*September 2020 Mummies*

Well it’s approximately 2:30 in the morning....woke up for the fourth time because the three year olds duvet keeps coming off...partner snoring his head off...baby’s kicking feet in my vagina area and oh ye..I’ve been to the toilet about three time’s so far lol!
Sorry guys...just feel agitated and annoyed needed to vent! Going to try and go back to sleep :( xxx
Yes Rose its constant achey pain. In the morning time I'm ok but as day goes on I'm walking around holding onto that area were its sore. By evening that's my cue to go jump on my bed and watch tv to ease it.

Chickadee did u manage getting back to sleep. My partner slept in spare room Saturday night as he had to be up early Sunday. Kids took this opportunity to sleep beside me. We have a superking bed and although they were loving life I just need my space and space for my my pillows lol - that's the last sleep over.
Haven’t had the rib pain yet this time but do remember it from later weeks with my son. Not looking forward to that.

Hope you got some rest eventually @chickadee1990! I’m finding myself going to be earlier and earlier to try and make up for being restless all night!

Got call earlier to say all clear from the GTT test yesterday so relieved about that - I suck at diets at the best of times! X
Fab news Jenny. I've passed mine aswel as I never did get the call. (Here they just ring if u have it) but I'm off too hospital tomoro for 32 week checkup I want to be nosy and know my numbers.

Any off uz tested for group strep B other pregnancies?
I wanted to know if we automatically get antibiotics in labour now that we tested positive before.
Haven’t had any experience with Strep B @TTC no2 so can’t help I’m afraid. Would think they’d give you the antibiotics (or at least test you) as a matter of course now if you’ve had in previous pregnancies C
@TTC no2 I tested positive for gbs in my 1st pregnancy but didn't get chance to have antibiotics in labour as it was too quick. It has been put on my notes in all my other pregnancies, including this one, but again my labours haven't been long enough to even be given any antibiotics, even though my notes said I had to have them. Luckily my boys haven't had any issues, I'm guessing they will try to give them to me this time if my labour is long enough for them to give them to me.
Had a little bit of rib aching a few weeks ago which I assumed was some stretching, but nothing since. Also not had any experience of strep B so cant help, sorry.

DH has got to take the cat to the emergency vets later as hes been vomming for the last few days (thought he was being greedy so limited food), but last night he was throwing up water. Urgh. He seems ok apart from that. Hes 11 and ive had him for 10 yrs, so im a bit worried. And annoying I've just cancelled his insurance :(

Got my 28w mw appt tomorrow. Really keen to know how I'm measuring as i have no idea if I'm big or small. Also want to get them to weigh me as I have no idea what I've put on.

Hope you managed to get a better nights sleep Chickadee xx
TTCno2 and Jenny great news about passing your gtt tests, mine is on Monday, not looking forward to it. Also hope your appt went well today TTCno2.

Amy I hope your poor cat is okay and doesn’t need too much vet attention, especially as you have just cancelled his insurance. Hope your mw appt goes well tomorrow, I see my mw after my gtt test as they are in the same hospital. It’s just the little local hospital that does small appts, blood tests and has the minor injuries unit and the birth centre is around the back and upstairs.

I have my 4d scan on Saturday afternoon and I’m interested to see how baby is growing since my last growth scan, I get a little bit obsessed after all the drama I had in my last pregnancy with growth scans. I know they can be so inaccurate but it is nice to know an estimated weight. It will be lovely to see her little face too and see if she is similar to her brothers.
Thanks Kanga. He seems to be ok :pray:. They think he ate something from somewhere that was horrid, and cos he got down to vomming water hopefully he's cleared it out. He had an anti sickness jab and has special food. They tried to take bloods, but when shaving him he went mental attacking them so they couldnt :rotfl:. He lost .4kg weight. Poor skinny boy.

So excited to see mw tomorrow. Crazy really, but it feels so long since I saw her at 16w. Exciting about your scan on saturday. This baby stuff is getting real now. Haha xx
Glad your cat is okay, having enough energy to fight them is a good sign haha Although the trip probably wasn’t cheap!

It really is getting real now, this when appts get a bit more regular. I must have been quite lucky to see my mw at 22 ish weeks, although that feel like it was ages ago!
Hey everyone. Had a midwife appointment today. I literally have barely had any appointments, she said a lot of women here seem to have been missed in the system with this whole Covid mess. However everything went well today, she ended up scanning me as she couldn't figure out what way baby was positioned, turned out he is in breech position at the moment (explains why it feels like my bladder is being kicked constantly lol) Was lovely to get another glimpse of baby boy, saw his little face on the scan really clear, so exciting!
Hope you are all keeping OK!
Kanga u must be so excited for ur scan at weekend. I've never had private4d one although when I was at fetal unit with my little angel baby he switched it on for us.

