~***September Mummies***~

Oh ok. They were nearly £10 in mothercare which seemed a lot for a plastic bowl so will keep an eye out for a bargain, £1.99 is much more reasonable!

Been testing out our baby monitor, hubby has been reliving his youth using it as a walkie talkie haha men!!

Popped in sainsburys today and they had top n tail bowls for £2.99 so a bit more reasonable than £10 if you did want one! Xxx

£10 for a bowl!!! That seems a little expensive!! I've not even thought about things like this. After my exam next week ill start rotting properly sorted!! Baby purchases have to be the best kind!!

Amy - do you find it really easy to pick baby toys? I never have a clue what to get. Luckily we got given 2 bin bags FULL of toys, so have lots of choice!

Here's my beautiful new chair, all set up in the living room so baby can be fed and mummy can watch tv, haha!!

When I was having DS I found it quite easy picking toys because I just bought anything I liked the look of lol but I did go a bit mad buying things for him in general! This time round I'm older and wiser haha so I know so many of the baby toys don't really get played with. Having said that the Lamaze toys always seemed to be a hit and DS had this caterpillar that played loads of different tunes which was a godsend as it used to stop him crying! Other than that the old classics like building blocks and stacking cups are good for when they get a bit older and we have loads of soft picture books too.

That chair is lovely, looks so comfy! I have major chair envy now ;-) xxx
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Love the chair it looks very comfy :) I'm going to order ours this weekend hopefully! Then all we need are the curtains.
We put our wall art up this weekend too, what do you think! I love it :-) xx


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Looks so pretty Hayley!! I'm a bit jealous of all these wall art stickers, they look amazing. Might have to have a little look around...!!! X
Ah you should, you can get some great ones and they're not expensive, I got that from notonthehighsteet x
Love the chair it looks very comfy :) I'm going to order ours this weekend hopefully! Then all we need are the curtains.
We put our wall art up this weekend too, what do you think! I love it :-) xx

Aww that's gorgeous :-) xxx
Thanks girls, I can't stop looking at it :-) x

I was exactly the same when I put our wall art up! Kept going in the room and just looking at it. In fact I spend a lot of time still going into her room just to look around and look through her stuff and imagine when she's here wearing the clothes and sleeping in the cot! Xxx
Thanks girls, I can't stop looking at it :-) x

I was exactly the same when I put our wall art up! Kept going in the room and just looking at it. In fact I spend a lot of time still going into her room just to look around and look through her stuff and imagine when she's here wearing the clothes and sleeping in the cot! Xxx

That's what I do :-) the amount of times I've gone it and looked through all her things, I get so excited! I've told oh today that she's having a good 3/4 Christmas outfits. I'm a bit of a Christmas fanatic so this year will be extra special as I get to dress my baby like a Christmas pudding haha I'm sure she'll appreciate the pics when she's older ;-) xx
Haha one of the first outfits I bought this baby was a little christmas outfit! DS had two little Santa suits he wore over his first christmas, he looked sooo cute! They will be too big for this little one but I'm liking the idea of a christmas pudding outfit haha! Or I might make her into a little reindeer :) xxx
Oh yes she'll be a reindeer too haha and an elf! It's just so cute :-) xx
Aww yeah an elf :-) haha our poor kids! We'll certainly have plenty of pics to use on their 18th ;-) xxx
Indeed we will :-) and to show the boyfriends, although that won't be until they're 30 at least haha x
Hey girls, how's it all going? Anyone a puddle yet? I almost am. Haaaaaaate this heat right now!! It's too prolonged :-(

Love the Christmas outfit ideas :-( I usually dress my pets up and get told how cruel I am, a baby in an outfit isn't considered cruel though is it!!

My friend had a baby last September, they came over a few weeks ago and she had a Christmas babygrow on. Apparently her father inlaw had done the Xmas shopping, had no idea about age, so had bought the baby a 6-9 month instead of a 0-3 month. Hehehe.
Thread jacking here - BEV - how did I miss you have a name picked??!
lol i dunno, you have your eyes closed?
we pick names pretty quickly cos dh cant be bothered once we agree on one thats it over and done with haha, we agree on Poppy, im going with Poppy Isabelle Vaughan so far, he hasnt given an opinion on middle names and i dont think he cares either so unless shes born and it really dosent suit her, or shes a he then thats it haha
I'm defo melting! Just sat in front of the fan as I've had to do my hair tonight for a party/BBQ tomorrow, trying my best to keep up appearances :-) got 3 hour drive down to Essex tomorrow, dreading staying in a hotel in case I'm too hot but taking the fan with me so hopefully I'll be ok.

Bev I love that wall art it's lovely! I'm a bit addicted to it haha x
lol i dunno, you have your eyes closed?
we pick names pretty quickly cos dh cant be bothered once we agree on one thats it over and done with haha, we agree on Poppy, im going with Poppy Isabelle Vaughan so far, he hasnt given an opinion on middle names and i dont think he cares either so unless shes born and it really dosent suit her, or shes a he then thats it haha

Apparently so. Lol. That's a lovely name though. X

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