*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Hi guys,

I'm new here. I used to go on quite a few forums to read posts but never acutually joined one. Majority were accessible for worldwide users so it made it a bit difficult to compare things e.g health systems. Anyway I browsed this site for a while and thought I'll join.

My story is that last year I suffered an early natural miscarriage (around 7,8 weeks) after we got pregnant on the first attempt. Then found I had pcos after a few months of constantly telling my gp that my periods are irregular since my miscarriage. Anyway on the 9th we got pregnant. I am currently 35 weeks +1 day and due September 18th with our first baby. :)
I forgot to mention that I'm a worrier and was really stressed wanting to concieve. And this pregnancy has always worried me with my negative thinking. Getting past 8 weeks was a milestone, then making it to the 12 week scan. Then waiting until to the 20 week scan and then going paranoid if there was enough movement lol.

I'm greatful with how far I've made it bless my DH he has always been positive and has tried to keep me positive too. Weve done all the shopping, brought all the necessities ( even though I was still paranoid and thought we could buy most things until the baby was born). But even now I'm scared of still birth.
Everything so far has indicated a healthy pregnancy e.g heartbeat both scans went perfect. Even as I type this I can feel my baby move but I just can't shake that 1 negative thought at the back of mind.
Welcome hun, I think we all worry even tho we r so close to the end, try not to let it overwhelm you tho n focus on how far u have fun n that soon u will b a mummy.

Welcome to the forum Sara. I know exactly how you feel hun, my first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage at 10+6, baby had died at 8 weeks but my body didn't realise until 10+6. I was absolutely devastated and found my next pregnancy with my daughter a really scary time as I felt like I was constantly waiting for it to go wrong, it was a time of very conflicting emotions so I do know how you feel. I was terrified before both scans and even during labour I was scared it would go wrong and I remember crying and pleading with the nurses to make sure she was ok as it took me a long time to labour. Getting her in my arms was the biggest relief I have ever felt in my life :) I am now pregnant with my second baby and have found this pregnancy so much easier as I knew that I had already had a successful pregnancy with my daughter so feel like the bad luck is behind me. You will have your baby before you know it and wonder why you worried so much :) xxx
Thank you for the reassuring words guys :) It's true , I am trying to picture the baby in my arms. I think in my head I'm thinking just less than 2 weeks to get to 37 weeks full term (another milestone)! It's the whole mixture of feelings, anxious and excitement.

My MW will be coming to my house in about a week and a half to discuss the birthplan. Then the next appointment would be a week or so later at her office but she said that I might have the baby before then who knows! My baby's head is right in the centre and really low. Constant pressure I'm amazed at how much my walk has changed. lol it's like a mission just walking to get to a place which is 2 minutes away. I enjoyed going out to do the baby shopping whilst I could but now my DH does the grocery shopping. I'm just staying at home now. DH still wants to go out for a meal etc but honestly the aches, pains and the constant pressure and need to wee is an issue! Lol ..I say just order in.
H, hope you don't keep getting those symptoms else you will be wondering everyday if labour will start lol! Sounds like how mine started off (after my waters had broke) I shall buy a tub of formula soon :)

I know the feeling of wanting to stay in with a takeaway rather than going out to dinner. But I really want one more night out with my OH so going to have try get somebody to have my son one evening x
I know tell me about it Kelly lol. It is driving me nuts now! Looked through my old threads today to try and figure out if I had a pattern with Ruby and it seems although my labour started like that I did also have it on and off for 2 weeks before I went into labour too so not going to read too much into it haha.

This pregnancy I am a bit more inclined to stay in the further along I get as I am finding it more tiring being pregnant with a toddler but when I was pregnant with Ruby I even went into town for lunch with one of my friends on my due date, I just had the attitude that if I went into labour then I would simply call OH to get me as I hated being at home bored lol x
Welcome Jazmynesmommy and Sara90 :wave: I have added you both the the front page of this thread.
Sara90 - your story is very similar to mine, I am a first time mum and suffered both pcos and an early miscarriage before conceiving this little bean (currently 37+2) I (and I know others) share the anxieties you describe but you will find a massively supportive bunch of ladies on here and you can share your irrational worries/ ''tmi' questions that you wouldn't dare share with those in your daily life :lol: we never judge! And you will find just the general chit chat will help you get by until you have your baby :)
It really is tiring with a toddler! My PGP is stopping me this time too. I get so much pain from a little walk and all hot and bothered. Last time I don't remember what I was doing but it was my birthday and I was going our for meals more often around that time c
Super hungry these last few weeks! Today I'm feeling lazy so I went to the shop and got some potato waffles and chicken pops for me and Joshy for dinner. Naughty mummy! Not sure it will be enough now to fill my hungry tummy up!

No motivation again today. So still not done hospital bag! Haha x
Kelly, I was going to do my bag again and sort moses basket out and all I have done is sit and chill out and catch up with my tv shows lol. Got pizza for dinner today as I cba to make anything "proper" lol x
gosh loads to catch up on!! Welcome newbies ~ nice to have you join us for the last leg of the first part of the journey!

Michelle glad you had a lovely night! Doll eyes enjoy the bbq sounds lovely!! Bunny did you get your pram ok?

Reality hit massively with my hospital drama the other night and so I am determined to be totally ready by my next scan on Tuesday just in case. Movements are still not what they were but then with a healthy scan wed night and a good hour on the trace there isn't much else that can be done! So today has been about getting the house back to just a home rather than a childminding haven. Have disinfected everything! Currently at the stage where it looks a bit worse than when we began but I know we have made good progress. Just having a hot bath before carrying on as much back was beginning to cry actual tears!! Xx
Thanks summer15. Guys this is tmi but my iron tablets have really upset my stomach and this has been for a few weeks. Midwifes said i have no choice but to take the ones i have been given.It is horrible i get that cold sweat and tummy ache. happens 2 to 3 times a day.
My fear is doing a number 3 in labour!! lol
Iron tablets are well known to cause tummy problems hun, ask her to give you liquid iron instead as it does the same job but without as many side effects xx
Tessa you need to rest to hun, dont over do it. Altho I know what u mean about getting it back to ur house instead of work.

Kelly I think I would b panicking now if I didn't have most packed I still keep dreaming he/she is early!!

Cant wait to see little Evie tomoz n have newborn cuddles. Have bought chocolates n biscuits for my friend as I know she will b needing crap when u feel so tired!!

Hows your post labour snackbox coming along now Michelle? x
Haha I haven't started yet as I'm to tempted to eat it if it's here!!! I have made a list tho lol. N I think mayb I will ask my mum to do it for me n keep it at her house n bring it round to me when I'm home from hospital. Will take some chocolate bars in my bag tho!!

So far I have

Jaffa cakes
chocolate fingers
biscuits of any sort lol
ice cream

To b fair tho I did indulge last I had ice cream for pud and an appetizer!!! Was heaven!!

Sounds good hun! Sort of nice not being able to eat sweet stuff as I bet it tasted even nicer than normal last night? I know I need to stop eating rubbish as I am actually starting to crave salad now haha x
I've got a big box of Ferrero Rocher I'm working my way through! Only had time for 4 so far though!
Milk is in, expressing but oh my days, didn't realise how much it would hurt because of my section.
Jaundice levels are below treatment and we're still maintaining everything, feeding is up and they've not lost too much weight. Can't wait to get out of here now! Xx
Yea it did taste so nice after not having it for ages, think I might have to put banoffee pie on the list after seeing urs the other day!!!


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