**September 2020 Mummies**

Hey ladies, hope everyone is well.

so I had my consultant ring today, for a general catch up, haven’t heard from my midwife since 12 weeks! I told her about the itching and was sent straight down to MDU to get my bloods taking, but now got to wait 24 hours to see wether it is obstetric cholstatis again :( if it is I’ll have to go in medication for the foreseeable until my liver function (bile acids) goes down! I had it in both my orevious pregnancies, but was found with pippa at 37 weeks and Harlee second pregnancy at 34 weeks! So there concerned it may be coming earlier. I genuinely can’t sleep the first few hours I’m in bed because of the itching!! So far it’s only on my feet and legs! Gggrrrrr can’t I just have a normal pregnancy! Defintley not doing this again! xx
Ladies - any of you doing a hypnobirthing course? I have just started the positive birth company. It’s a digital pack and I must say it’s absolutely brilliant.
I have learnt so much already and only started it today. Never thought this whole hypnobirthing would be for me but I’m really enjoying it and it’s actually making me realise that labour and birth isn’t as bad as what everyone make it out to be. X

@chattychar1990 - sounds great that you are enjoying the hypnobirthing course, a few of my friends swear by it! I know you hear a lot of horror stories about labour/birth which as a FTM can be scary so having some coping techniques is a great idea. For balance, with my son, labour was absolutely fine, 3 hours start to finish without any pain relief. I’m one of the lucky ones but you might be too!! X
Hey ladies, hope everyone is well.

so I had my consultant ring today, for a general catch up, haven’t heard from my midwife since 12 weeks! I told her about the itching and was sent straight down to MDU to get my bloods taking, but now got to wait 24 hours to see wether it is obstetric cholstatis again :( if it is I’ll have to go in medication for the foreseeable until my liver function (bile acids) goes down! I had it in both my orevious pregnancies, but was found with pippa at 37 weeks and Harlee second pregnancy at 34 weeks! So there concerned it may be coming earlier. I genuinely can’t sleep the first few hours I’m in bed because of the itching!! So far it’s only on my feet and legs! Gggrrrrr can’t I just have a normal pregnancy! Defintley not doing this again! xx

Sorry to hear this @chickadee1990 - obviously better they catch and treat it but guess you were hoping to last a while longer. I don’t know much about OC, do you still go full term in tri 3 as long as the meds are doing the job? Xx
Have you had the results back chickadee? Is it more likely you'll have it if you have had it previously? I don't know anything about it either.

I've heard good things about hypnobirthing (had to stop that auto correcting to bullfighting :rotfl:) I didn't do it last time and although I had a pretty long drawn out experience (induced at 38w 2, DD came at 38w 4, then ended up in SCBU for 4 days and we were stuck in his for 7 days) I didn't actually find the birth difficult. Yeah, it took a long time, but I expected Labour to be difficult. I did take ALL the drugs though and plan to again :D.

I am intrigued by it this time though as I have realised I have no experience of going into Labour naturally, and all the initial thoughts/feelings/aches, etc. I'm just a bit worried about how I'll fit it in with DD being around and DH WFH. If it's all about having a calm state I'm not sure I can achieve that at the moment at home!

Ladies who have had 2 pregnancies- did you find the 2nd one so much more difficult? I feel like last time I breezed through it. Didn't get too big or uncomfortable, and up until the last few weeks it all seemed ok. This time round I'm obvs much bigger and this is leading to backache. But I'm also having some uncomfortable Braxton hicks (didn't have at all last time), heartburn, and some rib pain
U will be nearing third trimester by that point so I hope they keep u furlough. By time retail opens here it will be July I hope. So i hopefully covered. Only 2 weeks and we will be in third trimester @chattychar1990. Crazy how fast it's going and still not one thing bought new for this baby. Not even a wipe lol
I cant believe how quick tri 3 has come around i really cant. Since the 12 week mark this pregnancy has flown by, which is crazy because have been in lockdown the majority of it.
We are nearly there @TTC no2 :) xx
It sure has flew

Omg.. girls wearing a dress due to weather just happened to look behind me leg. I have varicose veins. Never got them before. My mum suffers so bad with them from having us. I'll need to get some sexy stockings for myself... lol... anyone else suffer
Chickadee I hope you yet the results of the OC test soon and that you're all clear for now.

Jenny a 3 hour labour for your first is amazing. I find it fascinating how different people respond to labour. Like some have on and off contractions for weeks and some labour for ages. I'm kinda dreading being quicker this time as my last labour although induced was only 40 mins from 1cm to born!

