*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Yay excellent you're on maternity leave Tessa! Kelly that sounds dream - enjoy!

I wanted 2, hubby wanted 4 so probs 3! Haha - but we'll see how life goes with little man. We love to travel round the world and we're both so excited to share that with our little boy. First question hubby asked the health visitor yesterday was when can we go abroad? :lol:bthat's the only issue with a big family, travelling would be much harder and more costly.

Bunny - my friend at work needed clomid to conceive her little boy but the pregnancy seemed to reset her body and she's had regular cycles ever since and conceived her little girl completely naturally.

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and was told by my GP they would only refer me for fertility treatment after we had been trying for another year. Knowing I had to wait a year anyway I decided it couldn't hurt to do everything I could in that year to help myself - I hired a personal trainer and nutritionist and did an incredibly strict 3 month programme to try and 'reset' my body/hormones. He was amazing (he was actually in the business of training body builders / doing body transformations) so I was a bit of a weird client! Bless him he bought a book on polycystic ovaries and worked really hard to ensure I DIDN'T lose weight etc. I combined this training with my own research and took a vitamin called myoinositol. Low and behold I fell pregnant a month after completing the programme! Sadly I miscarried but it gave me the hope that I COULD conceive - then another 6 weeks later found out I was pregnant with this little bean!! :)
I'm really interested to see if anything has changed with regards to my cycles/pcos after my pregnancy ... I've actually not been in contact with my trainer/nutritionist since I completed the programme. I'm really looking forward to messaging him and thanking him with a picture of our little man :) I see lots of his clients post their 'body transformation' success stories/pictures on his blog - mine will be a slightly unique one ha!
Sorry for my selfish last post ~ that was all I could muster until I got in the bath!

Summer that is amazing, sounds like you really worked hard for this! Bunny same happened with my sister, took her 3.5 years to get pregnant and then got pregnant with the next one on the first month of trying! You just never know! We took 2 cycles with Belle and 3 with this one so have been incredibly lucky.... Maybe just one more baby for us, but would want to get pregnant when this one is around a year old if we did. Loving having Belle at this age for pregnancy as she is so easy not but wouldn't want another 3.5 year gap, especially as there is 3.5 years between belle and esme too.... Would feel like we were doing baby things forever!!

Michelle have a brilliant night tonight!! Enjoy some nice food!

Bunny are you feeling all better now after your wobble yesterday?

My body seems to have got confused between maternity leave/retirement and my hip has gone today! Also still got rash all over tummy from trace ~ totally forgot I was allergic to the gel with Belle too! Anyway, I really don't care as thats what maternity leave is for ~ bring it on!! Xx
I think 3 is a good number :)
It sounds like you worked really hard this get this baby summer. Well done you! Xx

Enjoy your maternity Tessa :) although, hopefully that hip won't be horrible for too long ;)
Summer that is such an amazing testimony to yourself and how much you wanted this! Your trainer will be so grateful and appreciative when you send him that picture. With me working in nutrition when I receive a message thanking me for my help it means so much, nutrition can help so much more then fat loss! You deserve this so much. Can't wait to see your little boy! Your 37 week bump picture is amazing you look beautiful.

Tessa I'm feeling loads better thank you so much - midwife still says it could be slow labour but I doubt it. Think my body is just getting ready.

Had the most gorgeous night, watched Cinderella the new one as OH hasn't seen it and I think we're set on Ella now because of the meaning of that film and what it means to us (her first movements etc) love the tag line to it also 'have courage and be kind'

Picking out pram up tomorrow, yay!!!!

Many plans for this weekend ladies?

