*September 2020 Mummies*

Hello ladies I would like to be added! :) I’m due September 19, 2020. I got my bfp January 8, 2020! I was so shocked. I am a first time mom so I’m shocked and nervous. The closer my due date gets the more excited and scared I get haha! Xx hope I’m welcome to join! Can’t believe we’re in our third trimester! I’m 31*2 <3
Hello ladies I would like to be added! :) I’m due September 19, 2020. I got my bfp January 8, 2020! I was so shocked. I am a first time mom so I’m shocked and nervous. The closer my due date gets the more excited and scared I get haha! Xx hope I’m welcome to join! Can’t believe we’re in our third trimester! I’m 31*2 <3

Welcome Skyye
This whole pregnancy has flew. I'm ready for baby to come now. Well I mean any time from 37 weeks that will be full term.
Aches and pain in my left ribs is getting unbearable now. My face has recently broke out. I think it may be pregnancy mask its red and blotchy. I always have had great skin so its bothering me.
Recieved my goodies from expert MW range excited to get that still waiting for the arrival off my raspberry tea looking forward starting it.
Welcome Skyye
This whole pregnancy has flew. I'm ready for baby to come now. Well I mean any time from 37 weeks that will be full term.
Aches and pain in my left ribs is getting unbearable now. My face has recently broke out. I think it may be pregnancy mask its red and blotchy. I always have had great skin so its bothering me.
Recieved my goodies from expert MW range excited to get that still waiting for the arrival off my raspberry tea looking forward starting it.
I’m so sorry your face is breaking out girl :( hope it clears up soon! I feel you with rob pain though, she’s constantly kicking my ribs, I’m not far along yet but hopefully she doesn’t make it to unbearable ughh
Still falling apart over here, had to take codeine last night so I could get a decent sleep as the constant pelvis/sciatic pain is disturbing me so much and the codeine stops me feeling it at all. Although that then makes me worry that I do more damage sleeping how I want to rather than whats best to stop further pain aggravation.

Random thought, does anyone know if they are making you wear masks when you’re actually in labour?
I hope the hell not. That would be bloody awful. Imagine trying to do ur breathing and just feeling ur hot breath hit u back.
I wouldn't be able to do that.
Plus for taking the gas and air not sure how that would work.

Sorry to hear ur still having a though time Rose. I really do feel for you x
Welcome @Skyye - hope pregnancy has been treating you well so far!

@Rose83 - think you are doing right thing with the codeine, occasionally you just need sleep! Especially when you’ve got other little people to look after. Think my body is prepping me for newborn lack of sleep again- waking at 5am everyday.

On masks in labour, Im pretty sure you don’t wear one (but birth partner and midwives will be) xx

Anyone feel like they can’t get any bigger?? I’m only 30 weeks
Hi ladies, im still feeling terrible. So full of snot its horrid. Wishing we could use decongestants. Done our covid tests, but im sure its just a cold. DD seems to be a bit better with it, just keeping her dosed up with calpol. DH has been stepping in and doing loads, but i just feel like a rubbish mum and wife as im just a lazy snot monster at the moment :(

Rose, from what I've heard the mws and birth partners need to wear them, but they arent making us wear them. Wouldnt work with the breathing and gas&air, etc. Think they've realised its pretty inhumane. Sorry to hear you've been feeling bad. Hopefully the codeine is taking the edge off and helping you sleep.
I had my MIL questioning me taking ONE paracetamol at the weekend, and saying she definitely wouldnt take anything if pregnant. Oh go F off love! DH had to step in before I lost it. Considering shes the least empathic and maternal person ever, who dropped a 17yr old off at uni and then left the country for 3 years and offered no parental support I have NO time for her at all. (Sorry, rant)

Hi Skyye, congratulations on your pregnancy :dance:

I'm still only feeling baby movements really low down, but they did say my placenta was fundal, so maybe thats why. I still feel like she might be breech, or traverse as she seems to be across me. Got a private scan in 2 weeks so I'll see then xx
Hi ladies, im still feeling terrible. So full of snot its horrid. Wishing we could use decongestants. Done our covid tests, but im sure its just a cold. DD seems to be a bit better with it, just keeping her dosed up with calpol. DH has been stepping in and doing loads, but i just feel like a rubbish mum and wife as im just a lazy snot monster at the moment :(