Amy how come you were induced at 38+2wks for your 1st baby? I've had 2 spontaneous labours start and they were pretty similar. Just dull regular sightings that I wasn't 100% sure was anything to start with. With my 2nd I also had intense pressure down below, so much so sitting was uncomfortable so sat knelt down, bum on my heels kinda thing. I also went to soft play with my eldest whilst having the early contractions with my 2nd as I was so unsure they were going to lead to anything lol

I've suffered in all my pregnancies to varying degrees, starting with the hyperemesis sickness for the first 20wks, then the heartburn kicks in. Then the spd and pelvis pain I've had in all of them. With my 3rd I had horrendous sciatica from 19 weeks til he was born, that was so bad I ended up in hospital on tramadol for 2 days before being sent home with painkillers. I could only lie on my front, surrounded by pillows to get any relief. Standing and sitting were impossible! I've also had the evil braxton hicks (although not so far this time), some were strong enough to take my breathe away.

Well I managed to speak to my boss today and he said I definitely cant go back on home shopping at work, but I can chose another department to work on if I want to. I will be expected to return as although vulnerable I'm not on the extremely vulnerable group. So my other options were to use my holiday up and take early maternity or go off unpaid! So kinda screwed really. Going to try and see if I can get signed of sick, as we get ssp topped up to our full wages for 6 weeks, then I will take my holiday and then start maternity leave. Or I will see if I can stay on furlough due to not having childcare for the kids, only downside to that is I work sat, sun and Tues, so not sure if that will work.
@kanga86 - your boss isn’t correct. You don’t have to return to work. If you can’t social distance and take on a job behind the scenes away from the public then you have ever right to carry on working from home. You should not be made to start maternity early or be told to take any holiday. If they can’t facilitate you then they HAVE to pay you full pay. From 28 weeks the government guidelines say pregnant women should be shielding. The 3rd trimester is the most dangerous time for us to be around people. X
@AmyThomas Thread hopping here, you’re not alone!! I never had any problems with being big/uncomfortable in my first pregnancy until right at the end, never had any BH either but in this second one my bump is enormous already (nearly 22wks but I’m the size I was at 34ish weeks last time), I have painful BH daily and I always have something hurting. Second pregnancies are no joke lol.
Hey ladies, sorry totally forgot to update you all! So your bile acids are supposed to be between 0 and 14, mine are sitting at 10 at the moment which is up the top of the spectrum, I’ve got to have blood tests every two weeks and if my itching gets worse in between I’ve just got to go back down for tests in between! So frustrating that it’s happening so early!! Highly annoying! But I’ve got to go with it. They will give me medication if it gets to the point that I am over number 14!

my first pregnancy with pippa was almost 6 years ago and I was induced due to obstetric cholestatis, and was in labour for over 12 hours, babies heartbeat dropped so ended up in a emergency c-section! Was the worst experience because I didn’t no what was going on really :(
Then I was adamant with Harlee that I would have a VBAC! Again got to 36 weeks and ended up having OC again so got induced! 24 hours after the pessary nothing happened so had the drip in! After about 8 hours was still sitting at 7cm’s at 6am! They gave me 2 hours to dilate fully and push, luckily she came at 8:36am! Normal birth, gas and air and an epidural was put in...but I did it! So hoping this tome round it will be the same and o have a normal birth!
Hope all you ladies are ok :) xx
Definitely finding this harder this time around @AmyThomas! Not sure if it’s because I’m 5 years older or have one child to look after already. At this point when pregnant with my son, I was travelling to my best friends wedding in India! Now I don’t even want to walk to the end of my road some days
Hi ladies! Sounds like we are all starting to feel the various strains of being pregnant!
I can definitely say that baby 2 felt like it was harder when I already had child under one. Baby 3 when I had a 2 and 1 year old was pretty much hell after 30 weeks. This time with a 5, 4 and almost 3 year old it’s tough but at least I don’t have to pick any of them up really, that was the hardest thing about previous pregnancies. Although of course I still have horrendous back pain and sciatica this time.

just been on the phone to maternity assessment again because I’ve started feeling breathless. They have decided I’m anaemic. Last Saturday my blood iron level was 107 and they treat anything under 105 so they said it sounds like within the week it’s dropped below the threshold and that’s why I’m feeling a bit breathless and dizzy and exhausted.
Aww Rose are you. Will they take ur bloods again to be sure.

