*September 2020 Mummies*

Damn veiwing was cancelled. Apparently their child is ill. Cant be helped, but still annoying. At least I now have a really clean house!

I want to eat everything today. And everything chocolate. Also feeling shattered. Ended up having a nap for an hr, before I got woken up for a wee, as usual.

I was 3/5 engaged at 36+4, then 4/5 at 38+4, and then the hospital said 2/5 at 39w. So seems they can bob in and out as they want at the moment Jenny.

Im the same as you Kanga, no signs of anything happening. Happy at the mo as its MOT tomorrow and not my edd til sunday. DD's birthday on tuesday so would like to miss that. So knowing my luck that will be the day xx
How frustrating the house viewing got cancelled Amy, nice you have a really clean house but must be exhausting keeping it so tidy and clean for viewings. I went upstairs to lie down this afternoon and watch tv and had a 30 min nap before the school run, mostly out of boredom lol

I didn't realise your dd had her birthday so close to your due date aswell, fingers crossed you don't have baby then, I was so stressed out on James's birthday at the start of the week xx
Damn veiwing was cancelled. Apparently their child is ill. Cant be helped, but still annoying. At least I now have a really clean house!

I want to eat everything today. And everything chocolate. Also feeling shattered. Ended up having a nap for an hr, before I got woken up for a wee, as usual.

I was 3/5 engaged at 36+4, then 4/5 at 38+4, and then the hospital said 2/5 at 39w. So seems they can bob in and out as they want at the moment Jenny.

Im the same as you Kanga, no signs of anything happening. Happy at the mo as its MOT tomorrow and not my edd til sunday. DD's birthday on tuesday so would like to miss that. So knowing my luck that will be the day xx

it not uncommon for them to Bob in and out.
What is frustrating is when they bob out to being free again, but this only really happens when they’re 1/5 and then free and so forth. Sounds like your little one’s just moving up and down a bit x
I'm not too fussed about DDs birthday (bless her), she'll be going to nursery anyway and any family party has been cancelled due to the rule of 6. But I would rather they didn't share birthday's just cos I think it would be nice for them to have their own days. But if its only a day or 2 apart I'm not bothered.

I've already warned my mum that if she ends up having to look after DD on her birthday cos I'm in labour I don't want her to do a big birthday thing with her. I want us to celebrate it with her when we're back home. She's too young to know what specific date it is (will be 3), but will understand what a birthday is. If I am still pregnant on tuesday, or back home, we'll have all her presents and balloons and etc in the morning before nursery xx
Insomnia sucks big time :-( been awake since 4am ish again after dreaming I was peeing myself so much that I was soaking the bedroom floor so woke up with a start thinking I was either actually really peeing or my waters had broke. Fortunately I wasn't peeing but it wasn't my waters either, boo! Hubby's alarms will start to go off in 10 mins or so and the kids up in an hour, thinking I should just stay awake now and try for a nap once they are all at school!
My DD decided that 0530 was the time to wake up and start singing in her bed. Managed to leave her til 0630, but today is going to be a struggle xx
My DD decided that 0530 was the time to wake up and start singing in her bed. Managed to leave her til 0630, but today is going to be a struggle xx
Oh no! I stupidly fell back to sleep just after 6am and had an hours sleep and now feel 100x worse for it! Head is banging. Is your dd home all day today? I am looking forward to having the school run done and chilling out xx
Unfortunately so kanga (I feel so mean saying that!) She goes to nursery tuesday and thursday and my mum has her on wednesday as these are the days I used to work. Mondays and fridays are a struggle now. If I'm still pregnant on monday Im expecting that to be a challenge :eek:

Hope you feel better during the day and get to relax. Happy due day xx
Unfortunately so kanga (I feel so mean saying that!) She goes to nursery tuesday and thursday and my mum has her on wednesday as these are the days I used to work. Mondays and fridays are a struggle now. If I'm still pregnant on monday Im expecting that to be a challenge :eek:

Hope you feel better during the day and get to relax. Happy due day xx
Don’t feel mean, these last few days are an absolute killer especially when you have a 3 yr old around to entertain. I had a nearly 4 yr old and a 19m old last time and I didn’t even get to these last few weeks where I was induced and I remember living for the days Harry was in nursery and I had only one at home for a few hours!

I’ve been bad and had 2 coffees this morning and feel a little more awake. Stripped our bedding and done another clothes wash already. Just gone up to double check my labour bags, just to make sure I have everything. Plus I will be taking out the tiny baby clothes I put in baby’s bag just in case as I don’t think she is going to need them so will see what sizes I have of other bits to put in instead. Then I am going to make my bed and get into it lol got a tv upstairs and find it comfier lying down with my pregnancy pillow xx
Just back from my appointment. Had a sweep, she could feel the baby's head, he is nice and low, cervix is soft and stretchy and central, 1cm dilated. So I guess it is a good start. Will get another sweep in a few days if nothing happens. Oh how I hate this waiting game haha!!
Also got an induction date for 7th October. Oh please oh please I hope I go naturally well before that date! Hope everyone is doing OK today xx
So I came to the hospital for reduced movements today, typically she kicked up a storm on the monitor so all good. But they have offered to induce me and I've agreed to it as they can go straight to breaking my waters, eek! Heading to induction ward first to wait for a bed on labour ward then it's all systems go. Could be a few hour wait though but exciting though! I was so worried about my labour happening too quick to get the hospital so this calm my nerves knowing I will be here for the whole thing. Just got to keep my fingers crossed for a straight for induction like I had last time xx
So I came to the hospital for reduced movements today, typically she kicked up a storm on the monitor so all good. But they have offered to induce me and I've agreed to it as they can go straight to breaking my waters, eek! Heading to induction ward first to wait for a bed on labour ward then it's all systems go. Could be a few hour wait though but exciting though! I was so worried about my labour happening too quick to get the hospital so this calm my nerves knowing I will be here for the whole thing. Just got to keep my fingers crossed for a straight for induction like I had last time xx

Ooh how exciting! She could be born on my birthday (the 26th) which is obviously a fabulous day to be born ;) Highly recommended!

Good luck, Kanga!
Ooo exciting Kanga!! Good luck with the induction, look forward to hearing updates!!
Exciting @kanga86! I think it will go really quickly once they break your waters! Good luck!x
Good luck @kanga86 with the induction! Its also my mams birthday tomorrow @SockVortex so definitely a good day to be born :)

I think statistically it's actually the most common birthday. I was once sitting on a bus surrounded by school kids. Three boys were having chat about their birthdays. One said 'Mine's the 26th of September' and the other two were surprised because that was also their birthdays! And then me, a complete adult stranger, chimes in to say 'You're not going to believe me, but that's my birthday too! Haha.'

So yeah, four of us all sitting next to each other on one bus. Madness.
I think statistically it's actually the most common birthday. I was once sitting on a bus surrounded by school kids. Three boys were having chat about their birthdays. One said 'Mine's the 26th of September' and the other two were surprised because that was also their birthdays! And then me, a complete adult stranger, chimes in to say 'You're not going to believe me, but that's my birthday too! Haha.'

So yeah, four of us all sitting next to each other on one bus. Madness.
How bizarre!
Yay that’s exciting Kanga! Hope it all goes smoothly!

@SockVortex this has happened to me too! I’m 28th May and was sat next to people in a university classroom all year and it was only in May that we realised the person to the left of me and the one to the right were all born on the 28th May. Weird.

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