Rose, from what I've heard the mws and birth partners need to wear them, but they arent making us wear them. Wouldnt work with the breathing and gas&air, etc. Think they've realised its pretty inhumane. Sorry to hear you've been feeling bad. Hopefully the codeine is taking the edge off and helping you sleep.
I had my MIL questioning me taking ONE paracetamol at the weekend, and saying she definitely wouldnt take anything if pregnant. Oh go F off love! DH had to step in before I lost it. Considering shes the least empathic and maternal person ever, who dropped a 17yr old off at uni and then left the country for 3 years and offered no parental support I have NO time for her at all. (Sorry, rant)

Hi Skyye, congratulations on your pregnancy :dance:

I'm still only feeling baby movements really low down, but they did say my placenta was fundal, so maybe thats why. I still feel like she might be breech, or traverse as she seems to be across me. Got a private scan in 2 weeks so I'll see then xx
Oh my god I’d need to be restrained too if someone told me I shouldn’t be taking paracetamol! I am really wary of the codeine because I know it’s an opiate and my body reacts particularly strongly to them but I feel like if I’m taking 1 tablet maybe twice a week then that surely can’t cause too much problem. I mean I think I’d go mad if I couldn’t occasionally stop it hurting. I tried to go to bed without any last night and after an hour trying to sleep and just being in pain I took one again.

Just got my 36 week scan through for August 11th x
Amy I can sympathise with the inlaws, it must be tough to go and spend a few days “trapped” with them. My in-laws live a 5 min walk away, which is handy for when I need a babysitter, not so fun when they show up unannounced! They generally stay for hours and hours and drive me crazy though. Sorry your feeling rough from a cold and so is your daughter. We have been pretty lucky to avoid any bugs from having 2 back in school, although they are now off again for 7 weeks summer holidays!

Skyye congratulations and welcome to the group, how have you found your pregnancy so far? It is pretty scary and exciting as a first time mum so ask us any questions you may have and we will try to not scare you lol

TTCno2 I’m finding that I’m pretty uncomfortable most of the time now, luckily I only get rib pain when I’m doing loads of walking around like at work. Can’t rib pain be a sign of something else going on?

Rose, I don’t know how you are coping with your sciatica without pain meds, I was taking tramadol for it in my last pregnancy, and even then it didn’t take the pain away, just made me pass out so I at least got some sleep. As for face masks I’m sure partners only have to wear them when entering the ward and can take them off once in the labour room. Then they aren’t allowed to leave the room til they get kicked out after the baby is born, least that’s what my hospital is doing I think.

I have been struggling so bad with being back at work, so much that I have brought my maternity leave forward by another week. I will be finishing 8th Aug at 33+1weeks, just 7 shifts to go! I end up so exhausted and in so much pain so it’s just not worth dragging it out too long. I do have 4 weeks on annual leave to use up first so maternity leave doesn’t start til I’m 37 weeks.

I have another growth scan on 31st July, at 32 weeks. Any other scans coming up soon? Rose is that your first growth scan? I can’t remember.
Think it's pain in ribs right side can be sign of preclasmpia .
I think this pain i have is due to size off my uterus pushing up against my ribs .I never feel baby there so dont think I can blame it.
Scans- i have my 36week one in 2weeks thank god I'm nearing the end.

U are a good one back at work Kanga.
I think I would really struggle if I had to go back. I'm currently on annual leave now.
Welcome @Skyye - hope pregnancy has been treating you well so far!

@Rose83 - think you are doing right thing with the codeine, occasionally you just need sleep! Especially when you’ve got other little people to look after. Think my body is prepping me for newborn lack of sleep again- waking at 5am everyday.

On masks in labour, Im pretty sure you don’t wear one (but birth partner and midwives will be) xx

Anyone feel like they can’t get any bigger?? I’m only 30 weeks
Thank you girl! I feel like I can’t get any bigger, I feel so huge for this being my first, maybe it’s cause of gestational diabetes but mannn. I am large and incharge :( I’m 31+5
Think it's pain in ribs right side can be sign of preclasmpia .
I think this pain i have is due to size off my uterus pushing up against my ribs .I never feel baby there so dont think I can blame it.
Scans- i have my 36week one in 2weeks thank god I'm nearing the end.

U are a good one back at work Kanga.
I think I would really struggle if I had to go back. I'm currently on annual leave now.
I just had a google about rib pain, your right, it it right sided pain to be worried about. Apparently it is similar to the round ligament pain caused by relaxing muscles aswell as the expanding uterus. Hope it eases up for you soon. It's crazy that you and Rose are just a couple of weeks away from your 36 week scans, we are getting so close now. I still don't feel mentally prepared for having a newborn again, it feels surreal!