Happy mat leave Tessa!!!!!!!! Xxxxx
Aww thanks ladies - I genuinely believe he was massively to thank. Obviously helping people improve their body image (fat loss / muscle gain etc) is extremely worthwhile but he changed our life on a whole other level so I'm quite excited to let him know :) though I might have to be a bit mean and email him to say - after following your programme I gained approx 10kg and 20 inches around my waist!!!! .. :wink: haha

Bunny so glad you got your pram sorted!!! :dance: I love the fact that you (might) use Ella because she kicked for the first time in Cinderella :) she looks like a little Ella even in her 3D scan pic :) have I totally missed something though?! Did your midwife think you were in early labour??

Aw Tessa you'll be able to spend some quality time just you and Belle (and hopefully rest a bit more too) I keep getting a really weird sensation in one side of my hip (on the inside near my knicker line) almost like an electric shock but feels like my leg might give way - I think it's baby catching a nerve? Hope it eases for you soon.

Tomorrow We're going to buy the real final bits - mostly hospital snacks/drinks :lol:
Then Sunday My mum and dad are visiting (to see my brothers new flat) but still lovely as I didn't expect to see them again before baby arrives.
What's everyone else up to?
Enjoy your maternity leave, Tessa.

Just done our online shop and ordered all the snacks for labour so I can finally do my bag this weekend. Everything's ready to go in!

Been getting shocking period pains this week, except for when we went swimming today! Could feel bump hardening but no pain! Think I might be requesting a water birth if possible or at least labouring in there!

We'll definitely be stopping at 2. I'm 39 and hubby's 42 so we've done well to fall pregnant straight away both times. There'll only be an 18 month gap between ours!

Got hubby's friends 40th tomorrow afternoon/ evening but getting to the stage where I really can't be bothered now. Just want to stay at home with my feet up!!
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No plans this weekend. I really really need to do my hospital bag. Tomorrow I need some motvation! I need to wake up and blitz the house and get everything sorted out.

Staying home at the moment is definitely one of my fave things to do at the moment. Generally being at home and being lazy. I actually don't feel too guilty as I know how hectic life will become in a few weeks x
Hope you enjoyed your date night Michelle :)

Wow you ladies have been through a lot to have your little babies, makes it even more special for you :)

Hope you all have lovely weekends, I am dropping Ruby off at mums tomorrow morning and then will be going straight home to chill out. Just been woken up with horrible period type pains, nausea and loose tummy (tmi, sorry!) so feeling a little icky and can't sleep :(
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Just having a peek from August mummies! Most of us have had our babies and I kinda miss being the next ones to pop. You ladies are next now! Enjoy the last few weeks no matter how uncomfortable be you will def miss these days haha :)
H, hope you get back to sleep soon and feel good soon.
I have yet to have managed to get to sleep at all! Enjoy your day tomorrow too :)

I agree with that comment, from having my son I remember wishing I had enjoyed those last week's a little more as they are crucial to relaxing before little one comes along because that opportunity doesn't come round again x
I had a fab date night thanks was so lovely to chat just me n hubby n a nice night sleep to. Only git up twice to pee!!

grandma rang last night n said could she keep Harry longer n take him to the donkey sanctuary this morn, so me n hubby r guna go tescos in a bit then for a swim n then shopping n brunch how exciting!!

Seeing my friends lo tomoz morn n I can't wait already!!!

Having sum horrid fanny daggers this morn tho I'd forgotten them ouch!!!

Glad you had a good time Michelle, I have been having loads of fanny daggers this week too. Definitely stop you in your tracks don't they lol.

