take after him.

I'm being very naughty tonight, I've got a big bag of giant chocolate buttons and they are disappearing fast :oooo: pretty sure I've sweated out the equivalent calories with the heat today though so that makes it ok right??

Yes that makes it fine! That's how I'm justifying my chocolate intake too :-) I hope it cools down again soon I can't stand the hot sweaty mess I am! Got my mums 50th birthday party on Saturday night which I'm dreading cause I know I'll be soooooo hot, but then I've got my baby shower on Sunday which I'm so excited about xx
Hehe glad I'm not the only one! They've all gone now and I'm feeling rather stuffed, oops!

I think it's supposed to be a bit cooler at the weekend so hopefully you'll survive the party! And baby shower sounds super fun, I kept saying to OH and my mum that I'd like one but they didn't take the hint lol and I can't be bothered to organise it myself! Xxx
Sorry about the heat girls, we've been really lucky in the west - cloud cover all day and no higher than maybe 21/22?!

Aww images of hair colours.... :-) both OH and I have dark brown hair, but we were both bleach blonde till about 10 so wondering if that's how this one will be!!

About to go pack my weekend bag now and get an early night ready to go to London after work tomorrow! It's about a 5hr-5hr30min drive which is really uh oh... But I'm sure ill cope (ie get OH to drive and sleep!!! Hehe!!) xx
Its roasting here on the south coast I want the cool air back... was enjoying actually getting some sleep xx

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I've just made caramel so well and truly melting now! Tigger make sure you get lots of pics to show us of your gorgeous nephew :-) hope you have a lovely time with them all xx
Its roasting here on the south coast I want the cool air back... was enjoying actually getting some sleep xx

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Me too! Managed 2 nights in a row of decent sleep, doubt I'll get that tonight. Thank God for fans xx
Ah my friend had her baby yest! Emergency c section and she was almost 2 weeks overdue and at the sweep they realised baby was breech! Eek my turn next!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Sounds a bit scary constantstar! My mums making me have my 38 week check at the surgery because last midwife I saw said baby was breech, mum disagrees, but she's concerned because its me that she might be wrong! Even though she's sure she's not!!

Is it cooler for everyone today? Warmed up a bit here because we haven't got the cloud cover we had all day yesterday! Don't mind though, I'm indoors and its not unbearable!

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