Aww sorry you had a bad night
According to the scan they are both just over 6lb so I'm currently carrying 12lbs worth of babies lol
I hate all those teasing pains. And any pains that stop me from sleeping lol.
I just keep thinking this time next week and it will be the endand with a bit of luck once one of us pops we might all start going
Mummy2b there should be a piece of paper in your notes that the sonographer printed out with the report on, near the top right I think there should be an estimated weight which is usually in grams, then there should be a conversion chart in your notes or use google to convert it to lbs and oz
SCL - I'm mooching watching the diving preliminaries, I stood up for far too long makes no cauliflower cheese and my back and hips are now killing me plus I nearly fainted ... I cannot wait for the ability to just do normal things again and have my boys here to coo atx
Hello 37 week erst. I'm 37 today. I had both my girls at 37+4, think I may go over that this time but I'must having a "clear out" tmi. Going for a walk tonight which always brings on contractions