*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Oh congratulations to your friend! Lovely news. Enjoy your rest today, and have a great date night tonight! Xx
Enjoy cuddles with your friends baby Michelle. Gilly, surprised to see you on here. I found it so hard after having my son to come on here for about 2 days as I couldn't keep up lol x

H, enjoy your weekend :)
My mum is having jj tonight, so all to myself x
Thanks Gilly!!! Told you you look amazing in them pictures didn't I! Your girls are amazing I can't stop looking at them they are like little dolls, inseparable already!!!

Awww ladies sounds like you have nice chilled evenings planned! I'm hoping OH will have an early dart from work and we can snuggle and watch films in this horrible weather.

Writing my birth plan up today that I need to take the hospital with me xxxx
I don't know if I'll wrote a birth plan again. I'm at the birthing centre which means I'm not allowed pain relief other than gas and air so I don't need to wrote any of that Down. And I don't want the injection for placenta delivery this time either. Not sure what else I can plan lol x
Managed to get whooping cough jab app. Thursday at 11.15! A day before the cut off date to have it! X
Ahhh thanks ladies can't wait to see her. Sorry h didn't mean to startle u I didn't even think about it but lol!!

well Harry's gone n I have already tidied n hoovered up I tell myself I need to rest up but the nesting is really kicking in n I keep seeing things that need to b done.

I wonder who will b the next Sept lady to pop!!

I'm going to write one but not load of details, mainly things I don't want them to do or say rather then what I do want. Just want them to know I'll be using Hypnobirthing techniques so they don't ruin it haha. I'll post it when I've wrote it xxxx
I didn't write one with Ruby and won't write one this time either but that is because I am very mucha go with the flow kind of person. I already know I definitely want gas and air and pethidine or similar though as that is what I had last time :) and I will definitely be getting the injection for placenta :) x
My birth plan is to make it to the hospital!!!!

Haha Michelle love your birth plan!

I sound like a control freak now don't I, I'll post it when I've done it it's more so the midwives know about me more and about my Hypnobirthing. Xxxxx
Haha that's a good plan Michelle. I'm not writing one I don't think. I want a water birth if I can manage the pain and to stay active as long as possible. That's it, but I am just going to go with the flow and I'm not against epidural etc xx
It's only a simple plan lol but it's still not guaranteed I still keep dreaming I give birth in an ambulance!!!

Woo so happy for you bunny, read some of the reviews of the store and was worried on your behalf lol xx
H, may I ask why you opted for the injection for the placenta delivery? I'm genuinely interested as I'd never even considered it and placenta delivery was only 10ish mins anyway and 5 of them my son was still attached to the cord x

Great news Bunny! X
Awww dolleyes thank you, I am so bloody relieved and can not wait to pick it up tomorrow! I'm still going to complain as it's 10 days late and the woman was awful to us over the phone. I'll get the pram home safe first and then complain haha!

Here's my birth plan, told you it was simple :)

Birth Plan
- My fiancé Paul and Mum Sarah will be my Birthing Partners

- I’m planning to birth at Liverpool Women’s MLU, preferably a water birth

- I’ve used hypnobirthing sessions as a coping technique

- I would like skin to skin at delivery

- I Ideally would like a natural delivery of my placenta, not cutting the cord till it’s stopped pulsating

- My fiancé Paul would like to cut the cord

- I plan to breastfeed our baby but have brought milk in case I can’t

- We would like our baby to receive Vitamin K via injection
Hahaha Michelle I love it! Best plan ever!

Bunny you are not a control freak hun, bit different for you as you are doing hypnobirthing and will be important for your midwife to know about it. Brilliant news on the pram, really pleased for you :)

Kelly, I had a really difficult labour with my daughter - took 29 hours start to finish and 3 hours of pushing, daughter was getting distressed and I ended up on a trace for ages with talk of intervention so by time I gave birth to her I just wanted the placenta out ASAP so they could check she was ok and then I had a PPH and was throwing up everywhere so was all a bit full on. I remember not even really noticing the injection and barely noticing delivering the placenta and it was out really quickly so am opting to go down that route again as been told this baby is big and I am at risk of another PPH etc so I can see me wanting to collapse after giving birth again so I just want the placenta out ASAP and then they can get on with treating any problems if I have another PPH x
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Glad it is in bunny. ur plan sounds simple n easy for them to follow.

I'm having the injection too as I had it with Harry n didnt feel a thing n it was out real quick I've heard horror stories of it taking ages n having to push it out naturally n I don't want that.

God I keep thinking in less than 3 wks I will have had my baby n b back home(hopefully) n can finally b the family of four.

oohh Bunny, OBEM popped up on me Facebook feed today saying they are looking for Liverpool mums birthing between September and November, tempted?! :D
Yeah mainly because they don't have any record of me since we had to be there for ferility treatment they don't know me like my MW does as she's private and comes to the house so MW reccomended giving them something to go off.

Thanks Michelle so happy it's in!!

Eeeeeek how exciting! Do you think you will have anymore? xxx

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