Victoria glad u had great app. Good to get to see baby again.

What time ur app tomoro Amy?

I had mine with consultant today. Baby is all good. Still head down. Measuring just tiny bit above 50th centile line. 2000g so Google telling me 4lb4 and if continues il have 8lb 8 baby. Just mad how big this one is compare my wee dots I had before.
Also ask about my group strep B. I'm getting a swab done next app.
Noticed my hgb numbers is 118 so they have dropped from last time. May explain my low pressure reading today was only 90/64.
@VictoriaNi where do you live? I've never been scanned by a midwife before as all our mw appts are at places where there is no scanning machines. I'm sure this little one is still breech, as she was at 25 weeks, will find out on Saturday.

@TTC no2 I am excited to see baby again as I didn't get to see her at all at my last scan. Plus it will be good for hubby to see her too. We had a 4d scan done for our 1st as the in laws paid for it after 2 really awful scans at the hospital, so we then felt we had to do the same with the all the others lol

With the gbs swab, if it comes back negative will they take it off your notes? How many weeks are you now?
They will prob keep it in there that I was carrier before. I dont have the sticker at the front this time. I'm 32 weeks today:cheer:
I've gotten everything I need for hospital bag. Few new bit to wash for baby I got yestrday so I'm looking forward to packing bags next.
I'm getting to the point were I'm looking forward to not being pregnant anymore and getting my body back again.

It will amazing I'm sure. Hope she cooperates for uz and uz get some lovely photos
I have a sticker on the front page of my notes but not on the outside of my folder like they have done in the past. I guess if its negative they won't push for antibiotics in labour?

Wow 32 weeks now, 4lbs 4oz is fab weight, I'm interested to see how this one is going to grow. Alfie was 3lbs 8oz at 32+5wks.

I really need to start getting more organised, although I'm 29 weeks tomorrow so still have plenty of time. But I haven't even thought about my hospital bag yet, so haven't bought anything for it yet. I get paid next Friday and we have a 15% discount weekend at work so will probably grab a few bits then. We have another 15% discount weekend after our pay day in Aug too, where I will probably get nappies etc
Is that discount just for Staff. I've no clue when asda do their baby events. But I used their nappies with the other 2 so next baby event I'll have to stock up on them
Is that discount just for Staff. I've no clue when asda do their baby events. But I used their nappies with the other 2 so next baby event I'll have to stock up on them
Yeah just for staff, normally they run 2 or 3 20% discount weekends through the year, but we are getting 3 payday 15% discount weekends instead this year. We get 10% all year round as well, which is so handy. I'm not sure when the baby events are, think there was one a couple of months ago, and for some reason I'm thinking there is usually one in September, I will let you all know when I know.
Hi ladies, had the mw appt this morning. All seems good. Took a while to find babys HB clearly, but she was kicking around the whole time so we were both laughing. HB ended up being 150bpm. Baby felt like she was breech, but obvs its very early on. Measuring just above the 10th centile, but they said provided it doesnt dip under that they wont refer me for a growth scan. Got a private scan in 3.5w so I'll see what shes measuring like then.
I asked to get on the scales and was absolutely amazed to see that I've only gone up 4kgs since my booking in. Cant believe it given how much cake, choc, and ice cream I've been eating.

Mw asked again if I was considering a home birth due to the covid hospital restrictions. No way! Get me to a hosp. I want ALL the drugs :rotfl:

I think I have most of the stuff I need for baby and hospital bags. Been buying stuff gradually every month to spread out the cost. Just need some more nappies, and a mattress for the cotbed, but she wont use that for a while. Oh, and lots of snacks. I'll probably start throwing stuff at bags for it after the 34w mark.
Great ur app went well :preg:

I'd love to know how much I weigh we dont have scales in the house and they dont seem to do it as my appointments .
My mum and brother have commented how big my bump is though. Actually my brother went and compared me to someone we know which wasnt nice. If he wasnt in New York he wouldve got a slap.

I'm not going to get new matteress till we need it. I've too many expenses coming up:doh:
Glad your appt went well today Amy, seems like alot of our little ones are breech at the moment. I'm sure mine is still because I only feel movements really low down. I struggled to find baby's heartbeat clearly the other day and it was because it was clearest right in my belly button lol, I kept going around it to start with. Although the last time I tried to use my doppler it wasn't working, not sure if it needs new batteries or it's completely broken.

Well done on only gaining 4kg, I was 13.5lbs up last week when I weighed myself. I have considered home birth due to how quickly I labour, but feel really scared about it. I guess it is something to talk about with my mw.

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