*** September Mummies and Babies ***

Just seeing this thread! How exciting. Hopefully it wont be long filling up! Thanks for adding me :)
Im not breastfeeding so i dont have any advice unfortunately... i did do the first feed and was tild to keep my nipples well creamed up. She didnt latch well and was getting so frustrated so i ended up going to bottle. I know theres something you can take to increase the supply but i am clueless as to what its called. Definately ask the mw. She would probably know!

Glad to hear all the babies are doing well. You definately have your hands full gilly. Just make sure you take the time to look after yourself, you dont want to make youself ill. I know its easier said than done lol

My boobs dont hurt any more. They were only really painful for about 2days. Theyre still leaking but theyve deflated lol. I miss them already (not the pain) haha i cant wait to be able to take my bra off in bed now tho i thought i wouldve dried up by now! Xx
Mine aren't painful anymore but still leaking too with Harry it all dried up quick but this time it's a lot longer!! Hope it dries up soon I'm running out of breast pads n I don't want to buy more!!

Thanks for the advice ladies, I'll keep an eye on the nappies. My supply seems to be ok at the moment (touch wood) and I've got fenugreek to take if needed. The throbbing pain of the boobs has eased a bit now just need to sort my nipples out. Not willing to give up yet, just need some reassurance sometimes I think as its all new. Midwife is coming tomorrow for his day 5 check so that'll be good to check. Managed to wash my hair and get a bit of make up on today so feeling good x
Mine are no were near as bad as they were first time around. With my son i was in agony for days & i leaked like mad i constantly had to change my pads! I bought some more last weekend and only opened them last night. Im lucky if theres a patch the size of a 10p on them! my SIL is pregnant so anything i dont use will be passed to her & not wasted xx
I feel like I've had a bad day because my nipples are so sore, dreading feeding him which is annoying me because I love the bonding and closeness of it. I'm thinking my next step is nipple shields before thinking about expressing, etc. Anyone used nipple shields? Recommendations/tips? Send the OH out for some first thing x
So I forgot about checking in here! Sorry girls!

We used infacol with my son but we ended up having to walk around with him over our shoulder to get his wind up, nothing else worked.

To increase supply I was told to let baby feed as often as they wanted (or to express in between feeds), drink fennel tea and use a hot water bottle to keep my breasts warm. Sadly none worked for me but I do know people that they have been successful for.

The girls are a month old today!!!!!!!!!! Starting to try and establish a routine that fits around Otto's routine but it's a bit of a mind boggle!! Usually he has dinner at 5, bath at 6, then cuddle, story/In the Night Garden, bed for 7, so I'm trying to work out where to fit the girls' baths in without upsetting his routine, xx
Can't believe they are a month old already Gilly! Wow, time really does fly!!!!!

Otto's routine is pretty much identical to Ruby's by sound of it, the only difference is I get her to bed by 7.30 so will be interested to hear how you slot his and the twins routines together :D as I been wondering how on earth I will do that myself when time comes :) xx
Oh purple i feel for you. Id definately consider something else for a few days till they heal a bit. You dont want them getting any worse. Even do just one feed yourself so he doesnt get fully attached to the bottle. (If you can manage it obviously)

Wow gilly.. where has that month went!!! I tried Emily on a bit of infacol last night and omg the faces she pulled!!! OH and i were crying with laughter!!! Shes normally good at bringing her wind up. Its just after the last bit of bottle is a struggle.
When im burping her i will have her on my knee and bend her top half back and forward then round in a circle trying to keep her top half straight. It helps work the wind up. Worked brilliant with my LB and so far so good with Emily. Xx
So...nose wax...is this a thing? Merryn is blessed with my flat nose and she is a snuffly baby, anyway I noticed what looked like a bogey so pulled it down with a corner of muslin, it didn't seem to be a bogey but what looks like yellow ear wax. Normal???
Sounds like Harry's routine is the same as ruby n ottos!! I'm not sure how I will fit summer into yet either but fit in she will have to!!!

