*September 2020 Mummies*

Anyone else's hospital trust do these birth stats for the month? I find them so interesting. Scary to think we will be included soon!

Oh wow @kanga86 didn't know you were so close to me!

I love these stats, not seen anything via my hospital though xx
Oh wow @kanga86 didn't know you were so close to me!

I love these stats, not seen anything via my hospital though xx
Whereabouts are you then Mel? These get posted on our local maternity services fb page. Quite a few hospital trusts release them I think x
Just catching up and you guys are making me laugh (because if I didn’t I might cry :rotfl: TTC my smallest baby was 8lb 8oz so I’d consider that a teeny one after my crazy big boys!
Andy weight gain, oh my goodness some of you have done well. I have currently put on 40lb since the day I found out I was pregnant (9DPO). I’ll post a picture because I’m pretty massive. But I’ll also post it with a split screen of the size I was just before my wedding last year. Will be nice to return to normal again soon!

Whereabouts are you then Mel? These get posted on our local maternity services fb page. Quite a few hospital trusts release them I think x

I’m in between Worthing & Brighton so not far at all :)

Ooh I’ll have to check xx
Hey girls, sounds like all the appointments have been going well! @VictoriaNi - so good that you got an extra scan too! @kanga86 - hope you and hubby enjoy the 4d scan this weekend. Sure it will make things a bit more real for him.

There is no way I am getting on the scales - you guys are so brave! I definitely don’t need to know right now. I actually forgot to ask which way baby was lying at my appt on Monday, I’m getting lots of low down jabs so I think she’s breech but Mw got her heartbeat low down on right hand side which makes me think she’d be head down?? Who knows?! Still loads of time to move either way I guess.

@Rose83 - bump looks amazing!

Off to the lakes for a long weekend today, booked in Jan and just held out without cancelling and we’ve just sneaked in with the lifting of lockdown. Will be nice to have some time away to chill and weather looking ok xx
@kanga86 I am in Belfast! I was surprised to end up getting a scan, wasn't expecting it so it was nice to get another glimpse of baby! My app was in a hospital setting rather than a local health centre. Not even sure if my community midwives are still active at my local centre as I haven't had a single apointment with them! I have been feeling movements so intensely this time round, much more so than with my first. Guess him being breech could be the reason why, my first was never in the breech position. Movements feel really crazy this time round, makes me jump sometimes ha!
Bump feels big at this stage compared to last time also, feeling proper uncomfortable now! Bump measured big at my app. Another app in 2 weeks to get measured again.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Anyone doing anything nice?

Morning, they dont weigh you at my appts, I just asked to get on the scales as I dont use them at home so had no idea. Im seriously suprised I've not put on more as I've eaten so much cake (got another cake delivery yesterday, my way of supporting local businesses :rotfl:). My bump definitely feels bigger this time, and its all out the front.

When I went for my 20w scan the lady said my placenta was very fundal (had no idea what she meant so I had to google it), but it explains why I only ever feel baby down really low. I thought she was lying across me as it feels like shes always trying to stretch out of my sides. My belly feels like a bag of bones moving around.

Lovely news on the weekend away Jenny. Hope you have a great time. Its my 5yr wedding anniversary today. Any other year we'd have dropped DD at the inlaws and be on a boozy mini break. Oh well :-(.

Great bump pictures ladies. I'm rubbish at remembering to take them. 29w tomorrow so might try and do one then.

Not seen any maternity stats near me Kanga, I'll have to have a look. Thanks.

Anyone got any nesting urges starting? I've not done anything yet but getting the desire to start planning to nest. Also, is anyone starting to feel nauseous again. Ive been ok since the 2nd tri, but it seems to be coming back. Not as bad as it was, and only on and off, but its there a bit. xx
Happy Anniversary Amy. Any plans for tonight? Nice meal at home?
I've always been lucky with the sickness it's only nausea at the beginning gets me.

I have begun to nest and get things in order. Next thing I want to do is get the baby change/drawers and wardrobe into my room from spare room as it will be so much hardier to have that. Need to clean my rocking chair too.

Lovely pics ladies.

Victoria ur not too far from me then. Will u have baby in the jubilee?
Il be having this one in Daisy Hill.

Kanga today is scan day. Enjoy seeing ur wee babes.

Jenny I hope u have a lovely relaxing weekend. I'd love to be heading somewhere

Happy weekend ladies :)
@TTC no2 Yeah I will probably have baby at the Royal. With my first I was so desperate for a natural water birth at the midwifery led unit in the Mater, but it didn't go to plan and I ended up having to get ambulance transfer to the Royal which I found very stressful. So just going to go with the Royal this time, plus after having such a horrible long labour last time I want to make sure I have access to an epidural if needed!
Back from my growth scan. Predictably I am indeed growing another fairly large one. Currently on the 90th centile line. Predicted weight currently of about 4lbs 12oz so by 40 weeks that would be about 9lbs 3oz. So just need to see what they think at the 36 week scan. All looking very healthy though :)

That's great all scan went well. Sorry I forgot u mentioned u had ur growth scan today.
I reckon this one will be 8lb 8oz going by scans.