I was so hoping to not have to go back to work, and although it has been so tough it has been lovely seeing my work colleagues before I go off on maternity leave. They have all been so helpful and won't let me do anything I shouldn't and let me take it easy. Although I feel guilty that I can't do what I used to do and that they have to do so much for me. I will have only done 6 weeks before I go off again and that is all I have worked this pregnancy since I was 6 weeks pregnant lol so I can't complain too much!
Sat trying to put my hospital bag list together. Seems like the list for baby is tiny in comparison for me haha Really can’t remember how much of anything I actually used last time whilst in the hospital.
Hey ladies,
Sorry i haven't updated much - i just like to come on and see how you are all doing?....

I was sent for a growth scan on Tuesday as baby was measuring above the 97th centile (fundal height). Baby showed to be measuring just above 90th centile at the scan so still measuring big. I was sent straight to the assessment unit so the consultant/doctor could look at the scan in detail and discuss what the next step would be......well i sat in that assessment unit for 4 POXY HOURS!!! I was actually close to tears and i questioned what the wait was about 3 times. In the end i think they knew how hormonal and pissed off i was getting that they sent me away to come back on Wednesday morning at 8am. So pissed off that they couldn't have done this at the very beginning. Anyway i went in yesterday morning. They have taken blood test to check for GD and i will call for the results at 7pm tonight. They have also sent me for another growth scan in 2 weeks time. I never actually see the doctor yesterday so i really am still confused why i was waiting for 4 hours on Tuesday to apparently speak to him.

@kanga86 - i packed baby's bag this morning and i didnt think there was much there but i do have everything i need. My bag however has my whole life haha!!

@Skyye - welcome to the group xx

Hope the rest of you are all doing ok, not long until we are meeting our little bambinos xx
Amy I can sympathise with the inlaws, it must be tough to go and spend a few days “trapped” with them. My in-laws live a 5 min walk away, which is handy for when I need a babysitter, not so fun when they show up unannounced! They generally stay for hours and hours and drive me crazy though. Sorry your feeling rough from a cold and so is your daughter. We have been pretty lucky to avoid any bugs from having 2 back in school, although they are now off again for 7 weeks summer holidays!

Skyye congratulations and welcome to the group, how have you found your pregnancy so far? It is pretty scary and exciting as a first time mum so ask us any questions you may have and we will try to not scare you lol

TTCno2 I’m finding that I’m pretty uncomfortable most of the time now, luckily I only get rib pain when I’m doing loads of walking around like at work. Can’t rib pain be a sign of something else going on?

Rose, I don’t know how you are coping with your sciatica without pain meds, I was taking tramadol for it in my last pregnancy, and even then it didn’t take the pain away, just made me pass out so I at least got some sleep. As for face masks I’m sure partners only have to wear them when entering the ward and can take them off once in the labour room. Then they aren’t allowed to leave the room til they get kicked out after the baby is born, least that’s what my hospital is doing I think.

I have been struggling so bad with being back at work, so much that I have brought my maternity leave forward by another week. I will be finishing 8th Aug at 33+1weeks, just 7 shifts to go! I end up so exhausted and in so much pain so it’s just not worth dragging it out too long. I do have 4 weeks on annual leave to use up first so maternity leave doesn’t start til I’m 37 weeks.

I have another growth scan on 31st July, at 32 weeks. Any other scans coming up soon? Rose is that your first growth scan? I can’t remember.

this will be my second growth scan Kanga, had one at 32 weeks which showed 90th centile and would give a predicted birth weight of around 9lb 3. I don’t have gestational diabetes so the next stage was just to review at 36 weeks. When that scan is done the consultant will immediately review and debate induction at 38/39 weeks with me. Midwife has indicated that discussing my pain levels with them combined with my previous (and ongoing) rectocele that they will more than likely offer the induction to put me out my misery! I ask feel like as this is the rapid weight gain stage of pregnancy they may find I am much bigger than at 32 weeks x
Can’t believe it’s the hospital bag stage @kanga86!! How quickly has it gone

@chattychar1990 - how did you get on with GD results? Hope all OK and you and @Rose83 are just cooking nice chunky babies :-)

Not much to report here, booked extra appt to see MW next week at 31 weeks as been getting swollen feet - I’m rubbish at taking breaks from my desk so think it’s just this but want to get BP checked in case. I also think baby is transverse @AmyThomas - sure I can feel head at one side and bum at the other. It’s soooo painful, keep having to lie down on side to get her to move a bit. Never had this with my son, he was head down all the way.

