***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

I have quite a few bits of upto 1 month but I'm going to need them as I suspect they will be about 6lb each maybe x
Afternoon ladies! Back from our little trip to west wales and eyes deep in washing but no motivation to do any of it! Millie is such a mucky pup so all her stuff always needs pre wash scrubbing with vanish and I can't bring myself to do it this evening!!

Been starting to sort out my hospital bag this evening. Painted the nursery on Thursday and have picked out the carpet today but it won't be fitted for another three weeks. Need to clear some space in the other room so I can get all millies old sleepsuits etc down in newborn and 0-3 and wash all the gender neutral stuff.

Hope you're coping ok with the weather lander. It's been terrible weather down here in South Wales - overcast and raining on and off since Thursday. Want some sun so I can get out and do some nice things with millie before new arrival comes!
The weather here has been awful as well, I'm so sick of the rain :-(
Wish I could do some washing :wall:
Our nursery carpet is being fitted in the morning then we just need to arrange when the fitter can come back to do our bedroom carpet xx
What colour carpet have you gone for Karen?
Really want to do our bedroom but always seems to be something else that money goes on!! Xxx
We've just gone for a dark grey colour, keeping it fairly neutral .... same in both rooms, we've got a light grey at the moment but gone for something a bit darker this time x we got a really good deal for both carpets and underlay..... both for £750 including the fitting and they're good quality carpets, it's a local carpet shop and they had a 25% off promotion xx
What colour are you going for?
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Ooh glad you had a good time Naomi.

The sun has come out here today :)

Been to do a photoshoot with Liam as my husbands birthday is coming up and thought he may appreciate an updated picture of Liam for his desk.

Dogs had jumped all over my bed with muddy paws so just washed and dried it, so attempting to make the bed on my own as my husband is currently sat in A&E, Liam is having a sleepover at my parents. So I'm going to shower and sit watching Netflix in bed with fresh pjs and fresh bedding as it is the law to do so :)

Nearly fainted earlier too ... Not sure why :(

We have the carpet man coming tomorrow to measure up the lounge :)

And happy Sunday evening ladies, we are all another week down x
Wow that's a good deal Karen :-) we've gone for a dark cream/light brown type colour. Excited to get it fitted although a while to wait yet!

How come your OH is in A&E Caroline? Hope all is ok. I'm refusing to put duvet covers on anymore and it has become strictly simons duty haha. Lovely idea with the photo shoot :-) not good about nearly fainting - watch that in case it's blood pressure or something. Take it nice and easy tonight with Netflix. We are sat watching orange is the new black :-) xxx
He was putting the last bits of plasterboard up and slipped with the screwdriver into his thumb ... It's been bleeding since about 12ish and won't stop so he's gone to get it sorted.

I think I am very quickly deciding I am now too pregnant for half of the stuff I do. And Chris would of done the duvet but it's clean and I didn't want blood on it haha

Your carpets sound lovely :) x
Luckily our bedding is deep red so if hubby did anything similar I'd still have him making the bed ;-) hahaha. Hope he's ok though!!

Got the Sunday night blues tonight :-( don't want to go to work!!! Xxx
Are they still being cruel to you?

He's home now with a bandaged up thumb, not broken or anything but cleaned properly and dressed appropriately x
Glad he's home :-)

I wasn't in at the end of the week last week so hoping this week will be a better week :-) the most I've got is 8 weeks left so just got to focus on that I guess!! Xxx
You have barely got that long until you give birth lol, I hope they are nice to you this week x
Been about 24C here since Saturday, got a fan for the bedroom yesterday and we're sleeping with just duvet cover, no actual duvet like on holiday...

Our new shower is hopefully being put in tomorrow so meantime it's one of those lovely old hose on the taps job in the bath :rofl:

And now less than two weeks at work :yay:
Just catching up on all the goss! Been working way too mamy hours and feeling shattered in the evenings.

Did some antenatal classes too which were brilliant. My OH feels more involved now too :-)

The end is definitely in sight now! Hope you are all ok in this weather. It's boiling here!! Xx
Hi :), this heat has been awful, I really wanted to sit in my knickers and bra all day but I couldn't lol.
And yippee tomorrow is supposed to be warmer x
I very nearly passed out in the office this afternoon. The heat has been unbearable! I want the sun but for it to be a bit cooler!! Definitely can't go to work in bra and pants haha xxx
Haha I even have to get dressed tomorrow because I have my scan, when I lived at home in my parents house (quite a while ago lol) I had a ceiling fan, I could do with one right now x
Ah a ceiling fan would be awesome right now. The pregnancy pillow doesn't help with the heat either but I can't seem to sleep without it!
Hope your scan goes well tomorrow! Xxx
It does doesn't it, I might price one up and rope my dad into fitting it ... Completely forget to tell my husband and blame it on baby brain lol, then I have years of cool summer nights :)

Nothing actually helps with this heat though, and I swear it's worse for us being pregnant.

I will be asking for a section tomorrow ... Feeling a little nervous about it as it makes it all real lol x

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