*September 2020 Mummies*

Sorry to hear you had a trip to hospital Amy! These last few weeks are so stressful aren’t they - you just want them here safe and sound at this point. Glad she got moving for you and you didn’t feel the need to head back in.

The sweep was uncomfortable, only had one with my son at 40&5 which wasn’t anywhere near as bad (but guess being much earlier/not engaged much they had further to reach her head ) Pretty grim tbh but needs must! Made worst by having a chaperone in the room as male doc was doing the sweep - she was chattering away to me when I just wanted to close my eyes and breathe!

Nothing much happening here, had some spotting/cramps straight after but not much since. Planning to blitz the house this morning and then have a bath and chill this afternoon.

How are you guys going Kanga and Victoria?
@JennyS85 are you sure they would give you the pessary then send you home after monitoring? That’s not the protocol here at all, once induction process is started it’s monitoring for half an hour then monitoring again 3 hours later, another pessary 6 hours after the first then CTG monitoring again then a third pessary 12 hours after the first or the next morning if it would make it too late at night. Then if nothing happens after that they consider a 24 hour break then pessary process again or section. You aren’t allowed home unless you decide on the 24 hour break or to stop the process x
I can only think it’s a different type of pessary maybe. I’d not heard of it as an option before either Rose but I don’t know anything about inductions really!

Consultant called it an outpatient induction and said it’s “slow release” used for low risk cases. So I’d come in at 10am for it and if baby was happy after monitoring, I’d then go home again and hopefully labour at home. Then if nothing gets going in that 24 hours, back at 10am next day and stay there until she comes?!

Really hoping it won’t come to that but no signs of sweep having done much yest! X
When I was induced last time with a pessary they said I had to stay in as it was for RFM, however if I was 'just' being induced I could have gone home and gone back after 24hrs. Hope things start happening jenny xx
Hey everyone, absolutely nothing to update here!! About a week ago I was feeling lots of pains and niggles and starting to see bits of mucus plug, but then it all stopped and literally nothing at all the past few days!! I definitely think this little lad is going to be another late arrival!
My next appointment is on my due date this Friday so I imagine I will get a sweep, hopefully that will help get things going!
I am feeling OK, just getting on with things and keeping busy. Just back from blackberry picking again with my boy, so going to make a nice crumble.
Hopefully us last few waiting mummies will have some exciting updates soon!!!
Oh yes here in N.Ireland from 6pm tonight we are under new lockdown rules, no mixing of any households indoors. Had a cry about this yesterday as I just don't know how I will cope if I can't have any visitors or go to my mums house etc when baby arrives. So fed up with this whole covid thing, as we all are!!
Haha Victoria we are the total opposite - we have the same restrictions, next 3 weeks no mixing in households and could be longer and I’m thrilled because this gives us another reason not to have my parents visit or anyone else. My MIL and SIL have seen Piper but no other family. My family drive me insane so the last thing I want is them here - they still expect me to wait on them even after just giving birth, walk in and demand tea etc. I have 4 children and they have never so much as changed a nappy. They are no help at all!
Oh gosh Rose I can totally understand where you are coming from, in that sense I would be thrilled also haha. That is crazy that they don't help out at all, some people really just baffle me!!
I guess I am lucky to have a family and friends that are really willing to help, and to be honest I was really looking forward to the help as I am a bit worried about coping with a newborn and toddler. But what will be will be, I will manage haha. I will have my hubby home for the first 2 weeks which will help ease me in gently I guess!

Haha Victoria we are the total opposite - we have the same restrictions, next 3 weeks no mixing in households and could be longer and I’m thrilled because this gives us another reason not to have my parents visit or anyone else. My MIL and SIL have seen Piper but no other family. My family drive me insane so the last thing I want is them here - they still expect me to wait on them even after just giving birth, walk in and demand tea etc. I have 4 children and they have never so much as changed a nappy. They are no help at all!
Hey everyone, I’m still here and pregnant lol Those niggles around James’s birthday were nothing and he managed to have a lovely day. I think I overly stressed myself out about it though! My mw appt went well on Monday and checks all good. She did offer a sweep which I declined and she understood why so I saw her yesterday instead for a sweep. Cervix is posterior, long and thick so not ready for labour at all. 1cm dilated so she managed to do a bit of a sweep but I’ve not had any niggles or anything since she done it so don’t think it done much. Just getting some brown spotting still. I think some of my plug may have fell into the toilet this morning as I heard a little splash and it looked plug like in the bottom lol but if I didn’t here the splosh I wouldn’t even have known I was losing any. Next appt is Monday at 40+3wks when I will get another sweep if baby not here.
@JennyS85 are you sure they would give you the pessary then send you home after monitoring? That’s not the protocol here at all, once induction process is started it’s monitoring for half an hour then monitoring again 3 hours later, another pessary 6 hours after the first then CTG monitoring again then a third pessary 12 hours after the first or the next morning if it would make it too late at night. Then if nothing happens after that they consider a 24 hour break then pessary process again or section. You aren’t allowed home unless you decide on the 24 hour break or to stop the process x
We do outpatient inductions of labour at my unit for low risk women who live within 30mins of the hospital. This is with propess and presuming all checks and monitoring before and after insertion are normal.
We do outpatient inductions of labour at my unit for low risk women who live within 30mins of the hospital. This is with propess and presuming all checks and monitoring before and after insertion are normal.

Thanks Sydney - sounds like that’s my plan.

Nothing much happened since sweep, bit of spotting and mucus. got another one tomorrow so hopefully might help along.