Hope everyone else is good x
Ergh! Feeling absolutely crappy. Went to bed with a bit of a headache, but got up at 4am for work and it's ten times worse., its making me feel nauseous. Just taken some paracetamol to see if it helps a bit, wish I could just crawl back into bed. I only have to struggle through 5 hours then I can come home, not to peace and quiet but to 3 loud boys but at least I can lie down!
Morning ladies, got the covid test results back yesterday. All negative, so thats good. Really impressed with the quick turn around. Only posted them back on tuesday. Feeling a bit grumpy at the moment. The snot has cleared up a lot, but my sinuses hurt and I have a bit of a cough. Feel like I'm living in joggers and sweats, but as im not going out whats the point. Sad I might not get to wear some of my nice maternity bits this time round. I suppose when I sell them on I can put 'hardly worn' :rotfl:

Trying to convince my DH we should relax a bit and see my sister and her kids. Yeah my sister and her hubby are at work, but my DH goes back to work next week. And our DD is at nursery, whereas their kids arent at school. His worry is they will touch and he said we should meet in a park or something, but I would rather be somewhere comfortable with a sofa, and a loo. Dont really want to use a public toliet unless I have too. I get why he's being cautious, but I am Soooooooo bored with feeling trapped in. I feel like I've done nothing since March, and that is starting to get to me.

Can't believe some of you are at the hospital bag stage. Im at 30+5 so it still feels a long way away. I will probably do mine when we are back from our holiday, I'll be 34w then. Think I've got all I need though. Hoping I'm not in as long this time.

Sorry you were made to wait so long at the hosp Char. Did they get back to you with the results? Hope work wasnt too bad Kanga and that you managed to shift your headache.
@chattychar1990 how very frustrating that they made you wait so long and then you didn't even end up seeing a doctor. I would've been so pissed off. Hope your gd test came back clear, you were expecting baby to measure big weren't you?

@Rose83 I remember your other scan now, baby brain lol 9lbs 3oz isn't too bad, given you've had big babies before. I hope the consultant can give you an induction date sooner rather than later especially with all the pain you are in.

I haven't actually packed my bag yet @JennyS85 and @AmyThomas, just get a list together. I'm 31 weeks so still 9 weeks to go. I get paid 14th Aug (be 34wks then) and have a colleague 15% discount weekend so will grab the bits I need for it then and then probably pack some bits. Although most of my stuff I will be using up until labour so will have to throw it in at the end lol

I hope your okay Jenny and the swelling is just from sitting down too long at your desk. I think my little one changes position several times a day, swear she is transverse for a bit then goes more head down before switching back up again. Don't remember my boys being this fidgety either and they stayed head down too.

Amy, so good to hear your covid tests came back clear, but sorry you are still feeling rough. Colds are awful at the best of times without being pregnant. I know what you mean about living in slouchy clothes, I'm in nighties most of the time at home as I find anything across my tummy too uncomfortable after a while.

We are being quite relaxed with certain people, we had my brother and girlfriend stay at the house at the start of july for a few days. We mix with my sister and niece, and my in laws come round to babysit. But that is it, we don't get too close to friends etc, well the boys did at school but not now we are on summer holidays we won't be seeing much of them.

I threw up the tablets this morning straight after I posted, but thankfully the headache still shifted. The shift was tough for the last 1.5hrs as my tummy just felt so tight, plus having to wear a face mask the whole time was horrible. Everyone I saw in asda was wearing them though so that was good.
Hey girls
We've relaxed tinsy bit. We be in my parents house and they come here. OH has a friend come over to play pool but they go straight to upstairs to his man cave which I never go up to as u climb the attic ladder. So I dont mind that.
I take kids to park and we've met up with daughters friends from school as she totally broke down last week about missing everyone. There was no social distancing when they all met up. Very hard for kids to keep apart but all us mums sat in a circle keeping our distances
Today was first day I took kids out to shopping centre as we needed few more things for the communion happening in Sept. They asked to wear their masks but after a bit they got sick off them.
My legs are walked off me. We went to a next outlet and u should see some off the baby bits for next to nothing. Wish I knew this baby was. We did get 2 xmas baby grow for xmas for £2.00 each lol

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