*September 2020 Mummies*

Thank you everyone, we are back home and the boys are just thrilled to meet her and keep tiptoeing around and whispering, it's so funny.

@WinterWolf they estimated her to be 6lbs 13oz, 3 weeks ago at 37 weeks. Which means she only put on 7oz in 3 weeks. Chart put her at over 8lbs if she followed the line from the growth scan.
@WinterWolf estimates seem to vary in accuracy. My experience was that my second baby was expected to be big because I was measuring 5 weeks ahead using fundal height from 28 weeks and he turned out to be 10lb 1 born on my due date. My third baby I had a scan due to reduced foetal movement at 39+2 and the estimate was over 10lb again but he was born after induction at 39+4 And weighed 9lb 6oz so that was an over estimate.
Then my fourth was again measuring off the scale big, so the estimate if I had delivered at 40 weeks would have been around 10lb. I was induced at 38 weeks and she was 8lb 15oz so in all likelihood if I had gone to 40 weeks then 10lb would have been about right.
I feel like the estimates are more unreliable with the smaller babies but maybe that’s just my experience skewing perception x
Congratulations @kanga86 !!! That sounds ideal that you went naturally!
Hoping your husband has fallen in love with his little pink bundle x
Awww Kanga what lovely news! Charlotte is beautiful, congratulations! Xx
Crazy how much you forget or get anxious about even being a mum to my 4th baby. Keep googling everything to make sure I'm doing everything right. Charlotte like to be on the boob alot so I'm absolutely shattered, hoping during the day I can get a bit more help from hubby and can get some sleep. Still in disbelief she is here and all mine.

Happy due dates @JennyS85 and @AmyThomas xx
@kanga86 huge congratulations what a story! She is absolutely gorgeous and I love her name! I was on edge after baby 4 too. I think having older kids who are around and still need you adds to the tension cause you’re just so hyper vigilant about everyone all the time. It gets so much better emotionally. Enjoy her!!
Great that you are home and settled @kanga86! Thanks for the due date wishes :-)

Currently lying in bed trying to explain to our son that baby might not come today- he’s been counting down for weeks. Came in this morn asking where she is

Got another sweep this afternoon if I can and will also get an induction date x
Massive congratulations @kanga86
Charlotte is beautiful and obviously the best name you could have picked for your bundle of joy!!
So glad you managed to avoid the induction and well done for getting through labour with just the gas and air. Superwomen!!

Sorry I haven’t been around ladies, my hands are always so full, I love being a mummy - she is the best thing that ever happened to me. How did I ever get through life without her?!

hope everyone is ok with their new arrivals and those left to wait aren’t waiting to much longer xxx
Happy Due day ladies @AmyThomas and @JennyS85 :dust:

@VictoriaNi hope you 3 ladies are ok.

My girl is 6 weeks old today. I was praising how well she slept thur night into Friday only to get 4hours sleep for friday night . I was exhausted. She was cluster feeding. I find when she does that my boobs get so soft she cant latch on and is so fussy at the boob. I try to hold my breast a way to make latch work better which sometimes works.
I never experienced that with any of my others.
Good to hear from u Char. Glad uz are both well
Good luck with your sweep Jenny, I swear that's what kick started me off. After the ctg for reduced movements the midwife checked me to see I was able to be induced by having my waters broken and she did a sweep at the same time.

Ttcno2 I can't believe you have a 6 week old now. Cluster feeding is horrendous, Charlotte spend all night on a boob last night, I feel exhausted. Mike let me sleep in this morning and get some sleep, not had loads of sleep but feel slightly better. Hoping tonight isn't quite as tough xx
Morning ladies, so I managed to skip the induction. I was shown to labour ward at 5:30pm and had to wait for them to break my waters. At 8:30pm they said they were too busy, had a lot of emergencies to deal with so I was long at a long wait and to get some sleep. At 1:15am my waters broke by themselves and contractions started straight away. They varied in length, intensity and time between them until 7am when a mw actually was able to come and be in the room with me. Baby Charlotte was born at 7:53am weighing 7lbs 4oz so no where near what they estimated her to be. It was so intense that last hour and there was alot of swearing lol I was very grateful for the gas and air! I got away with just a couple of grazes xx

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Massive congratulations Kanga she's a beauty xxx
Congratulations @kanga86 ! She’s adorable! Glad you didn’t have to do induction and you managed to have her naturally as you could!!
Can’t believe September is nearly over and we’ve nearly all got our bundles of joy! Oakley is officially three weeks old now! Amazing how much they change! He got weighed on Friday...he now weighs 9lb exactly :) so he put a whole 1lb on in a week when she weighed him the previous week! And considering I’m breastfeeding/expresssing I’m so happy :) xx

photo- dreaming to mummy I’m awake face

I don’t no about anyone else...but the passed to babies that I’ve had on here and the groups I’ve been in when going through these...we set up a private Facebook group just for catch ups and updates etc, we found it easier once the babies where born to pop on there rather than here. Both of the groups are still going 5 and 3 years on now, and it’s lovely to stay in contact, would anybody like to do that? Xx
I don’t no about anyone else...but the passed to babies that I’ve had on here and the groups I’ve been in when going through these...we set up a private Facebook group just for catch ups and updates etc, we found it easier once the babies where born to pop on there rather than here. Both of the groups are still going 5 and 3 years on now, and it’s lovely to stay in contact, would anybody like to do that? Xx[

Yes I'd be up for that x
Yeah, I'd be up for the fb thing.

I think I'm going to be sat here waiting forever. They wont even entertain a sweep until I'm 41w. But with it being DDs 3rd birthday on tuesday I know dont really want anything to kick off until tuesday pm. xx
Amy I know how you feel! Currently feel like this pregnancy is never going to end. Had lots more like lightening pains last night but then they just stopped. Getting messages constantly from friends and family asking if anything has happened yet, and I'm just like NO when baby is here you will all know!!! Haha.

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