Not sure on the nose wax never heard of that gilly, can't believe it's been a month today time is going so fast!!

Once the girls can sit in bath seats it will be easier! It's bathing all 3 at a similar time that's tricky. X
Wow, last night was hard. The girls were waking up at different times, no sooner was I asleep and the other one was waking up. It's chucking it down here so Otto is like a caged animal as usually he's outside playing. So I have 3 tired, grumpy children and I've not even washed my face today! Regretting saying how well I was coping now haha! Xx
Sorry you had a rough night Gilly, hopefully tonight will be easier for you and they all have a lovely big nap at same time later so you can get some sleep xxx
I had a rough night too gilly summer had me up every 1.5hrs so it did feel like I had just dropped off n was waking again!! It's horrid here to n Harry has a cold so he's grumpy n emotional but we did manage to get him out for a quick walk n jump in the puddles which he promptly feel over in n was soaked!! He's in bed now for a nap n my fx that summer will sleep now too so I can tidy up a bit.

Got the dentist at 2 as well lucky me!!!

Urgh to the dentist, I have to psych myself up for days before I go. I haven't ever had a filling or more than a scale and polish but I hate it! Hope it goes ok.

I'm having a f**k the cleaning day, I'm still not dressed and managed a can of Coke Zero as breakfast and lunch combined. Today's a fail.

I'm having a bloody nightmare with the girls at the mo, during the day they both want feeding at the exact same time but my arms are too short to do it the way Mark does, I've tried sitting on the floor with the soles of my feet together and resting them in my knee creases but it hurt my scar and I got cramp. Had them both on my v cushion but now they wriggle that's not working. Been on Google and think my best bet is bouncers, just ordered 2 from Argos and told Mark to pick them up after work. Can they sleep in them during the day? They're growing out of the moses basket so I want to get rid to make room for the bouncers! xx
Ruby used to take loads of naps in her bouncer hun, she would nap better and for longer in that than in her basket! Was a god send! xx
We arent having much luck lately ladies! Emily squeeled the place down last night. She was fed burped and changed but still no settling her. I think she hates her basket. Everytime we lay her in it she cries. She ended up in between us last night but i dont want her getting used to it. Oh is a geavy sleeper and i worry he will roll onto her. I dont really want her in the cot yet i couldnt cope with her being in a different room but theres no room in our bedroom. Itd be a squeeze. Im at a loss as to what to do! We have a little rocking seat that lies down but not fully flat.... she will happily sleep in it during the day and i considered putting her in it at night but surely she needs time to stretch out flat?

OH went on a cleaning spree yesterday so luckily i dont need to worry today i can just chill. Had the midwife out today and she wont discharge is as Enily isnt back up to her birth weight. HV on thursday & MW back on friday so fx she will have put on those last few oz's

Gilly i really dont know how you do it... thte way Emily is atm i can only imagine what its like with two. I cant wait to get into a routine!! I definately think bouncers would be your best option.

Im weird... i like the dentist LOL i probably wouldnt be saying this if i had a mouthful of fillings.. luckily iv none!

Heres hoping our kiddies sleep tonight for us!
Was Emily easy to burp? Does she often cry during the evening feeds? I only ask because Otto was like that and it ended up being colic. He hated being lay down flat because of it, so we put a blanket under the mattress to raise one end and this settled him right down. Just a thought. Xx
Aw happy one month girlies! That's flown! Thanks for the winding tips ladies, I'll give them a try.

Aw Gilly sorry you had a tough night and some grumpies today but you've done amazing with the 3 of them so far! As H says hopefully they'll have a snooze and you can get some sleep in too.

Hayes hope the dentist went ok x

I'm so glad we have this group to discuss things at the same stage, thanks ladies x
Thanks everyone it went fine I don't mind the Dentist n I was glad to go as my gums had been bad towards the end of pg but r ok again now.

Hope we all get a better night tonight.

Got my last mw appointment tomoz n then hv cuming weds morn.


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