*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Got up in the night, glanced at my legs and had a mini meltdown...turns out no one was going to mention fluid and swelling, never seen anything like it, my legs were/are like elephant's. Tight skin and just HUGE. Drinking lots now to get rid of it but another one of those "oh my god am I dying?" irrational moments! X
Gilly the girls r so cute hun. I'm sorry to hear u had such a shock why didn't they mention it to u so u were prepared, hope u can get home soon.

Kelly I'm so lucky I can still sleep I'm in bed by 10 but I do wake loads due to heartburn, toilet or back/bump ache. Harry's always up at 6/6.30 so I think that's why I am in bed so early lol.

Bump feels hard sometimes in one place or all over but no pain is tJay bh's?? In a weird way I do hope I get contractions this tome just to know what it's all about if u know what I mean!!?? N get a bit more time to prepare myself.

I sleep so well when asleep now but just seem to not feel as tired before bed.

My BH the other day was when my belly went hard and felt really weird! But I found it quite painful aswell x
Girls sorry you are all having such a tough time sleeping! I also did for weeks but this last week I have fallen asleep really easily. Still getting up a few times for a wee but then straight back to sleep. Honestly didn't realise how much work was bothering me and worrying about keeping active with the kiddies and doing my job well, but at the same time not wanting to put myself in painful/dangerous situations where I couldn't cope.

Omg girls I was in so much back pain last night from the cleaning/tidying it was unreal. I cried every time I got off the sofa as could barely walk. Still more to do today but lesson learned, will take it much slower and steadier. Forget sometimes how close to the end we are! I wonder when the next sept baby will arrive... And who it's mummy with be?!

Summer sounds like you really don't need raspberry lead tea ~ hopefully you will just have really productive contractions after all the practising!

Gilly hope the legs get better soon, must have been a worry! Xx
Tessa sounds like it's a good job you only managed an hour after your bath or else you would have been in much more pain!
Take it easy x
I also wonder who it's going to be! And when! I know we all have a little while yet but still waiting on somebody to go early! Xx
It seems like everyone is struggling at the moment! Not long to go ladies, hang in there...

I've had no BH or any signs so I'm getting quite jealous that everyone else is. I'm also eating loads, it's getting out of hand! And I'm constantly tired. I'm having a raspberry leaf tea daily and an evening primrose capsule. Who's next I wonder? x
I think that does sound like BH, Michelle. Sometimes they felt uncomfortable for me because of how tight the bump became. I understand you wanting contractions, I was like that about waters.
Stuck here for another night but should be getting a side room later which will be nicer. Was hoping for today but will just hope for tomorrow now instead! Xx
I'm wondering this too. Someone's guna pop in Aug I can feel it!!!

Can't wait to go see little Evie in a bit n see how my friend is. She's off her crutches already thank God her spd is going so quick.

Tessa u need to really take it easy today hun. It's so easy to get carried away I do it all the time but it always catches up with me. Think we all forget how close to the end we r.

Mayb they r then!!! Im dreading my waters going on my own as it was like a waterfall last time n I hated it, not sure what it was but hated the feeling of weeping myself as it kept gushing after n I cudnt stop it!! Kept saying I'm so Surry to the mw when she had to change the mat on the bed yet again or mop the floor when I had stood up!! Of course she was fab n kept saying don't b silly it's all fine n natural!!

I definitely think another August baby somewhere! So, another 15 days to go until somebody has a baby I think. I'm due in 19! Woohoo
Wow Michelle, my waters broke at home and although my underwear and pj bottoms were soaked, I put a pad in and didn't notice my waters for the rest of the day. I did have a bath 11-2 though and was in pool for an hour after x
I think it might b me!!! Lol I have the bank hol weekend in my head.

Really freaked me out Kelly I hatred it n keep thinking what if it happens when I'm out somewhere!!!

Made waffles for breakfast for the boys so had one myself. Never been a fan of sweet breakfasts. Definitely got slightly more of a sweet tooth! X
Just trying to catch up on 3/4 pages. I had really bad hayfever yesterday whilst our picking up our pram, got home had a bath and slept from 8pm - 10am! Can't believe it haven't slept that well in months I must have needed it. The pram is fabulous, set it up in OH's mums and brought the car seat & changing bag home. OH's family can't believe how much we got for our money! Happy now.

Michelle that doesn't sound selfish at all, I think I'm going to do the exact same similar reasons as you and that I won't want little miss to be fully reliant on me. Whatever makes you happy and works for you will have the same impact on your baby.

Welcome to the thread jazmynesmommy & sara90!

I'm getting a bit nervous, I know we're all set just keep going over everything again and again to make sure it's all ready for her arrival! So excited tho. 2 weeks and 6 days till my due date, not that I'm counting haha.

Gilly you and the girls sound like your doing amazing!!!

Thanks for the tips about sleeping baby's, we've got her some sleepsjits (these are the full length ones right?) and she's got plenty of blankets. My friend bought us a swaddle so will see how that goes and also going to ger a sleeping bag.

Oh god I can't even cope with shaving my legs or my foof but then k feel ashamed for myself when that's what the midwives will be looking at!! Help!!!

I keep having silly fears that I won't know I've gone in to labour or won't know that my waters have gone and I'll end up with an infection - am I stupid? All my close friends and family seem to think I'll go in August. We did a predictions book and the majority are saying last weekend in August!

Almost all of my family predicted I'd be early with my first. All were wrong! I think it's usually wishful thinking and people don't like suggesting you may go overdue lol.
You will know if labour starts :) with your waters, you should notice pretty quickly if you are leaking :) x
I think it's because how low my bump is, it's dropped again so think that's why people are predicting early rather then late.

Yeah some people don't know, I've read it lots on here where people didn't realise it was their waters.

Much planned for your Sunday's ladies? XXXX
It's a full moon the last weekend in August isn't it? So could be a few little ones on their way. I have 1st Sept in my head, even though I'm not due until the 15th x
I have fully prepared myself in my head that I will go overdue now. Just trying to avoid frustration and disappointment I felt with my daughter when she was 9 days late.

Bunny that sounds insane when you say 2 weeks 6 days, jeez that came round fast!

Definitely sounds like painless BH to me Michelle :)

Bless you Gilly, bet that was a shock when you looked at your legs! Help they return to normal soon :)

Tessa, I agree you need to have a good rest today or you may be the next one giving birth ;)

I not got anything planned today, my daughter is coming home anytime from 6pm onwards so until then I am just going to setup my perfect prep machine, clean my steriliser and do a few other baby related bits whilst OH watches a stupid amount of premier league football!

Hope everyone enjoys their day xx
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Thanks girls ~ had a productive morning but took it steadier. Just don't feel great. Back is killing, tummy feels funny, if I hadn't experience labour before I would wonder if these were signs of early labour, but I don't think it is?! House is such a tip now, far worse than when we started so can't stop! Damn it!! Ha!

Bunny so glad you got your pram ok and are pleased with it ~ you must be all set now! H sounds like you will be pretty sorted after today too! Michele I hope you enjoy baby snuggles ~ bet it will make you even more excited to meet your little one! Yup full moon last weekend of August ~ though it didn't seem to do much for the August mummies did it? Can't beleive most of them have had their babies now ~ they are all gorgeous! X

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