***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

These need to hang on until the 23rd :)
And yes you definitely don't want him to miss anything x

August babies are starting to arrive more frequently, can't believe we are so close to Sept now! Just notice SCN I haven't told you we are team yellow for the front page.

Went out for lunch yesterday and ate starter and a main course, when will I learn that my stomach is not what it used to be! I felt awful for the rest of the day! Lesson learnt!

Off to the midwife this morning for my 34 week check, hoping baby is engaged or feels like turning within the next two weeks! Xx
I know it's very exciting I have my 36 week growth scan this morning x

Hope scan goes well, MrsB.
Never going to say I am starting to sleep better again... Last night was a bad one.
Didn't help that Dan came to bed really late and then was on his tablet so I woke up again and then had horrific pelvic pains and tummy pains. Sure not contractions or even BH, so could be bay moving down, I think. Bump feels lower this morning and feel a bit rubbish!
Asthma playing up too.
We are seemingly all messes! Roll on due dates/induction dates/c section dates! I want to meet my baby now.
Aww sorry you had a bad night

According to the scan they are both just over 6lb so I'm currently carrying 12lbs worth of babies lol

I hate all those teasing pains. And any pains that stop me from sleeping lol.

I just keep thinking this time next week and it will be the end :) and with a bit of luck once one of us pops we might all start going :) x

Aww sorry you had a bad night

According to the scan they are both just over 6lb so I'm currently carrying 12lbs worth of babies lol

I hate all those teasing pains. And any pains that stop me from sleeping lol.

I just keep thinking this time next week and it will be the end :) and with a bit of luck once one of us pops we might all start going :) x

Hopefully so...
12lbs... You have my respect and admiration!
Hoping pains wear off.
We both keep panicking that every little niggle is labour, but sure it's not as nothing 'regular.'
'Full term' 37 weeks today... Crazy, although 3 weeks is sounding longer than it actually is, currently!
Can't wait to hear about your two arriving so can't imagine how you feel! I think when you have yours, it will feel more real for the rest of us!
I'm the same, I get contraction pains etc but they aren't like what I had when I was in labour and I just sit there waiting and waiting to see what happens next and get nothing lol

How are your pains? X

They are much better thanks. Only when I stand up now, so just having a rest.
Got some washing to do so might stick that in and then just mooch...
I had a growth scan today but they didn't tell me how much they thought baby weighed. Will I find it on my notes or did you ask? Everything is fine he's growing well they are happy.
Mummy2b there should be a piece of paper in your notes that the sonographer printed out with the report on, near the top right I think there should be an estimated weight which is usually in grams, then there should be a conversion chart in your notes or use google to convert it to lbs and oz

SCL - I'm mooching watching the diving preliminaries, I stood up for far too long makes no cauliflower cheese and my back and hips are now killing me plus I nearly fainted ... I cannot wait for the ability to just do normal things again and have my boys here to coo at :) x
Mummy2b there should be a piece of paper in your notes that the sonographer printed out with the report on, near the top right I think there should be an estimated weight which is usually in grams, then there should be a conversion chart in your notes or use google to convert it to lbs and oz

SCL - I'm mooching watching the diving preliminaries, I stood up for far too long makes no cauliflower cheese and my back and hips are now killing me plus I nearly fainted ... I cannot wait for the ability to just do normal things again and have my boys here to coo at :) x

Be careful!
No fainting allowed... Should you have someone with you? Sounds like it might be a good idea. Xx
(Not that you're an invalid) xxx
Also, 37 weeks today and my boobs have started to feel really sore and full.
Could milk be coming in?
Hello 37 week erst. I'm 37 today. I had both my girls at 37+4, think I may go over that this time but I'must having a "clear out" tmi. Going for a walk tonight which always brings on contractions
I know, the annoying part is my husband had left about 5 mins before. I've been struggling to stand for periods of time for a few weeks so have avoided it

And it sounds like your milk is coming in, how exciting though that your body is prepping itself for the grande finale :).

I've had colostrum but not leaked, if I'm anything like last time I won't leak milk until after birth x
Hello 37 week erst. I'm 37 today. I had both my girls at 37+4, think I may go over that this time but I'must having a "clear out" tmi. Going for a walk tonight which always brings on contractions

Fingers crossed that the walk works for you :) I'm only 36 weeks feelin 56 weeks lol, will be having mine next week at 37 weeks x
Sainsburys clothing is currently on SAVE 25% if anyone is in need of any bits - it's on until the 22nd Aug.

Found it thanks so current estimated weight is 6lb4 and I'm 36+5 weeks so I'm guessing just under 8lbs when he's born!!
Yes :) it is only a guestimate though as its measured of averages, but gives you an idea x

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