Sounds like a good plan Victoria

I packed my hospital bags today. Just few more little bits to put in and I'm done.
Hey ladies, sorry I didn't get chance to pop on yesterday after my scan. Been feeling pretty rough since and been sick several times, hoping it just a relapse in pregnancy sickness rather than anything else. Scan was really good, baby is definitely still a girl too! I think she looks very similar to her brothers, more so Harry my eldest. She weighs 2lbs 13oz at 29+1wks and that puts her just above the 10th centile on my chart, just like at my last growth scan, so doing really good. Sonographer reckons 7lbs at term but too early to give an accurate estimate.

@Rose83 you have a fab bump and I wouldn't say you had put on 40lbs. Jealous of you pre pregnancy! I was over 17st at the start of this pregnancy, so massive, so need to limit my gain.

@JennyS85 I hope you have had a fab weekend away, we have had lovely weather on the south coast. I though baby was breech still because of all the low down jabs but she is oblique, so not quite head down but not transverse either. Her head us in my right hip, bum up to the left, make sense why I keep getting stitch like pain at the top left side of my bump.

@amy, sorry to hear your suffering with nausea again. I do remember it coming back in previous pregnancies and it's just horrible. I feel so run down today and don't know how I did months of feeling like this. Amazing how quickly you forget how tough you felt. I am really starting to want to get stuff sorted out, washed all the baby clothes on friday. But really want to sort out the nursery now, to stop it looking like a dumping ground. Hope ypu had a lovely wedding anniversary yesterday.

@TTC no2 how very organised of you to get your hospital bag packed already. I'm going to sort out the baby's room a bit first then think about the hospital bag I think.

@VictoriaNi lovely bump, I don’t think you look like your measuring big. I jump sometimes when little one kicks. The jabs to the hip are really weird though.

Added a few pics from the scan, she wasn't impressed with us trying to get her to move. She had a foot and hand in front of her face to start with, so she stuck her fingers up lol Last pic is all 4 of mine from their 4d scans.

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@kanga86 wow shes beautiful and they do all look similar in ur last pic.
How did hubby find the scan?
Hope sickness is one off

My OH still hasn't been to a scan I dont think il be paying for private one now either. Prob wouldn't be any good now that I'm that little bit further on.
Yes I'm def getting organised. Furniture is the only thing I need go get moved.
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I don't really know what hubby made of the scan, as he is so meh with his answers when I talk about the baby. I asked if it was good to see the baby and he said yes, but the scan is costs so much! I ask to talk about baby names and he just says she is going to be Dave the baby, never any serious answers. He has never been hands on in pregnancy before, but this time he feels alot more distant and it's really starting to get me down. I'm really hoping once she is here it will be different, as our relationship is so strained at the moment and if it gets worse I could be on my own with 4 kids!
Maybe have a chat with him. Tell him how hes making u feel x

I feel my partner hasn't much connection with this pg. But he will come over and touch bump and feel it move. Its prob down to not actually seeing baby on scan.

Thinking off doing the raspberry tea leaf this time. Any off yous tried it before?
Maybe have a chat with him. Tell him how hes making u feel x

I feel my partner hasn't much connection with this pg. But he will come over and touch bump and feel it move. Its prob down to not actually seeing baby on scan.

Thinking off doing the raspberry tea leaf this time. Any off yous tried it before?
I bought some Raspberry Leaf Tea and will be starting on Friday at 33 weeks. Its meant to really help!
I bought some Raspberry Leaf Tea and will be starting on Friday at 33 weeks. Its meant to really help!
Thread hopping! Im currently drinking 1 cup of the pukka motherkind which is fine for tri 2. 33 weeks I'll switch to one cup of raspberry leaf tea a day, then from 36 weeks think you can have 3 cups a day. They also say to eat 6 dates a day too.. plus perineal massage and evening primrose oil is supposed to help too! Its all worth a shot isnt it :rotfl: #savethevag
I did raspberry leaf with my first. She is the only one I’ve gone into labour naturally with but I don’t think that’s related.
I forget, what is it actually supposed to do?
I don't really know what hubby made of the scan, as he is so meh with his answers when I talk about the baby. I asked if it was good to see the baby and he said yes, but the scan is costs so much! I ask to talk about baby names and he just says she is going to be Dave the baby, never any serious answers. He has never been hands on in pregnancy before, but this time he feels alot more distant and it's really starting to get me down. I'm really hoping once she is here it will be different, as our relationship is so strained at the moment and if it gets worse I could be on my own with 4 kids!

@kanga86 so sorry to hear this. It’s hard enough going through pregnancy without added relationship strain. I really hope he comes around once she’s here (if not before obvs!!)

Haven’t tried the rasp leaf tea before, like @Rose83 I can’t remember what it’s for! Is it to kick off labour earlier?

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