I’m still here hun and all good thank you. 31 weeks today. 9 weeks to go. Hope you are ok xxAnyone heard from @chattychar1990? Seems ages since she last posted. Hope you are doing okay Char?
This really made me chuckle haha. My niece and nephew just want to call her ‘baby’.Ps How’s everyone getting on with names? Think we’ve got a few we are both happy with. Heard hubby asking son (4) what he thought of them yesterday....he said “yeah maybe, but how about lightsaber or hulk??”
This really made me chuckle haha. My niece and nephew just want to call her ‘baby’.
We have our name. Have done for a while now - I won’t share until she is here though
I love her name so much but it’s not going to everyone’s taste. My mum has only just come around to the idea of it xx
Yay, third trimester. Hello ladies (tap dances into the conversation.....or would do if I had the energy). Pleased to be officially joining you over here.
We've got a name too, but not telling anyone until shes here. Keep umming about it, and keeping an ear out for any other names we like, but this has been a firm favourite for about 3 months so I think we're set. So difficult when you've got to factor in sibling names. When I ask DD what she wants to call her she says 'baby, baby, baby'.
Off to a local bird foundation this morning. Looks like they've only sold 20ish tickets online so should be easy to distance. And looks like it should be dry
Not sure if I'm over emotional, but getting really annoyed with my parents. They seem more concerned about helping out my sister with her 2 kids (8 &4) and never seem to ask if we need any help. I know its easier to distance from the older kids, but they had them to stay last night, been arranging stuff to do with them as lockdown eases and if my sister needs childcare (sister and her DH are living together and sis is furloughed). Parents are now off on holiday, but want to be back for Sept to help my sister with school pick ups when the kids go back. Ummm, hello, I'll be 36w by then with a toddler, but thanks. I just feel like the pregmancy and my family is being ignored. Sorry, morning rant
Hope you're all having good weekends xx
Yep except with me it’s my right side. I remember it well from other pregnancies, I think it’s just your ribs being pushed apart by your expanding bumps. Right sided pain can be a preeclampsia sign but mine definitely isn’t, it’s just been weeks and weeks of a dull ache. With sometimes more pain if I sit in a way that stretches that side xGirls any off uz get pain just beside your ribs. It's my left one. Pain is always there. I cant wear a bra. I reluctantly put one one if I've to leave the house.
Should add I dont think it baby I never feel kicks in this area. Maybe its just my bump so big now