***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Mrs I haven't looked at the new next range choosing not too not a good idea lol I would only want everything this boy going to be dressed like a wee Prince and me like a pauper lol

Lander so lucky I wish I had that store here they have lovely stuff xx

Damn the heat is fierce was in town this morning when I got home had one foot in the door and stripped off everything was sticking to me hate this clamyness. Anyone doing antenatal classes? started mines tonight was quite enjoyable have a MW app in morning x
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Debenhams is equally as dangerous lol

I'm not doing any classes, not even doing a hospital tour ... Mainly because I did them last time and it's the same hospital so figured I didn't need to tour the same place twice lol.

Is it a local mw appointment? X
Aw hope it goes ok asking for the section Caroline. Nothing to be nervous about - most people in your situation would be asking for the same thing. Let us know how it goes xxx
I'm meltingggggg!! Ha.
Baby had hiccups this morning for the first time. So cute
I'm melting too Aragon

Had my scan, having an extra one In 2 weeks as twin 2s growth has slowed down a smidge. Twin 1 is 4lb and Twin 2 is 4lb 1oz. They are both footling breech :(. Asked for a section but she was reluctant because even though will probably not move at this point and they are in the worst positions "you never know". So will be asking agin in 2 weeks no doubt. Had my iron levels checked again so will have to wait for those results too. She did say that no matter what I won't be going past 38 weeks

Naomi how is work so far this week? X
I'm really surprised that they've not agreed a c section at this point... especially with them being breach. Hopefully it will get sorted in another two weeks. And I'm sure twin 2 will have a growth spurt soon enough - they all grow at slightly different rates anyway don't they :-)
He has dropped from midway between 50th and 75th centile to between 50th and 10th :/ fingers crossed he either maintains or grows again or I will be having them slightly earlier lol.

I put my reasons for a section across quite well I thought and she just kept going on about vaginal delivery and how controlled it can be if twin 1 moves into the correct position, which he more than likely won't ... Meantime I was melting away and trying not to faint lol. She has documented in my notes that I want a section though x
Hmm well see how it goes in the next two weeks and be really forceful at your next appointment - they are your babies and the delivery is your choice not anyone else's. You have really valid reasons for wanting one.
As they are monitoring you closely it may all be decided for you after the next scan xxx
I think the heat doesn't help my frustration lol, how are work treating you? X
Just had a phone call from the midwife ... My iron levels are now 98.
They can't increase my tablets as I'm already on the highest dose .... Being tested again in 4 weeks to check the levels are ok before I deliver ... Somehow if they have done nothing but drop so far I don't see them picking up :( x
Oh no :-( gosh you must be feeling like it's one thing after another. Have you got a fair amount of iron filled foods in your diet?

Work have been ok today thankfully xxx
Glad work have been ok :)

And yes, I drink plenty of pure orange juice and eat loads of green veggies. And I eat red meat most days as I prefer it to white meat anyway. Maybe I should just live off steak lol X
wow those twins are keeping you on your toes MrsB! I agree you have perfect grounds to request a cesarean! Fx for you getting what you want.

Naomi think you're working as far as me.. 39 weeks! Hope the weather isn't like this though or I'll melt to nothing. Usually love the sun.

Got a wedding on saturday then off to the Netherlands 31st July for another wedding. My OH is the best man. So we're making a week of it and seeing brussels and more of the Netherlands too. Going by train so hoping all will be ok :-)
that sounds like a lovely couple of weekends aragon x
Well that was a crap night, I ended up having 2 nice cold showers and another this am when I woke up, I am so tired but still cannot sleep as its still too warm, meanwhile husband has snored away all night ... So unfair x
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It's just so hot isn't it!!! Ive asked to work from home today as I've been sick loads in the night. Going to see how productive I am and if I don't get much work done I will go sick instead. It's meant to be cooling down today but I'm still sweating heavily at the moment! Currently sat rubbing ice on my feet and ankles haha xxx
Oh no, I wonder if it's a bug or the heat that is causing your sickness, I hope you feel better soon.
I'm very grumpy today after lack of sleep and lack of cooling down, although I can hear thunder so I'm getting a little excited for the cool down x
Oo no thunder here but would be good to clear the air with a good storm! It was 25 degrees or over in our room all night.
could be a bug - a girl who sits in the same part of the office as me came in Monday saying she'd spent the day before throwing up (always nice for others to spread their germs!). So I could have caught that. Or it could just be the heat.

Hope you cool down soon - have you got fans? Xxx
How generous of her, I have never been so happy for rain :). And no we don't own a fan ... Will do soon though I will make sure of it lol x

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