Still here, still pregnant @kanga86, feel like that’s our group motto right now Any changes after your sweep yesterday? X
@JennyS85 nope all normal here! Just royally fed up and so so bored of waiting. Just don't know what to do with myself, I just feel so irritable, so much so I am annoying myself lol I'm finding myself dreading the school runs aswell as the comments are really starting to get to me as it's so relentless and repetitive. Surely its obvious I wouldn't be on the school run, waddling around with a bump still if I had had the baby!

Fingers crossed for your sweep tomorrow, hopefully it will kick things off for you
I'm still here and still pregnant too :wave:. Happy to go to the weekend though as we've got a house viewing tomorrow and then the car MOT on friday. Once thats done she can come whenever. DH says hes ready to finish work too!

Feeling a bit nervous as to what's going to happen as I've only ever experience induction. I'm really intrigued as to how natural labour could start for me. Where I am they wont do a sweep until 41w, so if I get to my 40+4 appt they book another one in for 41w, if I want.

Was wondering if I was losing some plug, but it just looks like loads of discharge. Its thicker and not as slimy as a plug looks, and there's not a lot of it, just seems pretty constant. Baby is still kicking around loads and beating me up.

I've told DH he can do the nursery runs from now on. I'm done with that xx
I'm still here and still pregnant too :wave:. Happy to go to the weekend though as we've got a house viewing tomorrow and then the car MOT on friday. Once thats done she can come whenever. DH says hes ready to finish work too!

Feeling a bit nervous as to what's going to happen as I've only ever experience induction. I'm really intrigued as to how natural labour could start for me. Where I am they wont do a sweep until 41w, so if I get to my 40+4 appt they book another one in for 41w, if I want.

Was wondering if I was losing some plug, but it just looks like loads of discharge. Its thicker and not as slimy as a plug looks, and there's not a lot of it, just seems pretty constant. Baby is still kicking around loads and beating me up.

I've told DH he can do the nursery runs from now on. I'm done with that xx

Ooh Amy that's how mine started. Loads discharge. But it was clear like raw egg white if u know what I mean. Then my waters just went the day I thought things was really going to happen.
Well hopefully baby will stay put for u till u get those things out off the way
Hey everyone, I’m still here and pregnant lol Those niggles around James’s birthday were nothing and he managed to have a lovely day. I think I overly stressed myself out about it though! My mw appt went well on Monday and checks all good. She did offer a sweep which I declined and she understood why so I saw her yesterday instead for a sweep. Cervix is posterior, long and thick so not ready for labour at all. 1cm dilated so she managed to do a bit of a sweep but I’ve not had any niggles or anything since she done it so don’t think it done much. Just getting some brown spotting still. I think some of my plug may have fell into the toilet this morning as I heard a little splash and it looked plug like in the bottom lol but if I didn’t here the splosh I wouldn’t even have known I was losing any. Next appt is Monday at 40+3wks when I will get another sweep if baby not here.

Things maybe have progress since ur visit to MW if ur loosing plug also spotting. Bloody show starting?
Really wont be long till u all have baby in ur arms.

I'm bit sad all our journeys are almost over. I dont think we'll have anymore.
Was adamant that this was it but if he wanted one more I think at times I could be talked into it then again when I'm up during night I'm like nahh this is it :rotfl:
Oh gosh Rose I can totally understand where you are coming from, in that sense I would be thrilled also haha. That is crazy that they don't help out at all, some people really just baffle me!!
I guess I am lucky to have a family and friends that are really willing to help, and to be honest I was really looking forward to the help as I am a bit worried about coping with a newborn and toddler. But what will be will be, I will manage haha. I will have my hubby home for the first 2 weeks which will help ease me in gently I guess!

Our new restrictions are crap Victoria.
I'll still be having my mum about the house. Lucky she helps me out alot. My kids love her so much too wouldnt be good for my eldest to go back to how it was.
Makes no sense these new rules.
Happy due date Victoria!

No sweep for me at MW appt today, the little tinker has popped back out of my pelvis :-( So feeling a little deflated right now and resigning myself to induction next week. Going at for lunch to cheer myself up xx
Thankyou @TTC no2 and @JennyS85 I didn't even realise it was today, I thought it was tomorrow haha just looked at my notes and some say edd 24th and some say edd 25th so that's why I didn't realise ha! Still no signs unfortunately, looking forward to my appointment tomorrow to see what they say and hopefully get a sweep. Time really goes sooo slowly at this stage! My first was 9 days late, ugh I can't even imagine having to wait another 9 days at this stage lol!!!
Oh no Jenny :( little monkey. Apparently 2nd or more babies do tend to pop in and out a bit and may not engage at all until labour starts. So I will keep my fingers crossed she drops back down and you can avoid induction. Do you have an actual date for induction? Enjoy your lunch out, I just made sausage and cheese mcmuffins at home, they were quite nice. Not quite a mcds sausage patty but nice enough.

I'm feeling okay today, no signs baby will be making an appearance any time soon but don't particularly want her to arrive today either. It's my dad and my step mums wedding anniversary today and don't want to share the day, as there is still some animosity over how quickly my dad got with with her and remarried after my mum passed away.

Good luck with the house viewing today Amy, hope it goes well. I've been getting thicker discharge lately much nothing that shouts mucus plug. I read some posts back from when I was on here before and apparently when I started losing my plug I was shocked at how much came out lol
Happy due date Victoria, these last few days certainly are the longest in the world, especially when you know you could potentially have another 2 weeks to go! I'm hoping we are all lucky enough to not go too far overdue. I think I can just about handle waiting til the weekend or maybe Monday lol

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