*** September Mummies and Babies ***

Sometimes it can b urgent but mostly I was scared at first like h altho not constipated but it was all fine n has been ever since.

Hv was out yesterday. She said she could be feeding less because she may have thrush in her mouth. She noticed a slight white coating on her tongue and suggested i got something to catch it now before it gets worse. Shes slowly but surely putting on weight and is now just 50g under her birth weight. Waiting on mw now dont know if she will weigh her or not but hopefully this will be her last visit. Hv was also asking how i was etc and i broke down into tears. She thinks i may be showing signs of pnd but cant say for definate so is going to call back next week and see how i am as it could still just be the hormones. She was sooo supportive and lovely tho i felt really at ease talking to her. Hearing that Michelle was weepy still around this time make me feel more positive it hopefully isnt anything more than hormones.

Glad to hear everythings good now purple. Like you said atleast he is getting something.. i braved sleeping with no bra on last night thinking id dried up.... but no. My left boob is still leaking!!
As for pooping i feel like i cant hold it. Especially the first week. The second one i done after birth i literally just made it to the toilet. Its was awful. Before o gave birth to my lb my friend told me the first on after was like giving birth all over again it was that painful... i was terrified to go but it was absolutely fine. I was also petrified of bursting my stitches xx
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Glad you was the same MummyBee in regards to the pooing situation, I thought I was going to have an accident. We had our first venture out today to the supermarket and the grandparents but was a bit worried about being too far away from a toilet. Can't believe the battering our bodies go through to bring our little amazing bundles into the world x
Hi Kelly! :)
I didn't have the toilet issues after last time but I did have problems with my coccyx, couldn't sit on it for weeks and then even now if I sit in something hard it aches. It had been stretched and pushed out of position during birth. No one warned me about that.
Went shopping yesterday and been in agony with my section scar since. Feels like it's tearing open but it's not, it's making me limp it's so sore. Really fed up as its been no trouble recently and I've been signed off as fit to drive, feel like I'm back at square one. X
I remember with my son I ended up with piles after birth and that was painful. Luckily not this time, but bowel movements are still a little uncomfortable.
I actually don't feel as sore at all as I did after my son, I think I had a little tear both times but the first time in a worse place.

Gilly, I hope you feel better again very soon. Must have just spent too long shopping!I did see it seemed like a long day for you x

I just got to day 5 and my blood loss is really dying Down to the point it may stop completely soon, but my boobs are leaking way too much!
I did 4 breast feeds only but my boobs are literally soaking through pads and bra and clothes! Anyone know how long until they will dry up?

Also, what are your views on bouncy chairs? Midwife said we can't use one! I will be using it though x
Hi Ladies! Glad to be over here finally! :D

Not had chance to catch up properly yet as only been home since 6 so will check what everyone has been upto tomorrow once I am feeling up to it :)

I am terrified of going for a poo - I only got 2 very small tears this time and felt great after birth not sore at all until the last few hours and now everything feels really sore. Can tell I need to poo soon but not looking forward to it even though my stitches are internal vaginal stitches and one tiny tear to the side and that is it. Feels like perineum is burning at mo just because of pressure from need a poo never mind actually doing one! Going to have a soak in bath with lavendar oil in a bit and hope it helps with the soreness :)

My wee issues seem to of sorted themselves out. After having baby I couldn't tell I need a wee until I started actually wetting myself and couldn't stop it! They asked me to do a urine sample after birth and as soon as I stood up I did a wee on the spot on the floor! Woops! I have got full control back now though, so assuming it was just to do with birth trauma! I have a physio referral anyway just incase :)

Kelly why were you told not to use a bouncy chair?! That is odd! Bouncy chair was a godsend with Ruby, would of been lost without it! After seeing the awesome bouncy chair Gilly bought the other day I went out and got the same one on way home from hospital and can't wait to set it up tomorrow! :D x
So nice to see u over here ladies.

I have had on/off bleeding to the point I thought it had stopped yesterday n then back again today. Boobs Still nit stopped leaking now but has slowed down a lot.

