***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Thankyou, I just had my last 3am pregnant waddle to the bathroom ... I'm only allowed water now until 6am, why is it when you are on starvation you get so ravenous? x

I can't sleep now, been awake since 3, getting up at 5, and I just can't fall back to sleep :( I might get a snooze in the car on the way there

Hurt my tummy a little last night, was sat on the couch chatting with my friend and saw something move, it was a rather large spider ... On my couch ... A few cms away from me ... It's the fastest I've moved in months lol and it hurt. Absolutely petrified of spiders :( x

Last 3am waddle, next time you are up at 3am it will be for feeds!

Spiders, blegh, I'm better than I used to be but big ones, grim! I would move like my life depended on it!

Hope you manage to catch a few Zzz in the car! Xx
Feeds are worth the 3am get up though :)

Got my last tablets to take and some weird lemon pre op drink to take at 6 or just before

Up, showered, dressed and almost ready :) getting quite excited, I don't think I will be nervous until I'm gowned up.

I hope you all have a good day and as soon as I get chance I will update you all x
Hi everyone.
Sorry haven't replied to everyone's supportive posts after my concerns... Will do.
Just wanted to say MrsB, the greatest of luck to you and your family today! By this time tomorrow your family will be complete!
Can't wait to hear the news and I hope everything goes perfectly. :-) No more massive bump to have to waddle around with! Xxxx
Feeds are worth the 3am get up though :)

Got my last tablets to take and some weird lemon pre op drink to take at 6 or just before

Up, showered, dressed and almost ready :) getting quite excited, I don't think I will be nervous until I'm gowned up.

I hope you all have a good day and as soon as I get chance I will update you all x

Good luck Mrs xx
Ah lots and lots of luck for today mrsb, so incredibly exciting! Xx
Had my last Daisy Birthing class last night and slept quite well despite toilet trips. Plenty of number twos... every four hours in fact :oooo:

Have had some random uncomfy tightenings last 24hrs but nothing intense or regular. Seems like a slow burn which I'm happy with lol

DH will work from home tomorrow so he can come to my mw appt as well. Might discuss internal checks or sweep due to his size and my niggles. I'll be 38wks tomorrow.
Good luck MrsB, can't wait to hear all about it and see your gorgeous boys xxxx will be thinking of you all day xxxx
Hi fellow September mums!

Is anyone elses baby still in the breech position? It was a bit of a shock at first as I had just got my head round a 'normal' birth plan and now its looking increasingly like its going to be a cs. I tried an ECV which was really painful and was booked in to have another tomorrow but have been so tender since last weeks attempt that I have decided to cancel, book in for a CS and hope that he turns in the meantime.

Its not really that thats bothering me at the moment. I mainly feel stressed by all the attempts to turn him. People suggest positions and excercises on youtube videos and I try them and it is so uncomfortable/ painful that it puts me into a really stressed, bad mood. The videos always seem to be by non-pregnant, flexible types who make it look so easy, whereas the positions just makes me feel sick and annoyed. Has anyone else felt the same or found some excercises which are super gentle that would be worth trying?
Part of me feels like just forgetting about trying to turn him and concerntrate on feeling relaxed and well.
Sorry to hear you are breach :-(

The only position I've heard of is one from yoga, the instructor explained that turning a dining room chair to face you, putting your hands on the chair and then stretching forward. You have to stand with your feet hip/shoulder width apart, take a step back and then lean forward and put your hands on the chair. I've heard all sorts from some people, that I just don't think are possible during the later stages! Getting things off the floor is a challenge, never mind some of the crazy suggestions!

Is this baby your first? Xx
Hi Jodie
that's frustrating that baby is still breech. Sounds like you're doing the best thing for you though booking the cs - the last few weeks are uncomfortable enough without you having another potentially unsuccessful manipulation.

Wonder how Caroline is doing?

I've got another consultant appointment first thing tomorrow morning and then off to bristol zoo for the day. Hoping baby stays put while we are there haha!
Ended up back in fetal assessment today after my consultation scan feel a bit more at ease now but still crappy i am lucky if i am getting 3 or 4 movements a day now, my wee man is head down and curved over to my left side least he's not back to back weight estimated atm is 6.6lbs...I have an app again in a week's time they will hopefully give me a date then.

Hope all you girls are well and I hope Mrs is snuggling her little boys xx
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Thanks Bobby23 and naomi88! Yes first baby.
I think sometimes its easy to get swayed by people and websites who suggest all kinds of activities and excercises in these later stages and you forget that somedays its a bloody good effort to get showered and do a few jobs, especially in this heat!
Im now of the mind that if he turns, he turns but im not going to worry about it too much. Just trying to stay calm and as comfortable and relaxed as poss!!
Hope you have a lovely day out and best wishes! x
I have to agree with you there it's a chore just to get out of bed in the mornings, from I turned 30 weeks it's been awful hoping I get this nesting energy I hear lots talk off I sure need it to get some things done xx

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