*** September Mummies and Babies ***

Was Emily easy to burp? Does she often cry during the evening feeds? I only ask because Otto was like that and it ended up being colic. He hated being lay down flat because of it, so we put a blanket under the mattress to raise one end and this settled him right down. Just a thought. Xx

She actually isnt that bad. Its near impossible to get the last bit up cause she konks out. But as soon as you put her in the basket she squeels. Weve tried a pillow below her for comfort... it worked for 2 nights. I thought of colic but when she lies beside us shes lieing flat and there isnt a peep out of her. I think shes going to be very clingy! The carry cot of my pram raises up so im considering trying it tonight. When she cries she fully straightens herself out stiff. Is that a sign? Or could it be something different. Xx
I don't know about the stiffening when put down tbh. I just know we thought Otto wasn't settling without us but it turned out to be colic. However he was difficult to wind and kicked off when put down. Sounds like you've tried what I suggested anyway so I'm probably wrong. :)
I've just sat down, phew what a day. Had a hot shower and cooked myself something healthy and poured a glass of wine. Hopefully get an hour or so before it all kicks off!!
The girls like their new bouncers though...xx
An lovely photos of your girls in the bouncers! Fab idea! Well done so far September mummies! :) very pink too, August was full of boys! Odd isn't it ! X
Oh those bouncers are fab Gillyboos!

I'm going to start making packed lunches for myself and my boys the night before so I can just grab from the fridge and feed baby at same time, Your coke zero breakie/ lunch gilly boos reminded me I did that with my first baby to make sure I ate, might be worth a try for you, i don't think I'd ever eat with two babies and toddler in tow

You poor sept mummies , halfway througth sept and just a few babies popped so far , august mummies kept going early/inductions etc.
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Those bouncers look lovely and roomy Gilly, are they fisher price? X
Cute pics hun the bouncers do look good.

I'm so scared of when hubby goes back to work next week that I'm guna fall apart n that Harry or Summer will b missing out whilst I'm dealing with the other. I know it's silly n we will find our way but it's hard to imagine how I'm guna fit in all the feeding, sterilizing, bath Times, making tea etc as well as entertaining Harry!!

I have same fears Michelle and my baby not even here yet, think it is natural Hun but it is nice that quite a few of us are in same position so can share some good advice on how we work our routines out etc. Try not to worry hun xx
You will get settled into a routine, I just take each day as it comes. It's chaos at the best of times but everyone is fed, clean and played with - that's the most important bit. If you don't do the hoovering or your hair's a mess, so be it. That's my attitude anyway. :) It's only short term in the grand scheme of things.
Dr signed me off so I can drive so drove myself to Otto's hospital appointment. He has been discharged from the surgical team, yay! Seeing his Endo on the 30th so hopefully get some answers.
Bouncers are Fisher Price Curves - only £30 on Argos and far better than Otto's Mamas&Papas one that was more than double that! X
Hi girls!!

I didn't realise this was here till this evening ~ miss you all and can't wait to come on over!!!

Sounds like you are all doing an amazing job with your lovely babies, well done! I am now 40+6 and a bit of a grump, dealing with sore nipples and windy babies sounds like heaven..... Will be taking that back in a weeks time I am sure! Xxx
Thanks ladies u r right we will get into our routine n will prob easier than when hubbies around sometimes lol.

Just a bit scared about starting work again 2nd Nov, it seems so quick now!! Will b worth it tho n best to get into the routine it's guna be.

Hope u r over here soon Tessa.

Those bouncers are lovely! Look really sturdy! Emily has settled now thankfully. Got her a bath and filled her nappy!! Worst one weve had yet lol!

She will be 2 weeks old tomorrow - can i ask how many oz's your babies were taking at this stage?

Im really beginning to panic now about oh going back to work. He starts tomorrow and will be away from 5am til 3pm. I dont know how im going to cope getting everyone ready and up to nursery for 9.

Iv been extremely emotional lately too - i actually sat in the bathroom for 15 minutes just crying... iv no idea why! I know its normal to be emotional after having a baby but should i still be feeling like this? Xx
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My lo is two weeks today mummybee n she's just started taking 4ozs altho sometimes in two goes bless her, she will take 2-3 n then cum back half n hr or so later for the last bit.

I haven't been to emotional this time but with Harry o remember crying alot esp around day 10 n then 14 n I remember thinking why an I crying I am happy!!

This time I don't think I've even cried but I think that's coz I haven't had time lol.

Shes only taking 2oz... mw was out monday and said she wasnt happy to discharge us cause she wasnt happy with her weight. She still isnt up to her birth weight. I cant exactly force her to eat. And she is content after those 2ozs. She has only ever taken 1 3oz bottle and is feeding every 3/4hrs.

Thats ok.. so i am normal haha!! With my lb i only ever cried once on day 3. I was eating my dinner the other night and just started crying. OH turned round and just started laughing. I ended up laughing with him but fully sobbing at the same time. If anyone seen me theyd think i was crazy haha xx
Baby blues are funny, I was the same with Ruby hun. OH came home from going to see his Dad when Ruby was around 3 weeks old and as soon as he walked in I started crying and he goes why are you crying and I said I don't even know! lol x
Summer was inky taking 2 for a long time but then she started to want 3 n now as I Said she will take 4 more often than not. As Long as she is putting the weight on even if it is slowly then that's good. Summer is now 6lb10 the little chunker has a good appetite takes after her dad lol.

Oh yeah, I've had a couple of episodes of crying through tiredness and frustration I think. I don't cry at much so this last week has been different and I think the BF panicked a bit.

We had to stay in hospital over night for a sunbed session for jaundice but got home this evening as his results were good and back to normal. I'm still expressing and using formula, taking it a day at the time with the feeding but I'm still only producing less then half of what he's having a day, but at least he's getting some of the goodness x
Got a question which is a bit tmi, after a vaginal delivery, does anyone find themselves needing to go very urgently when they need a poo? Is this normal? x
Not sure on that one as I was on a massive dose of iron after Ruby so was constipated badly and would cry when I had to poo! Was terrified my episiotomy stitches would burst! x
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