***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Argh appointments are running late. Just want to know!!! Also worried about being too late to work... xx
Aww don't worry about work you are entitled to antenatal appointments x

Well I am 37wks today.

DH always starts snoring after I get up for the loo at 3am...

I've had the 26th in my mind all along which is a week on Friday so who knows. Mum's birthday is 24th.
Maybe the 26th is your day then :)

At least when baby comes it's ready and able to manage x

Induction date is the 12th. Later than I was hoping because I'm worried about going past 39 weeks but then they've said because my levels have been so good they are happy for me to wait til then and hopefully it will happen naturally before then. Xx
Oh that is quite late ... Fingers crossed for going early x

That's ok Naomi, gives more chance of going naturally xx I'm still hoping I'll go naturally before my section date but I very much doubt it xx
Yes, my options have always been induction at 38 weeks or section at 39 weeks. I chose section because I definitely don't want induced but I'm more than happy and would prefer to give birth naturally if I go on my own xx I'm just not allowed to go to my due date xx
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Ah that's good, fingers crossed you go naturally then x
Yeh later than I was hoping as I'm panicked about something happening to the placenta but I've got a scan on the 7th so I guess it there's any issue they will catch it then and induce me early.

Going to start bouncing on my ball when it gets to september in the hope of starting things more quickly! Really don't fancy being induced so hoping I can get things moving myself xxx
I don't think the ball does anything, I've been on my ball since 16 weeks due to SPD xx
Ah was hoping it might help baby engage... last time I tried a few drops of clary sage oil in my bath water when I went over my due date but not sure that that's particularly recommended? Xxx
The ball works for some I think, unless it's all just coincidence x

We're all so close now ladies aren't we?

Today I'm feeling really tired but that could be due to the heat. It was so warm today.

Had the midwife yesterday and everything is on the right track. The Baby was breech but it has turned with it's head down. I'm measuring a week ahead but i'm taking nothing from it! My Auntie who recently gave birth was measuring 3 weeks ahead and kept getting told she was going to be early and she went a week past her due date!

I don't feel like my bump is huge - I am still quite mobile! At night though is when I feel it in my hips and things.

Last night I was sick too and I've felt quite nauseous tonight too. I don't know whether it's because the Baby's movements are so big now.

3 weeks and 4 days until my due date :-)
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Glad baby has turned for you xx
Only 12 sleeps for me until c section!
6 sleeps until mine

The heat makes me feel quite ill too, and I vomit quite often but usually first thing in the morning

Have you tried putting a pillow between your knees?it should align your hips a bit better

My period aches in my back have gotten worse today and I have had quite a few sharp pains going right down into my lady bits, not sure what that is

My tummy is really sore too, especially the lower part, it is painful to touch :( x
wow exciting you guys all getting dates, I hope I hear something on tuesday when for growth scan :love: xx
I'm pretty sure they will give you an indicator then as there won't be a lot of time between then and your due date x

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