*September 2020 Mummies*

Havent heard from them today so I'm taken it as I've passed not unless they've rang my mobile but dont get service were I live.
No news is defo good news on the GTT front @TTC no2! Mine is Monday, I had it with Caleb and was all ok so hopefully fine this time as well.

@Rose83 - can’t believe you’ve had to self diagnose and treat the iron levels yourself. Really hope it’s working for you. Having an August baby is a crazy thought as it’s next month!! Sounds like with the pain though, it could be a blessing. I also feel like I’ll be measuring big - I’ll see what MW says next week. With my son, the growth chart said he would be 10lb+ at 41 weeks but he was 8lb4 so think maybe I just have a lot of fluid!

@kanga86 - totally feel for you with working an active job. I’m working from home - so basically just sitting at desk for 8 hours but I’m shattered just from that!

Really hope baby turns for you @chickadee1990, still plenty of time and space in there.
Yep TTC, the consultant said back at 20 weeks or so that if I was scanned and am growing a big one at 32/36 weeks scan then they will induce at 38 to 39 weeks because of previous history of big babies born in some level of distress and with the pain I experience from back trouble. I’d be totally happy with that, I actually much prefer the predictability of knowing when I’m going in to be induced rather than just waiting for labour to start naturally. My first growth scan is next Saturday so we’ll see what they say! Can’t believe I could in theory have a baby in 8 weeks time!

I’m fairly sure this one was breech too until 28 weeks when I became aware of a big shift in movements and feet kicking up into my ribs. X
Hey guys, I am officially in club third trimester! Hope you are all doing ok!
So glad places are starting to open up again, feel like I've been locked up for so long. Taking our boy to an aquarium tomorrow, so excited to get out of the house for a proper day out. 12 weeks left of us being a family of 3 so I really want to be able to enjoy him and spend lots of quality family time with him before baby arrives. His 2nd birthday was in April and as we were in lockdown we did nothing for him so going to do a little late birthday party for him over the weekend too. Hehe we all need a little boost by this stage!
Yayyy 3rd and last tri Victoria.
Enjoy ur day tomoro I'm sure it will be a lovely day. Great to get out and do these kind off activities again.

Scary thought Rose these babies could be arriving so soon.

I washed more baby clothes I didnt realise I had so much neutral stuff. I really dont need anything but will buy few bits for fotos.
Going to make a start on the boys bits tomoro and get it done.
Have a fab day @VictoriaNi. So nice to see family/friends again. Hope your son has a super day.

My boy is being reunited with his cousins today for first time since Feb. He’s so excited. :-)

TTC - Bet it’s so weird to see tiny clothes on the washing line again

Glad all well with you @chattychar1990 xx
Ps How’s everyone getting on with names? Think we’ve got a few we are both happy with. Heard hubby asking son (4) what he thought of them yesterday....he said “yeah maybe, but how about lightsaber or hulk??”
Have a lovely day out Victoria, it feels good to start being able to do normal things. I have my brother and his girlfriend coming to stay on Monday for a few days, and we are all so happy to be seeing them.

Glad you are doing well Char, crazy some of us are in single weeks left!

Ttcno2 I haven't washed any of the clothes yet, just have it all piled up in the "nursery" aka baby stuff dumping room lol I was quite surprised at how much neutral stuff I had, that i can use this time around.

Jenny we haven't really spoke too much about names as its hard to get hubby involved in anything baby related! She is going to be nameless when she arrives lol You would think I would have girls name easy after having 3 boys but we never sat and thought about girls names as we always found out the sex. I think I have a middle name, May, after my mums family.
Ps How’s everyone getting on with names? Think we’ve got a few we are both happy with. Heard hubby asking son (4) what he thought of them yesterday....he said “yeah maybe, but how about lightsaber or hulk??”
This really made me chuckle haha. My niece and nephew just want to call her ‘baby’.
We have our name. Have done for a while now - I won’t share until she is here though <3
I love her name so much but it’s not going to everyone’s taste. My mum has only just come around to the idea of it xx
I havent given names too much thought yet.
Me and my daughter have had little chats throwing names out..
It will be an Irish name though as we all have them so sticking too tradition
Yay, third trimester. Hello ladies (tap dances into the conversation.....or would do if I had the energy). Pleased to be officially joining you over here.

We've got a name too, but not telling anyone until shes here. Keep umming about it, and keeping an ear out for any other names we like, but this has been a firm favourite for about 3 months so I think we're set. So difficult when you've got to factor in sibling names. When I ask DD what she wants to call her she says 'baby, baby, baby'.

