*September 2020 Mummies*

Thread hopping! Im currently drinking 1 cup of the pukka motherkind which is fine for tri 2. 33 weeks I'll switch to one cup of raspberry leaf tea a day, then from 36 weeks think you can have 3 cups a day. They also say to eat 6 dates a day too.. plus perineal massage and evening primrose oil is supposed to help too! Its all worth a shot isnt it :rotfl: #savethevag
Yes I have heard about the dates. You start them from 36 weeks too. I won’t be doing the perineal massage. Don’t like the sound of that at all.
I have also heard bad things about the evening primrose oil and not found any evidence online that actually says it helps so I’ll be staying away from that.
Raspberry leaf is meant to strengthen your uterine muscles and therefore make labour happen more smoothly. It has good results with shrinking your uterus postpartum and with breast milk supply too. I think I tried it in my 1st pregnancy, but not in my others as they say not to if you’ve had a c section. Also looking up today, it says not to take if you have labours faster than 3hrs, my last one was 40mins so don’t think I will take it just in case it speeds it up even more lol
Thanks @kanga86 - my son was born in just over 3 hours so I’ll probably give it a miss too!
Had a major nesting kinda day today, sorted through a load of toys upstairs with Harry and put a load of stuff back up into the loft - baby clothes that are far too big right now, toys she won’t play with for a long time etc and grabbed a load more stuff down - cot which has been cleaned off, baby bath and seat, car mirror, and the crib I need to sell. Plus all my 2-3 boys clothes so I can give them to my friend. I hurt so bad right now, ache all over and feel like crap! Why do we overdo it and not know when to stop!
I find I go through waves of needing to do loads, and then a week where I cant be bothered to do anything. My nesting seems to have started with cleaning. DH was laughing at me crawling around earlier cleaning skirting boards.

Im going to try and hold off doing anything else baby related (getting carseat and pram out, washing clothes, starting to pack bags) until I'm back from our holiday. I'll be 34 weeks then so I feel thats a good time to start all of that. I've pretty much got everything waiting though.

I'm definitely not going to be doing the perineal massage. Doesnt not appeal at all. And I already had an episiotomy last time. Not sure on the raspberry leaf tea. As my last labour was an induction and took 2 days I'm not sure of timelines for me! I'll see how I feel nearer the time. If I get past 38+2 I will be in new territory. Kind of intrigued to go into labour naturally. I think if I get past 39w I'll just spend the whole time being petrified and sitting on a maternity pad :rotfl:
I know what you mean about going through waves of nesting Amy, only my week of doing nothing can be weeks lol so making the most of wanting to get baby stuff sorted out. Quite a bit this week is sorting out the boys things, so that's clearing up things in the rest of the house too! I have a fair bit I want to get pictured and then sold to free up some space, so that's tomorrow's job along with sorting through the toys downstairs into bin, keep, sell or loft piles.
Lol I laughed at that @Natalie8964 #savethevag
I've looked alittle more into it after reading some of the comments about not taken it due to sections but I contacted the hot mama company about there Final Push said it was fine only not to take it if ur planning to have a section.
So I'm sold. Def going to try it this time round.
Also going to order expert MW perinal massage oil. I def want to try avoid anything after the episiotomy last time. Not sure if I can 'reach' there but il give it a go. I'll try anything to make post partum any easier with daughters communion happening around due date.
Just seen Aldi have their baby event this month. From 26th July online or 30th July in store. Might be worth keeping an eye out for what they have.
Thanks for the heads up @kanga86, love aldi for baby stuff!

I need to get some of these nesting vibes you guys have got going on! I don’t want to leave everything til I finish work.

I’m doing fine at the moment, started to get slightly uncomfortable at night but coping ok. Does anyone else have loads of braxton hicks? I have them for about 3 hours in the aft/eve everyday....bump is just like a rock for hours and I can hardly bend! Had this with my son but not quite as bad x
No braxtion hicks here. Never experienced them.

I went for walk up through the mountains today. Omg that was hard enough. We made a good bit off the way but I dont think I'll be back up for while .
I'm hope I sleep better tonight seem to getting restless during the night now.
I'm def feeling so big now. 33 weeks today. Cant believe it
I’ve been getting loads of Braxton Hicks! Totally true that you just go rock hard at the front but nothing really felt at the back. Weird feeling and not really like a proper contraction at all.

I’m 32 + 2 today and saw the midwife. All was fine and I’ll get bloods back tomorrow which will hopefully show improvement in my iron. Can’t believe you were up walking mountains TTC! It is not an exaggeration when I say I can’t walk across the room without holding on to something and/or yelping in pain!
I wouldn't be fit for it again. Il let them get to the bog themselves and I'll stay at home watching some Netflix. I can def feel aches and pains. baby feels bit lower than before and is just sitting on my bladder.
I'm awake with some lovely heartburn.. the Joy's.

