~***September Mummies***~

It's boiling here but really windy which is sooo nice, have a breeze coming through the house which makes it so much more bearable.

How odd that your mum and other mw disagree, just goes to show that it's never 100%
Oh I so wish I had a nice breeze! It's boiling here again today.

Last day at work done, feeling very emotional but didn't cry...... Shocker! Got to get used to no work now before lil miss arrives, I'm sure it won't take long :-) xx
Oh I so wish I had a nice breeze! It's boiling here again today.

Last day at work done, feeling very emotional but didn't cry...... Shocker! Got to get used to no work now before lil miss arrives, I'm sure it won't take long :-) xx

Bet come Sunday you'll wonder how you ever managed to fit work in ;-) xx
By the way girls, for anyone on my Facebook I'd be really grateful that no-one mention my trip to London this weekend! Jim's grandma hasn't been allowed to see Thomas, no-one has really (except grandparents), and they're bending the rules for us to be able to so have to keep it a bit hush hush!!

(I know it's very unlikely anyone would have reason to say, but as a "just in case" thought I'd mention!!)
Lips are sealed Tigger :-)

God I'm so warm again tonight! We've had a massive thunder storm too and it's still boiling. Starting to feel like a broken record now. Xx
Wow ive just seen an april thread in first tri! Wow!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
We'll have 7 month old babies by then!!! Scary.

I've had the worst hip pain all night and this morning I'm in agony, I just can't get comfortable on either side in the night and its not comfy on my back either :-(
Beesmall have you got a pregnancy cushion? Or tried sleeping with a normal cushion between your knees? I had one given to me and honeslty dont know how I'd sleep without it now. Problem comes in the night when I turn over and have to take this six foot over stuffed draught excluder with me without waking OH up!
Tigger - how did your trip go? did you get to hold your nephew?
Cant believe that there is an April thread, I dont want to wish this year away so think I will be avoiding that one!
Something strange going on here today, my mum and family are up to something, secret phone calls and my children have been taken off my hands today rather unexpectedly - mum has bought me a new dress and told me to be ready for quarter to twelve! Whats going on?? :) WIll update later!
Ah exciting Ellie! Let us know :-)

I've tried sleeping with so many different pillows but my hips still ache so badly when I lie on my side, not really sure what to try next. It's got the stage where I dread bedtimes because I know I'll never get comfy. Once I walk around a bit in the morning the stiffness goes and I can walk properly but when I first stand up its agony. Feeling sorry for myself this morning but hubby's gone to make my breakfast, bless him
Oh bless you :( sounds miserable :( dont forget if you arent allergic and you need to you can take paracetamol, maybe worth doing that before you go to bed so that you can get a few hours initially? Sounds a bit like SPD, have you got a support belt? Or maybe could you be referred for physio? I used to get a lot of sciatica and it drove me insane. I hope it resolves for you soon.
Going to ask the midwife this week when I are her so hopefully she can suggest something :-)

Here is a piccie of my breakfast, bloody love my husband sometimes haha

Looks yummy!!

Really random but does anyone feel like they r being crushed from inside lol honestly sometimes it doesn't matter how i stand or lie down feels like baby is literally squashing me!! Im trying to have a kip atm and cant get comfy as feels like she is lying on my lungs and cant breathe ! :/

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Yeah i feel like that sometimes, you only feel comfortable if standing up straight or feels like so squished in there!

Random question, am starting to wash all little ones clothes, are any of you ironing them as well? My mum thinks i should but my sister said she didn't as waste of time and will never have time when they are here to keep up with the ironing. Just worried how creased they are going to get in the hospital bag as just put babys stuff in her bag for hospital and seems very tight in there so if I iron them now they will get creased anyway! xx
I was going to iron but luckily they came out pretty much crease free :-) x
Depends, if I put on drying rack often doesn't need ironing. If they creased it would annoy me so id iron them lol hosp bag stuff will prob end up a bit creased lol
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I don't tend to bother ironing baby stuff, I find most of it especially the sleepsuits and vests come out pretty much crease free anyway. I just iron the odd bit if it looks too creased. From experience sometimes they get through so many clothes in a day that there's no way I could be bothered or have time to iron it all!

How has everyone's day been? We mostly had a good day - yummy picnic in the park :-) but my lil man got stung by a bee :-( bless him, felt so guilty not that we could've done much as I didn't even see the bee, just saw the stinger bit in his arm. Luckily he seems fine and it's gone right down now.

I hope all the clothes aren't creased but if the rain continues (which I hope it does as its cool) then I'll be putting them in our stand up dryer so shouldn't need ironing anyway hopefully.

Had my baby shower today and it was so much fun and got sooooo many gifts I was totally overwhelmed :-) I feel so blessed and lucky today. And to top it off we've finally got the nursery finished.... What you think to it? Xx


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Aww its lovely :)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

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