Off to a local bird foundation this morning. Looks like they've only sold 20ish tickets online so should be easy to distance. And looks like it should be dry :pray:

Not sure if I'm over emotional, but getting really annoyed with my parents. They seem more concerned about helping out my sister with her 2 kids (8 &4) and never seem to ask if we need any help. I know its easier to distance from the older kids, but they had them to stay last night, been arranging stuff to do with them as lockdown eases and if my sister needs childcare (sister and her DH are living together and sis is furloughed). Parents are now off on holiday, but want to be back for Sept to help my sister with school pick ups when the kids go back. Ummm, hello :wave:, I'll be 36w by then with a toddler, but thanks. I just feel like the pregmancy and my family is being ignored. Sorry, morning rant

Hope you're all having good weekends xx
This really made me chuckle haha. My niece and nephew just want to call her ‘baby’.
We have our name. Have done for a while now - I won’t share until she is here though <3
I love her name so much but it’s not going to everyone’s taste. My mum has only just come around to the idea of it xx

Dont blame you for not sharing @chattychar1990 and @Rose83 - I feel like no one is going to say they don’t like it once baby has arrived so that’s best option! Especially if you have fully decided. We only had one name we liked for our son Caleb so didn’t want to hear any comments to try and put us off it :)
Yay, third trimester. Hello ladies (tap dances into the conversation.....or would do if I had the energy). Pleased to be officially joining you over here.

We've got a name too, but not telling anyone until shes here. Keep umming about it, and keeping an ear out for any other names we like, but this has been a firm favourite for about 3 months so I think we're set. So difficult when you've got to factor in sibling names. When I ask DD what she wants to call her she says 'baby, baby, baby'.

Off to a local bird foundation this morning. Looks like they've only sold 20ish tickets online so should be easy to distance. And looks like it should be dry :pray:

Not sure if I'm over emotional, but getting really annoyed with my parents. They seem more concerned about helping out my sister with her 2 kids (8 &4) and never seem to ask if we need any help. I know its easier to distance from the older kids, but they had them to stay last night, been arranging stuff to do with them as lockdown eases and if my sister needs childcare (sister and her DH are living together and sis is furloughed). Parents are now off on holiday, but want to be back for Sept to help my sister with school pick ups when the kids go back. Ummm, hello :wave:, I'll be 36w by then with a toddler, but thanks. I just feel like the pregmancy and my family is being ignored. Sorry, morning rant

Hope you're all having good weekends xx

Welcome over Amy! We are finally here, hope you had a good day out. Had one of my sister here over the weekend which was so lovely. Not seen her since Feb!

Sorry to hear family aren’t being too supportive. You must be making it look easy! Don’t be afraid to say if you need help though, imagine your parents would be upset if they knew you felt like this though.

had GTT test today and they did 28 week check too at hospital so I don’t have to go again next week. All good and bump is just over 50th percentile on the chart. No appt now til 34 weeks, feels like forever!

Hope everyone is good- not sure if it’s because July/August ladies are a joint thread, it’s starting to feel really close now! Xx
Aww Amy I know so many people who feel like this, there always seems to be one sibling that gets that extra bit of attention when it comes to childcare! In some ways we are fortunate that neither of our parents are in a position to look after our children - my mum and dad live 400 miles away and my husband’s mum is older and very immobile so just couldn’t cope with a young child let alone 3! I usually take all mine to see my parents at this time of year while my husband works in the summer but they are just so useless (literally no help at all, it’s like having 5 children) that I had already said I wouldn’t be going this year even before Covid as I knew
I couldn’t cope with them all Plus being heavily pregnant. I do always think there is an element of ‘making it look easy though’ if my mum ever mentions anything about help the she always says something like ‘well of course you don’t need help, you manage everything yourself’. So maybe if you said to yours that you are worried you’ll need a bit of a break and could they help out when baby comes they might be open to it x
Yeah, I think you're both right. Without wanting to sound like a dick (I hope it doesnt sound that way) we're in a much better position financially, jobwise, etc. We definitely have a lot more disposable income, and my mum knows I've already booked in a deep clean of the house when im 36w so I dont have to worry about it at the end. But it just feels so frustrating that my sis just expects my mum to do all this stuff for her, and my mum just does it. Any time anything like that has been raised my mum just says something like 'well, you know things are a lot easier for you.' That really annoys me as we've both had the same opportunities, and things havent landed on my lap, I have worked for them. Anyway.......rant done. Lol.

All good apart from that. Managed to get some house and garage stuff sorted and DH to throw some stuff away. Also found a woman near me on FB who makes yummy looking cakes/deserts. Ordered a load for the weekend. Need to try them out, and support local businesses :-)
Girls any off uz get pain just beside your ribs. It's my left one. Pain is always there. I cant wear a bra. I reluctantly put one one if I've to leave the house.

Should add I dont think it baby I never feel kicks in this area. Maybe its just my bump so big now
Girls any off uz get pain just beside your ribs. It's my left one. Pain is always there. I cant wear a bra. I reluctantly put one one if I've to leave the house.

Should add I dont think it baby I never feel kicks in this area. Maybe its just my bump so big now
Yep except with me it’s my right side. I remember it well from other pregnancies, I think it’s just your ribs being pushed apart by your expanding bumps. Right sided pain can be a preeclampsia sign but mine definitely isn’t, it’s just been weeks and weeks of a dull ache. With sometimes more pain if I sit in a way that stretches that side x

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