~***September Mummies***~

I had a warm hot water bottle on my hip earlier because I was in so much pain. I filled it from the kitchen tap and it was warm but not hot by any means. I had a cotton dress on so just put it on top of the dress for about half an hour. Looked in the mirror over an hour later and I had an awful bright red blotchy rash all over my hip and side of my bump where the hot water bottle had been. Has anyone has this?! It's gone now but seems so odd, particularly because I had it on such a short time and it wasn't even very hot!
Sounds a little odd beesmall, I've not had that but maybe you just have extra sensitive skin at the moment??? Xx
Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone is (in general!) doing well! Not been on here much but today I feel much happier. Only 2 more days of this extreme heat (OK tomorrow is supposed to bust all records again) THEN IT IS OVER for the forseeable future!:dance::dance:

I can cooooooooooollllll down and get stuff done again. It will be so nice to just waddle around, maybe meet up with a few friends and get the last bits done which seem so huge at the moment. I cant even go out at the moment.

YIPPPEEEEE!! An end to 5Elements moaning and groaning about the heat and on to interesting things - hiccups, bh, movements and that we are sooooo close ladies!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I get that every time I use a hot water bottle Beesmall so I wouldn't worry. I do have sensitive skin tho so maybe Tigger is onto something there.

5Element I'm so pleased you won't have to go much longer in the heat and you can get a bit more comfortable in the cooler weather. I've enjoyed the cooler weather so much and it's made such a difference.

Got my aunties and my nan coming over later to see the nursery, sounds silly but I'm quite nervous cause they're sooooo judgemental and me n hubby have worked so hard to get it right that if they say anything negative I'll flip out haha.

Thanks Haylian! It will be WONDERFUL!! :-)

Know that feeling well, we have it with the IL's! I just ignore them now - though they dont make it easy. There has to be some sort of comment on everything we do.

We are keeping wee mans name a secret till the birth and the comments on this has been hilarous! We are not allowed to call him George as they hate this name, so we are doing exactly the opposite and threatening to call him this! His current nickname with them is George now! hihihihihi.

Selective hearing is a wonderful thing!! ;-)
Haha that's brilliant! My nan keeps suggesting names and gets really offended when I say I don't like it, plus we've already picked her name so they need to get used to it :-) xx
I love when other people want input on your child, like its their right!!

Hayley - no criticism can be made, you've done a stunning job!!

I'm in a bad mood with my OH today. He's on a mission to do a thorough clean of the whole house bit by bit... But he can't even sort the dishwasher whilst doing that, so I'm doing the "gentle" cleaning today, but the house is a total pigsty (apart from the unused upstairs cuz he cleaned that yesterday!). I've done the kitchen, having a rest, then ill do the living room, have a rest, and then ill put the 5 loads of washing away that he's done and not touched!!!

Nothing can please me :-D
Hihihihi! MEN!! Our washing machine has just packed up so cant get any more done till the men come to look at it tomorrow! Another couple of hundred Euros up the spout just for them to say - Mrs, you need to press this button! :wall2:
I hate when family feel that they're allowed to have an input. My gran told my mum who told us that she hates the name we've chosen...I wish my mum hadn't told me, it just upset me. It's impossible to find a name that everyone likes so there's no point in even worrying!
Sounds like we're all starting to nest a bit :-) I bottomed our house at the weekend and felt shocking after so just got to keep on top of it now.

I unfortunately have a very opinionated family who feel its their right to say what they want when they want, especially the older ones! They are very loving too and of course I wouldn't give them up for anything but wish they would hush up sometimes :-)

I've just had a toasted bagel with Nutella and strawberries, lush!! Xx
My mum came over yesterday and cleaned my bathroom, looks brand new! Just been swimming for first time since being pregnant and didn't feel any different while in there but when I got out each step just made me heavier and heavier was weirdest feeling. Didn't realise how heavy bump was!

Don't listen haylian to any comments I am sure they won't as your nursery is so gorgeous!! Xx
Is it just me, or do mums do the best cleaning? I sort of can't wait for the baby to come so she does some of my housework because my mums so thorough, haha!!!

Off to the vets in a bit with the kitty cat. He has very little balance so hoping its going to be something quite simple to sort him out, I can't be dealing with the stress of my baby being ill, or even a big vet bill right now on top of everything else!!!
Mums definitely do the best cleaning. My mum does all of our ironing every week and she's sooo thorough, everything is perfect when she's finished whereas I'm soo slap dash and just want to get finished!!

Had the other mums from my NCT class round earlier today, it's nice being able to talk about babies for a few hours without feeling bad and worrying that you're boring people haha
Im off out for a birthday dinner for brother in law. I literally have nothing to wear!! ;/ im living in jeggings and t shirts and eant to look a little bit nicer at the restaurant at least! ! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Mums defo do the best cleaning, my mum is always offering to clean up to give me a rest and I always say no but think I'll change my mind :-) x
I hate having such a limited wardrobe too :-( have you got a maxi dress? I have one stretchy once (it's not maternity) and I wear it everywhere that I need to look a bit smarter! Can't wait to have a full wardrobe again. Hope you find something hun, enjoy your meal
Feel bad mum doing all cleaning but I help as much as I can with my stupid spd. Back to phsyio wed, see if they can help anymore again. Be third time there!

Tigger, how is your cat? Is she very old?

I love my maxi dresses, and maternity leggings :) xx
Tigger, hope your cat is ok! Could just be an ear infection (remember somewhere that that can affect their balance) let us know how it all goes!

I've got nothing to wear either! But then at the mo I am not sticking my nose out of the flat till Friday :-) 30° at last!!!!! End of the complete baby mush brain!

Tonight I have made a cold soup for OH. Watermelon, orange juice and tomato juice. YUMMY! Wheres Umbongo? We need another foodie thread! :lol: (its just not the same if I started one!!!) :whistle:
Another one with nothing to wear here! Even my favourite maternity top is starting to feel a bit small!

5element, so glad it's going to be cooling down for you!


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