*** September Mummies and Babies ***


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
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Gillyboos - Merryn and Indi, 13th August, 5lb 7 and 4lb 15. :pink: :pink:
Hayes - Summer, 2nd September, 6lb 3. :pink:
MummyBee - Emily, 3rd September. :pink:
Purplecandy - Eric, 8th September, 7lb 7. :blue:
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It's silly o'clock and I'm just feeding the girls. As we have a few more September babies, I thought I would start a thread for us.
If you remind me of your baby's birth details, I will add them to the first post. X
Ohhhhhh very excited to see this in here Gilly :D
How are things going with the twins hun? x
Really good thanks H, they're really chilled out and doing 3/4 hour stretches so not feeling too sleep deprived. Everything just takes twice as long ha!
Think it would all be a breeze if I'd not had the section, really not enjoying the slow recovery. Anyone who thinks it's the easy option is nuts imo! :D
Hopefully I'll be adding your baby's details soooooon! Xx
Glad all is going well hun, they sound like a dream! Hope I get a nice well behaved baby too! Is your OH back at work now?

Fingers crossed mine arrives soon, next week would be nice lol x
How exciting to see this glad the girls are doing so well Gilly xx
Yep, he went back Monday. I've made him sleep in the spare room and I'm doing the night feeds. He then does the feeds in the evening and before he goes to bed. This way he's not knackered as well, working ok so far! I'm itching to start the girls in a proper routine but know it's useless before 6-8 weeks. I am longing for the days of everyone sleeping through ha! Xx
Thanks doll_eyes :) Can't wait to add you to the list on this thread! X
Just seen this how exciting so nice to see summer's name n dob etc feels so real in writing lol. Not that it can get any more real as she is currently fast asleep on me bless her.

Don't know how u do it gilly u r super Mum I'm knackered with summer n Harry n a very hands on hubby I'm terrified of when he goes back to work!!

Can't wait to see mire babies added n I see it's all girls so far need some boys!!

Hopefully Summer will add a boy to the list by end of tonight :D x
We're definitely a bit girl heavy aren't we, I wonder if the ladies that are team yellow will even that up.
I'm really not super mum Michelle, whilst everything is going well, there have been some tears! Particularly about expressing, I can still only manage about 4oz a day, I'm pumping 8 times a day for 40 mins each time, drinking fennel tea etc but my supply won't increase. I didn't eat until 9pm last night because any moment I had free was pretty much spent pumping. So whilst the kids are a dream, I'm rubbish about looking after myself! :D The whole milk supply thing is getting me down, I just a don't know why I can't do it. X
Dont beat urself up about anything gilly just getting through the day is tough with a newborn let alone two!! U r getting sum so that's a bonus. I'm not even expressing this time I'm just doing a bit of boob morning n early eve n bottles day n night feeds. Milk has just cum in today n wow I'd forgotten how big they get n sore so don't think I will b doing it for long.

Mw weighed her today n she's a tiny 5lb12 now bless her. Taking only an oz or two at a time n still having to wake her really to feed her little monkey.

We defo need sum boys in here.

Ooo how exciting, I've only just spotted this thread! Gilly, have you tried Fenugreek for milk supply? Something I mentioned to my midwife and she said yes to taking it to help x
Congratulations ladies! Eeek all girls so far then, august mums was mostly boys with just a handful of girls!

Gillyboos, are you drinking lots? Porridge for breakie is supposed to help, and I'm sure there is something about boob feeding the night feeds being really important for milk production. It must be near impossible with twins, but can you do more skin to skin with the girls to encourage the boob stim etc, while hubbys about for your son. I found expressing first thing early in the morning got me the most milk
Please can I be added? Baby Eric arriving 8th Sept, 7lb7oz, 12:24pm x
Hi ladies, is anyone breastfeeding? How are you finding it? Any tips? My nipples are a mess and my boobs are sore but he latches on really well and seems to know what he's doing. I've got some lanolin for my nipples which seems to be helping. One thing he appears to be struggling with is wind, anyone else finding this? I was going to try a drop of infacol before his next feed to see if that helps, what do you think? I've done all the winding/sitting up/ cycling, etc x
Oh and anything to help with the contraction period type pain whilst feeding? I'm still taking paracetamol and ibuprofen to help with stitches so takes the edge off x
I have stooped breastfeeding now but when I was I used infacol before a feed(n still do now) she still seems very windy but not as bareas without it. The pain still comes n goes now even tho I'm not breastfeeding n I just take ibuprofen if it's to bad but it does ease hun. Lots of cream on the nips helped me last time but I stopped this time before they got sore.

Still can't believe lots of Sept babies r arriving!!

Just make sure you monitor his nappies if you use Infacol Purple as I used it with Ruby and although it helped bring her wind up it ended up giving her terrible constipation too! Catch 22! Not all babies have that problem on it but if you get any bunny bumble nappies then keep it in mind xx

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