*September 2020 Mummies*

Best of luck @kanga86

My August baby was born 45 minutes after my waters were broke during my induction.

My labour was documented as just 8 minutes long :0 xx
Best of luck @kanga86

My August baby was born 45 minutes after my waters were broke during my induction.

My labour was documented as just 8 minutes long :0 xx
Jeez and I thought my last labour at 38mins was quick! They are waiting for hubby to get here before breaking my waters just incase it happens quickly xx
My husbands birthday is 28th May haha weird

Yay that’s exciting Kanga! Hope it all goes smoothly!

@SockVortex this has happened to me too! I’m 28th May and was sat next to people in a university classroom all year and it was only in May that we realised the person to the left of me and the one to the right were all born on the 28th May. Weird.
Ahh good luck Kanga!!! Sounds like baby could be here very soon, oooo excited!!
I had to thread crash to say that my older son has his bday on September 26! Crazy!

good luck @kanga86!!
Oh wow! Good luck @kanga86, you’ve totally got this. So excited for you, she will be here in no time
Amy - hope you survived your day with DD after little sleep.

Victoria - glad they could do the sweep today. Sure induction of 7th Oct won’t be needed.

Had a few tightenings last night and kept having to go to the loo (sorry TMI) but hubs was working away today so I’ve literally sat on my ass all day so as not to bring anything on. He’s now about an hour away so I’ll be getting back on ball once I’ve put my son to bed x
OMG, so exciting kanga. Cant belive how quickly things have moved for you. Fingers crossed you'll be cuddling baby soon.

My day was ok. DH finished work a bit early and did loads with DD in the afternoon. I managed a short nap, but woke up needing a wee, again.

Good news on the sweep Victoria. Hopefully you wont need the induction xx
Morning ladies, so I managed to skip the induction. I was shown to labour ward at 5:30pm and had to wait for them to break my waters. At 8:30pm they said they were too busy, had a lot of emergencies to deal with so I was long at a long wait and to get some sleep. At 1:15am my waters broke by themselves and contractions started straight away. They varied in length, intensity and time between them until 7am when a mw actually was able to come and be in the room with me. Baby Charlotte was born at 7:53am weighing 7lbs 4oz so no where near what they estimated her to be. It was so intense that last hour and there was alot of swearing lol I was very grateful for the gas and air! I got away with just a couple of grazes xx

Morning ladies, so I managed to skip the induction. I was shown to labour ward at 5:30pm and had to wait for them to break my waters. At 8:30pm they said they were too busy, had a lot of emergencies to deal with so I was long at a long wait and to get some sleep. At 1:15am my waters broke by themselves and contractions started straight away. They varied in length, intensity and time between them until 7am when a mw actually was able to come and be in the room with me. Baby Charlotte was born at 7:53am weighing 7lbs 4oz so no where near what they estimated her to be. It was so intense that last hour and there was alot of swearing lol I was very grateful for the gas and air! I got away with just a couple of grazes xx

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Congratulations, she’s gorgeous! How great that you managed to avoid induction but still be at the hospital for the entire labour. I guess she was just a bit slow because she knew she would need the energy in a few hours x

What was her estimated size if you don’t mind me asking? My baby is estimated to be over 8lb at the moment.. my first was only 6lb 6oz so I’m thinking they’re a bit off.
Aww she’s absolutely beautiful and sounds like a perfect labour too.

Huge congratulations ... how’s Hubby doing now she’s finally here xx
Congratulations Kanga!! Fantastic news!! Charlotte is a beautiful name, and she is so gorgeous. Awww I am so jealous you have labour over with haha!! Well done you!
Aww Kanga fab news
Delighted you missed the induction process and she came on her own.
Shes alittle beauty. Enjoy the cuddles. I'm sure the boys cant wait to meet her x

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