I agree on enjoying the last few weeks too as when I had my daughter I really did miss being pregnant lol. Think I am more anxious to get baby out quicker this time round though as I know he is massive already and the thought of labouring a baby bigger than Ruby is bringing tears to my eyes lol x
Sounds lovely Michelle. Enjoy. Well, me and OH are still in bed!
What a rare occasion lol. I want her out too as I don't want her to be bigger than my son was, but I've actually no idea how big she is lol. My chart says ideally she should be 6 lb 8 now! X
Morning girls. Desperately trying to keep up but can barely keep my eyes open! It's not even like I haven't slept, I'm sleeping between feeds just feel totally wiped out.
Happy maternity leave, Tessa! What a lovely feeling!
All this talk of more babies is making me cross my legs (if I could!), we are 100% done. Three monkeys is our lot, we only ever imagined 2 so we already have a bonus child!
Can't wait for these little ones to start making their appearances, the girls need their little September friends! They're getting weighed at their next feed, hopefully not too much of a loss, they seem to be cup feeding ok though.
My milk is still not in and the girls whilst trying to latch on are just so tiny. I mentioned bottles to the mw and the fact I'm going to combi feed and she said I should wait but if I'm planning on expressing and bottle feeding breast milk, what's the point? I was a bit of a wuss and didn't say this though.
What's everyone up to this weekend? Xx
I would think bottles would be fine aswell! That is my plan also, to express and bottle feed and top up with formula if need be so I would expect to start from bottles straight away.
I can only imagine how tired you must be feeling with the sleep pattern. Have you seen much of your son? X
Aww Gilly you're doing brill keeping us updated. I had my works meal last night, got a gorge bunch of flowers loads of knitted stuff and lots of gift vouchers. Feeling a bit I'll today though had to sleep sitting up the acid would not go :( family garden party this afternoon too with all my little and large cousins. Didn't want a baby shower so we decided to all get together. I'm the designated driver hopefully fit everyone in my diddy clown car lol thinking I might actually take hubby up on his offer of a new car or taking his once baby is here.

Hope you all enjoy your weekends girls. xx
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Gilly I do hope that the girls haven't lost much. I spoke with hubby last night n said I will combi feed from the very very beginning I will bf first then he can do the next feed n then we will just see how it goes. I don't want the baby not to take a bottle as I found it very claustrophobic n got a panicky last time when it was always me that had to feed. Probably sounds very selfish to say that but I think it was the tiredness n overwhelming feeling of being a mummy!! But this time I want it to b calmer from the start n b a joint thing and I need my sleep lol.

Had such a nice but just morning brunch was lush, just waiting fir harry to cum home unfortunately hubby has had to go to work. Haven't felt baby much today so I'm chilling out seeing if I feel more think it's coz I have rushed around to much.

Welcome to the forum jazmynesmommy - is this your second baby? :)

Hope all is going well Gilly, are you waiting until you get home to introduce Otto to his sisters?

Glad you had a nice night and morning Michelle, shame your OH had to go to work but at least you got to spend some adult time together first :)

Doll_eyes enjoy your BBQ hun, sounds nice and chilled :)

Kelly my baby was 4lb 15oz at my 32 week scan so when I hit 36 weeks on Tuesday he will be around 7lb too haha! Heaven help me if I go overdue, will end up with a 10 or 11lber!

Bunny - let us know how you get on picking up the pram today, hope all goes ok without any aggro :)

I have just dropped Ruby off at my mums for the weekend, not getting her back until tomorrow evening, first time she has stayed overnight anywhere without me in over a year. Feels really strange to think I won't see her until tomorrow, missing her already!

Just done a bit of shopping on way home and bought my first tub of baby formula! I am sure it is nothing but these period pains, backache, nausea and loose bowels I have had since 1am have got me panicking about making sure I have everything ready for baby simply because this is how I geared up for labour with Ruby. I am fully expecting to go to term or overdue but doesn't hurt to have milk powder ready just in case ;)

Going to finish sorting out the moses basket today and re-do my hospital bag as not happy with it. Then I plan on painting my nails, having a nice long bath and me and OH are going to snuggle up and watch a film later :)

Enjoy your Saturday ladies xx
Sounds lovely h enjoy ur child free time. Harry's only just got back but so tired straight in fir a nap bless him!!

I have my bag pretty much ready to go now n a tub of formula, only thing we must pick up this week is the basket matress which is rather important lol.

Keep getting really excited n nervous that he/she will b here in just over two weeks!!


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