Movers & Shakers in Tri 1 & 2!!

Hi Jollypops

I forgot to add my new details to this thread so here they are....

Due date - 19th November (it changed again after 2nd scan)

Team Blue :cheer:

Hope you are well. :hug: :hug:

Hi Glittergirl - i'm doing fine babes, thanks for asking. I'm glad to see that everything is going well for you :cheer:
and Congrats on Team BLUE!
Please let me know if any changes - haven't updated in awhile as been in hospital.
You are doing a cracking job hun.. just look after yourself and shrimp atm we will all understand if things fall behind for a while..

Take care
Kathy x
You are great for doing this, thank you! Hope all is ok.

We have been moved to Nov 22nd - Heart rate was 153

Going to be remaining team Green.

Mr Jimmer
Hi there

Name: Becks
Due date: 27 December 2008
Team: Green
Name: Natalie
Team: PINK
Due Date 14/10/08

Im in tri 2 just now cant wait to move to three!
Hi Guys,
Hope you are all doing well, I've now updated this thread. Sorry for the delay but our little shrimp decided to arrive a little earlier than expected.
If there are any other changes, amendments or newbies let me know.
can you please change me to a pink bump?
thankyooooou. xx :hug:
Ooh Look Im 4th on the list to move off to 3rd Tri!! :D:D:D:D
Oh and you can add Im Team pink too :D:D :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks hun!
Oh Im 10th lol :D
I might be pink but best put green? Or just "might be pink" lol
Please can you change my due date to 22nd Jan...........will update on team beginning of Sept.
hello! :wave:
im 12 weeks tomorrow!! :cheer:
still in 1st tri for a few more days!! :cheer:
due date 24th feb 09,team green until my next scan!!
Jollypops said:
2009 Babies
Valleygirl24 (Nicola) - 5th February (or 14th February)

EDD is 14th feb (I was right lol) currently in Tri 2 and should find out the heartrate next week

Can you add me please? Currently in Tri 2..
My edd is 28th January 09.

Thanks xx :cheer: :cheer:
and me

im in tri 2

edd is 11th jan 09

team currently unknown

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