Can't understand why u Can't use a bouncy chair I will b using mine. Hv came round the other day n saw the chair here n didn't say anything.

My first poo was am ordeal but I think it's coz I was so nervous but all was fine. I never had any probs with weeing but my butt hurs even now I don't know what it is I've done to it but if I sit to long it hurts so much.

hope we all heal n get our bodies back to some sort of normal soon!!!

Yeah I definitely feel as though my body has been battered in a lot of areas although worth it when I look at my monkey x
Opinions ladies - would you wake baby for a feed in night or wait until they cry? Danny had last feed at 11 and stirred at 3.30 but as soon as I picked him up he gone back to sleep! Shall I let him sleep or wake him up and feed him? Never had this dilemma with Ruby as she woke every 3 hours in dot screaming for milk lol x
I've just been feeding on demand and we seem to have fallen into a pattern but obv I'm a ftm and this is my only experience x
Why did the mw say you can't use bouncy chairs, Kelly? My HV suggested them for feeding the girls at the same time!
It was a long day, was ready to leave at 5.30 but then Otto wanted to eat, then the girls, took me until 8 to get everyone fed before driving home! Definitely need to take more snacks etc! People kept stopping to look and then talk about the twins, seems everyone knows someone with twins! It's crazy, I don't think I've ever spoken to so many strangers.
How are all our babies getting on? I need to update the front page with dates and weights! Let me know your details and I'll do it. :) xxx
Helen, I still am bit scared of opening my bowels. I didn't have any stitches and feel much better than I did with my son, but it just feels weird at the moment like I'll break something!
Glad you are recovering wee wise. Which reminds me I really should do my pelvic floor. I never did it with my son!
I have no idea. I will be using it. My son loved his and she didn't give a valid reason not to use it either? I just wondered whether it was a new rule they introduced or something.

Michelle, I'm leaking way too much. I put towels in my top yesterday and still even soaked through them. It's really depressing :(

Gilly is a little annoying having so many people talk or not too bad? When we went shopping, people kept looking in the pram (luckily only 2 strangers stopped us) but I found it the same with my son. Everyone looks and some ask lots of questions x
Danny was born 18th September 9lb 4.5oz
Good to see more of you join us :):)

Emily was 8lb

The rules are getting ridiculous now! There is no way you could bring up a baby if you were to go totally 'by the book' fair play to who ever has but jesus theyre getting stricter!
My hv told me the other day baby must stay in a room with us until 6 months... as much as id like her to stay in with us that long its just not possible. She will most likely be grown out of her basket by 3 months and have to go into the cot. Theres no room for a cot in our room! Also told you shouldnt cosleep, let baby sleep on the sofa or your shoulder. Soon enough we arent going to be allowed to look at or touch our babies fgs!

Kelly mine are still leaking. Iv never had much tho. I went a full day with the same pads on and only had a leak the size of a 10p! My left is worse than my right. I hadnt leaked from my right in 2 days and last night i had a few drops out of it. I wish itd hurry up and bugger off! I think its annoying me more because its so little. I was the same as you with my son tho i soaked through layers it was awful!
Try wearing a tight bra and put cold cabbage leaves in them also i recently heard sudafed helps cut the supply... not sure if it actually does but i think il try this one myself! Anything to get rid haha!
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How many more Sept babies are we waiting on? I can't keep up now x
I found the whole 6 months in your room thing a bit much. My son was in his own room at 6 weeks. We will probably keep this baby in our room slightly longer due to only living in a 2 bed. I do agree with no cosleeping though. I am totally against that but it's really up to the parent where their baby sleeps! X
I think ill try the cabbage leaves. Leaking today, day 6, is no better than other days! Flannels in my bra!
Mind if I join you? Our baby boy was born on 15th September and is now 6 days old - can't believe this time last week was my last night at home before being admitted for induction and now I'm sat cuddling my baby watching downton! ��
Two weeks for me Kelly n I finally thought they had stooped leaking as nothing on pads all day but nope leaked on to my pj top as I decided to go without my bra in bed!! Bloody boobs!!


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