Hi ladies, im still feeling terrible. So full of snot its horrid. Wishing we could use decongestants. Done our covid tests, but im sure its just a cold. DD seems to be a bit better with it, just keeping her dosed up with calpol. DH has been stepping in and doing loads, but i just feel like a rubbish mum and wife as im just a lazy snot monster at the moment
Rose, from what I've heard the mws and birth partners need to wear them, but they arent making us wear them. Wouldnt work with the breathing and gas&air, etc. Think they've realised its pretty inhumane. Sorry to hear you've been feeling bad. Hopefully the codeine is taking the edge off and helping you sleep.
I had my MIL questioning me taking ONE paracetamol at the weekend, and saying she definitely wouldnt take anything if pregnant. Oh go F off love! DH had to step in before I lost it. Considering shes the least empathic and maternal person ever, who dropped a 17yr old off at uni and then left the country for 3 years and offered no parental support I have NO time for her at all. (Sorry, rant)
Hi Skyye, congratulations on your pregnancy
I'm still only feeling baby movements really low down, but they did say my placenta was fundal, so maybe thats why. I still feel like she might be breech, or traverse as she seems to be across me. Got a private scan in 2 weeks so I'll see then xx