Oh Rose god love you.. I cant even imagine how tough that would be. I'm sure u just cant wait till baby is here and u can get rid off that pain.
It’s so weird @Rose83 isnt it. Annoying but I’m convincing myself it’s all good muscle prep for labour (?? no clue if this is true!!) so trying to see a positive. Sorry to hear you are still struggling with walking. Really hope your bloods come back ok today

@TTC no2 - well done you! I was the same in lakes at the weekend, saying to husband not sure Caleb is going to be alright going up a “proper” mountain. Turns out he just powered up there like a little mountain goat and I was the one huffing and puffing at the back I’m just coming up to 30 weeks but won’t be trying it again!
Morning ladies,
Hope you are all okay?
33 Weeks for me today - where has the time gone. I actually cannot believe it.
Had midwife appointment yesterday and baby is measuring big and off my graph so i am waiting to hear about a growth scan.
Midwife said she thinks once i go for my scan that baby will actually be smaller, i am quite short (5ft3) and have a small 6/8 frame so guessing ti wasn't predicted i will have a larger baby.
Me and OH were big at newborn too so it makes sense that i won't be having a 6/7lb baby.
Morning ladies,
Hope you are all okay?
33 Weeks for me today - where has the time gone. I actually cannot believe it.
Had midwife appointment yesterday and baby is measuring big and off my graph so i am waiting to hear about a growth scan.
Midwife said she thinks once i go for my scan that baby will actually be smaller, i am quite short (5ft3) and have a small 6/8 frame so guessing ti wasn't predicted i will have a larger baby.
Me and OH were big at newborn too so it makes sense that i won't be having a 6/7lb baby.
Thread hopping. I had my 28 week on Wednesday and my bump is measuring on the bigger side too but she wasn't concerned about it. At the 4D scan baby was on 65th centile for estimated weight so not too worried just yet, but I'm the same as you - I'm 5ft2 and have quite a short torso so I don't think baby has much room to stretch out long ways! Everyone asks if it's twins lol. 33 weeks that is amazing! Not long now! X
Haha jenny that was me.. out off breath just walking up the lane to the mountain. I joked to my mum "ok ready to head back now" lol

Happy 33 weeks Char. Cant believe we are this far. So surreal how quick the time has gone. Good that ur getting growth scan see baby again.

My bounty app is telling me I've 48 days to go. That's no time at all.
Ordered my raspberry leaf tea. I'm excited to get started on it.
I think I'm being really naive about labour this time around as everything went so smoothly last time. 1st was a section so no damage to the vag lol 2nd I had a 2nd degree tear which was stitched in theatre with a spinal as I was there to have my placenta manually removed I do remember it being uncomfortable to sit for a while after having him. But my 3rd I had a graze maybe, I don't remember feeling any discomfort down there at all after I had him, so I suppose I guess I think it will be the same this time! Or just wishful thinking lol

@TTC no2 I have no idea how you managed a walk up through the mountains yesterday, I struggle with the school run and that's only a 5 min walk! I'm also really struggling to get comfortable at night, end up tossing and turning from side to side constantly.

@JennyS85 I'm not getting any braxton hicks, just get a constant tight tummy when I've done lots of walking around like at work.

I had my GTT and mw on Monday, and been told my 28wk bloods were fine and my GTT was clear, which is good as I felt so ill during the test and had to lie down for the whole 2 hours between blood tests.

@chattychar1990 I hope you get a growth scan soon and I'm sure all will be good. I'm in the opposite they expect me to have massive babies because I have a high bmi but I don't, I have 6/7lb babies. Strangely my twin sister had a 9lb 2oz baby and she is a 8/10 so it doesn't make sense at all.
Heard back from the midwife this afternoon and my iron level was 115! Which is brilliant as that’s up 10 from the low level I had 4 weeks ago which had made me feel so awful. Also 115 is officially the start of the marker for the ‘normal’ range of any person. Yay me!
Happy 33 weeks @chattychar1990! I wouldn’t worry at all about the charts, predicted my son would be 10lb+ at 40 weeks but he was only 8lb4oz at a week overdue. On the plus side, at least you might get another sneak peek at baby and find out more accurately how she’s cooking.

@Rose83 - you’ve done so well with you home concoction for the iron situation! Borderline normal is fab from where you were.

@kanga86 glad your GTT was all clear. I’m totally with you on the naivety on labour. I had it so straightforward with Caleb and I’m nervous I’m not mentally prepared for it to be any different. Dreamt she was born breech at 34 weeks last night so of course that’s got me worried!

Today I’ve felt really intense movements, not sure if she’s turned?? At one point, there was a massive bulge (head or bum??) out of the RHS of my belly. Was driving at the time and had to pull over! 30 weeks tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend xx
Just hopping on here after a bit of thread stalking.
1. There’s pretty good evidence behind eating dates
2. Birthing on your back makes you more likely to tear, be on your knees, squatting, standing, pool - that’ll help.
3. Engage with your midwife when babes head is crowning. There will be a demon on your shoulder screaming at you to push push push when growing but you need to lock eyes on your midwife and listen to “blow blow blow” instead. I believe this is crucial to helping to minimise perineal trauma. I’ve not really read many studies on it, but as a midwife I always have a serious chat with the ladies in labour (whilst they still want to talk to me) about the importance of this stage and they all listen. Due to this I have precious little experience in suturing as nearly every woman whose baby I’ve caught has had an in-tact perineum. It’s kind of about fighting that instinct to push through the burn and breathe your baby’s head out - believe me your body will be wanting to do otherwise. I hope that helps xx

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