I started back on my vitamins tabs when I was getting my leg cramps so hope they are giving me a boost..
I had feeling so breathless past week. My fit bit is telling me some nights my estimated oxygen variation reading are quite high meaning I'm having trouble when breathing during sleeping and I could really feel the difference within myself and pulse beating so high.
Past few days I've felt better and it's been showing low.

Watched the masterclass on positive birth company. She is offering 10 off the digital pack online until midnight tomoro using code MASTERCLASS
Yep they said they would test them on Tuesday at my glucose tolerance test but that I had the key symptoms for it. Was just speaking to a friend whose last pregnancy tested at 110 and they wouldn’t treat her but she felt like I do and had no energy to do anything. She is like me and always starting a new project etc so was way out of character for her like it is for me.

interestingly iron deficiency also causes restless legs and black floaters in the eyes which I have had for weeks and weeks x
How are u all finding the heat... I'm doing ok but think it's time get pool up and running :bath: be nice to cool off
Hi ladies, sorry I've been so quiet. Had a busy few days, and then when I've sat down to write a post DD has wanted something.

The potty training seems to be good ok. She now knows, and says when she wants a wee, and most of the time she gets there without an accident. If she does have one it's just a little dribble. But she seems to wait for a night time nappy to go on before she has a poo, so that's fun. It's led to a few middle of the night bum changes, but from what I've read it seems to be fairly common. She did have a nightmare in the early hours of Friday morning, so I ended up having to share her bed with her. How does someone so small take up so much space?! I tried to sneak out when she went back to sleep but she woke up and stared at me so I had to pretend I fell out of the bed :fib:

Kanga, I was induced for reduced movements. I had about 3 incidents so they booked me in after my last one at 38w. Thought I might as well :D

Sorry you're finding it harder this time Winter and Jenny, but pleased to hear its not just me :hug:, although being reminded that Rose is doing it with another 3 at home is making me feel like a wimp! Sorry to hear you're feeling bad Rose. Hoping Tuesday's appointment sees some answers for it.
Had my GTT this morning, they said they’ll only call if my blood sugar is abnormal so hopefully won’t hear from them. They sent me round to maternity assessment to have a full check over for the anaemia symptoms and the doctor there said it seems very likely that’s the problem without even seeing the result of another blood test so she just prescribed iron and sent me home. So really hope I start to see some improvement in the next couple of weeks.

I’m 26 weeks today so I guess that means I’m in tri 3?

hope everyone is well! X
Had my GTT this morning, they said they’ll only call if my blood sugar is abnormal so hopefully won’t hear from them. They sent me round to maternity assessment to have a full check over for the anaemia symptoms and the doctor there said it seems very likely that’s the problem without even seeing the result of another blood test so she just prescribed iron and sent me home. So really hope I start to see some improvement in the next couple of weeks.

I’m 26 weeks today so I guess that means I’m in tri 3?

hope everyone is well! X
Hopefully you don’t get a phone call Rose.

Tri 3 doesn’t start until 28 weeks so a couple of weeks yet hun xx
Thank you for the message @chattychar1990, thankfully I’ve had a much better chat with my boss today. I am going to be returning to work and on my department. I will be doing the quality checks of the picked items and bagging up of the home shopping trolleys ready for the next day. I will spend all my time out in the warehouse with probably only a handful of other people tops. First shift back will be 17th June, eek! I will only be back for 7-8 weeks before starting maternity leave so hopefully it will go okay.

@Rose83 what a tough time of it you are having this time, big hugs! I hope the iron tablets help and relieve some of your symptoms. Hope your gtt comes back clear too. I was most disappointed when I saw my midwife last week and she informed me I will be having the 2 hour test complete with awful drink :sick: It’s not til 13th July though. I always thought tri 3 started at 27wks but all the government stuff that is about at the moment says 28wks!

@AmyThomas i was induced in my last pregnancy for reduced movements too, I had been in 7 times, and 4 of them were the days before I was induced. I was 37+5wks and so ready to have the worry and stress over movements and his growth (he was measuring small) I accepted the induction. I was so gutted though as I did plan for a home birth. Although strangely I don’t plan for one this time and and can’t see me wanting one either.
I’ve always been a bit hazy about when tri 3 starts seeing as tri 2 starts at 13 weeks I assumed it was just double for tri 3.

my community midwife had seen my blood results come in and my iron had dropped in a week from 107 to 105 so they agreed it was definitely right to treat me as they usually treat at 105 and below. They seemed surprised that it would have dropped within a week so looks like I must have really depleted my stores. She didn’t mention the GTT so I assume that means it was all clear or not back when she called x

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