*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

oohh Bunny, OBEM popped up on me Facebook feed today saying they are looking for Liverpool mums birthing between September and November, tempted?! :D

I applied!!!! They said my due date is too early :wall2: ,OH was made up as he said I would make a show of him haha! My MW said they don't show the calm births, especially people that use hypnobirthing as it's not a good story for TV haha xx
Nope no more for us two is defo the limit. Which makes me feel guilty that I'm wishing my pg away now as I know I will never b pg again so shud make the most of it.

Ah okay! I get that. I didn't really know much about the injection other than it speeds up the process but I found it short anyway. I guess if you know you want that then it is best to say early on :)
Infact, before I had the baby I totally forgot that I even needed to deliver the placenta lol. It was so quick and didn't really notice so I'm glad I wasn't prepared and expecting it to be a nightmare.

So hungry again today!
Don't feel guilty!!!! Your wishing it away because you can't wait for cuddles with your LO nothing wrong with that.

OH wants 4 but we will see, see how we find one first haha xxx
Haha Bunny my OH used to say he wanted 6 now he wants to call it a day after this one lol x
This one will be our second, he realised they are harder work than he thought hence why he now wants to stop at 2 lol. We have said we think this will be our last one but we might have a third in around 5 years if we get really broody but we would definitely call it a day at 3 I think :) Maybe if this one was a girl he would of been more inclined to have more but as we already have a daughter and this one is a boy I think he feels quite content to stop at 2 as we will have one of each :) x
I think OH will be the exact same, if were lucky enough to have another baby and it's a boy I think he would be happy with that, not that we wouldn't be happy with another little miss haha. I wonder if I will have to go back on clomid when we want to conceive again xxxxx
I have read a lot of stories of people staying really fertile once they have had one baby so hopefully you should be ok hun. How big of a gap do you think you would leave between having your first and second? x
Took me two yrs bunny n a lap n dye op to remove endo before I fell that's why we decided to try again straight away as such n bam it happened on month two this time!!! Really thought it would b ages again n wud need another op so very shocked!! U will b mega fertile fir a while hun.

6!!!! Bloody hell he was optimistic wasn't he lol. Me n hubby r both happy with two n if it's two boys well I'm outnumbered then lol.

At 1st we wanted 1 or 2 years between them but we have so much coming up, next year is my SIL's hen party in marbella, little misses 1st birthday and BIL's 21st as well as my Mum's wedding. Year after is SIL's wedding and i'm bridesmaid so don't really want to be pregnant, and then the year after 2018 I think we will get married so probably after then. What's your age gap? xxx
Took us 2 years too with this one which is why at first I wanted them really close together but don't think so anymore xxx
Think we'll be trying for number two the summer after I turn 30 have a winter baby not enjoyed this heat, and there's a senior position at work for me when I go back next summer and I really want to get as far as I can as I'm only part time when I go back. Scary to be thinking of number two already lol and scary to think little girly will be here definitely this time in 8 weeks xx
OH wanted 4 before he's 30, he's 25 now haha! Hes gone from one extreme to the other becasue we thought we couldnt have children he was happy with one now he wants a football team!!! Crazy man.

Yeah I would like to fall pregnant around august with our next one xxx
Haha well get cracking bunny one a year and you'll be done by 29! We've just managed our first before James turns 30 next February he'd always wanted number one here by 30 and its really worked out nicely, with the house and wedding last year. Don't feel almost 30 I had someone act shocked at me being pregnant at work because he thought I was much younger than I am, doesn't help im the youngest at work!

I've now taking to stalking the August mums who've had their babies in the baby and toddler forum lol I need help! Xx
I went from wanting 'a football team' when I was a little girl. To wanting 6 when I was about 12. Then 4 when I hit about 19 and now I'm pretty sure 2 is enough :-)
But I am only 24, so plenty more years if I change my mind. OH didn't want anymore after 30 though and he is 30 next year x
Our daughter will be 21 months old when little boy appears so an almost 2 year age gap. Bit closer than I would of liked really but we were taking the see what happens approach rather than actively trying. It is quite good in a way though as I am hoping the small age gap will mean they get on well once baby is a little older and also means I can get back to work full time rather than finding a job for a year and then having another IYKWIM. But I can't get my head around never being pregnant again it makes me really sad which is why I won't rule out a third but me and OH agreed we definitely want a good 5 years before having a third of we do have one. I will be 35 in 5 years time so if we did have a third it would definitely be my last I think as my family all seem to go through menopause in their late 30s / v early 40s x
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We went with that approach too. But we did want it to happen a bit sooner than it did. Just a few months earlier I think. Joshua will be 25 months on due date. I'm hoping that after these two babies I can then focus on a career. I've worked in retail since I was 16 in the same place and tell no lie, I really enjoy it. But I either want to progress in that or move on to something else in a few years.

So this time to myself is so boring. I think shortly I will go have a long relaxing bath with candles and a face mask and a book! X
Yay so pleased u r on mat leave Tessa.

Kelly I did that exactly this arvo 1.5 hrs I was in the bath altho I did a new face mask n it was a peel thing n I'm still finding bits of it on my neck n hair not the sexy look I was going for tonight lol.

Just got ready for a nice meal out can't wait to go now I've been hungry all day can't seem to stop eating atm!!


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