***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

OMG 12 weeks already the wee dotes, it's crazy my wee guy is 2 months today xx
I know it's absolute madness ... they are still quite small compared to babies of their age though x


mrs they are gorgeous, such wee dotes :love:

Here's my wee man yesterday at 2 months !


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Oh my what handsome boys both have, totally adorable :love:

Came downstairs tonight after Jacobs bath to find Hakan sitting in Jacobs wee spot, must be thinking "if I sit here maybe I'll get some attention"!!!!!!!!


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They sure do! Today he tried to push Jacob out the way but settled beside him once he realised Jacob wasn't budging lol


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Oh my gosh our babies are so big!

Summer was 13 lbs at her 2-month appointment the other day. She has been a champion. My first two were the worst sleepers ever and she is just amazing. Sleeps 4- and 5-hour stretches regularly at night-- neither of my first two kids did that until they were 12-18 months old!
They sure do! Today he tried to push Jacob out the way but settled beside him once he realised Jacob wasn't budging lol

Haha I love it, button tends to lick the boys when I'm feeding and have no free hands to stop him x

Oh my gosh our babies are so big!

Summer was 13 lbs at her 2-month appointment the other day. She has been a champion. My first two were the worst sleepers ever and she is just amazing. Sleeps 4- and 5-hour stretches regularly at night-- neither of my first two kids did that until they were 12-18 months old!

Wow 13lb is amazing x

Robert had a reaction to the aveeno so I can't moisturise him with it anymore. My MiL is borrowing scales from work again on Friday so will weigh them again. They have hip scans tomorrow and they have their 2nd jabs on Friday x

Hope Robert is ok, aveeno us normally really good too. My little boy is 11 weeks today, 2nd set of jabs booked for next week. Did anyone find there little ones got fussy with feeding around 10-11 weeks, he's dropped a bottle and only seems to be drinking 4 oz where as last week he was finishing 6oz no problem
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Ours got fussy but soon picked up in style lol. They had their hip scans today and as expected they are ok x

Yes, Jacob went through a fussy stage around 11 weeks but he's picking up again now. He's taking 5 feeds a day now and will take between 5 and 7 ounces. He had his second lot of immunisations today so I'm hoping he's OK overnight as I'm on my own with DH being on nightshift, last time he just wanted to be held all night, he slept fine but just wouldn't go into his crib.

Pleased to hear the hip scans were fine x
How did Jacobs night go? How has he been since his second immunisations? X
Hi girls :)

I have been using that aveeno too, I think its great trying it atm for cradle cap....did you girls have to book the 12 weeks jabs or was it made for you I haven't got any app as yet.

Anyone any travel tips me and Bowie is off to Holland on tuesday traveling alone lol should be a laugh.
How did Jacobs night go? How has he been since his second immunisations? X

He was absolutely fine overnight, just his usual wee self but I did give him a dose of calpol with his bedtime bottle just in case lol
Been a bit rumbly in his tummy today though and he's had 3 huge loose poos from the rotavirus vaccine. He's been generally fine though thankfully :-)

Hi girls :)

I have been using that aveeno too, I think its great trying it atm for cradle cap....did you girls have to book the 12 weeks jabs or was it made for you I haven't got any app as yet.

Anyone any travel tips me and Bowie is off to Holland on tuesday traveling alone lol should be a laugh.

I use aveeno on Jacob too, he had really dry/flaky skin on his forehead but it's gone since I started using it.
No travel tips but good luck lol, I'm sure it'll be fine. Have a great time xx
Hi girls :)

I have been using that aveeno too, I think its great trying it atm for cradle cap....did you girls have to book the 12 weeks jabs or was it made for you I haven't got any app as yet.

Anyone any travel tips me and Bowie is off to Holland on tuesday traveling alone lol should be a laugh.

Ours was made for us by the GP - maybe prompt them x


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