Hey ladies, sorry Ive been missing for a few day, been fairly busy. Had a few days at the inlaws at the end of last week. We hadnt seen them since xmas so thought it was about time they got to see DD. They live about 2.5hr drive away, and FIL has recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons so doesnt want to do the drive down (fair enough) so we havent been able to do any garden visits or anything. Fortunately their house is big, so we could keep away, and DD is really good with it. My MIL kept trying to get too close though and blaming it on DD

. Why do some people seem to think the rules dont apply to them?! Anyway, 2 days around the MIL and being unable to drink was a struggle. She really tries my patience.
DD has managed to pick up a cold from nursery. To be expected I suppose as they didnt see each other for 3 months. She had a bit of a cough, so I got a bit worried and ordered some covid tests, but she's so full of snot, and the cough comes and goes, so I'm 99% sure its a cold. And shes passed it on to me. Im now snotty and have a really sore throat. Trying to find a remedy thats not a hot toddy and painkillers. Damn plague carrying kids. I never realised how disgusting they were before DD started nursery.
I had an epidural and never really felt the urge to push, had the rely on the MW for that. But after a 2 day induction I was thrilled to get the epidural and have a chance to sleep. I'm after an epidural this time too as I was quite happy with it.
Going to go back and read the messages I've missed, hope you're all ok though. I'm 30+1 now so its sneaking up on me. Cant believe I've only got about 10w to go. Crazy how at the beginning of pregnancy it feels like 9 months is forever, and now its racing by xx