Ah ladies I really feel for you getting messaged about when baby is here or anything happened. I was so fed up of being pestered on the school run and I am so glad to not have to face that this week.
Amy I also feel for you for not being able to sleep. Although it is such a different tiredness once baby is here. I am glad to have my body back and not have the pregnancy discomfort and heartburn, but I feel so beaten up and achey, I kinda forgot how much it takes out of you. Probably doesn't help my iron levels are low though.
We had a much more settled night last night and I feel brighter today for it. We have to head back up to the hospital today for Charlotte's newborn check, feels strange to need to go back in because with all the boys i was still in hospital the day after they were born so had all the checks done before leaving. Not sure when she will have her newborn hearing test done either.
Chickadee a fb group would be amazing, so much easier to carry on chatting to each other. I'm still in one from when i had my eldest 8 years ago.