*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Can you recommend any good books , need something to read with all this spare time on my hands xx
Yay for your friend :)
I can't wait until bed time. I'm so boiling though that it's really annoying me.

What sort of books do you read?
One of the best books I ever read was PS I love you. That book is amazing!
I read Cathy Glass which tells the real stories of the children she fosters. They are really good x
So much going on in here today, hoping ive caught up. Super excited for Gilly.
Hope everyone is feeling better, we all seem to be sounding the same just now.
I've had a rubbish few days. Between all these signs I'm getting so frustrated, also getting reduced movement now with very tense back ache and the worst fanny daggers!
Feel so guilty but just want my little boy here now, feel like I'm getting depressed. Was up all night being sick, luckily my mum had taken my little girl this afternoon after her work so I could squeeze a sleep in. That helped a little bit.
Just keep feeling like things are going to take off and instead they dwindle away.
Big virtual hugs for everyone! Xx
Any of Dorothy koomson's books she is amazing most defo my fav author.

Kelly I feel the same it's so bloody hot I'm melting!!

Kelly - must just be baby dropping down and changing position I would imagine?

Purple - Nothing here either hun, had a few BH yesterday whilst swimming but they soon went away after half an hour. No plug loss, no back ache, no tummy cramps, the only thing I get sometimes is fanny daggers which don't really mean anything anyway lol :( Bit disappointed!

Michelle - glad things are ramping up for your friend after all this extra waiting :)

Bunny - pretty much any book by Marian Keyes is a must for me, she is AMAZING

Ramsey - sorry you are feeling crappy hun, hope you stop being sick soon

Agree on it being too hot, I am sweating my ass off even with all the windows open :(
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Thank you ladies!

It is way too hot, glad it's not just me!!!

Everyone seems to think I'm in slow labour, could be very very slow and it's worrying me thinking I'll feel like this for weeks!!!

We are all getting a bit the same now. A few of us feeling on and off!
Hoping I can get a whooping cough jab next week! Midwife said it needs to be done by next Friday x
They should fit you in jelly it takes about 2 minutes doesn't it.

I didn't think I'd feel this rubbish this early xxxx
Yeh it's so quick I'd be very unimpressed if they can't fit it in!
You may feel better soon.

I remember feeling so well last time in the run up to my son and had NO signs and symptoms. I had no BH, no cramps, backaches, didn't lose any plug. Then 4 hours after my due date my waters broke and it all started and happened in 13 hours!
I've felt the worst I have since the early stages of pregnancy today and lost some plug.

Could be nothing but we will see :)

It could be this constant weather change having an effect too!

You feeling any better Kelly? xxxxx
Oh dear ladies, hope everyone feels better tomorrow ~ at least it's the weekend! Although fanny daggers done mean anything I do like to think they are helping things along and softening things up and so it will help in the long run! Doctors all commented last night about how low babies head is, although midwife had said in the afternoon she wasn't engaged at all ~ I thought she was wrong!

Bunny Tina seskis 'one step too far' is great if you want a real page turner with a twist. The ending left me so shocked I was quiet for about half hour ~ so unlike me!!

Michelle I am not surprised you can't grt to sleep ~ how exciting!!

Thanks for all your well wishes today girls ~ was a tough one, but onwards and upwards! X
It is sort of exciting though feeling a bit rough? As it could all be signs?
I feel better than earlier. I keep getting cramp right at the top of my left leg though. I think baby is sitting funny in there x

I've had a few a shooting pains down there today again. It's amazing what our bodies are doing isn't it :) xx
Ah ladies I've had such a busy day!!! Sorry to see several of you are feeling poorly! Hope you all feel better by morning.

I've had an extremely busy but great day! I've been helping my 19yr old brother move into his new flat (his first home away from our parents) and the only one of my family members to be down here (everyone else is 3hrs away) I can't tell you how happy that makes me!! I know it's ridiculous but it was really starting to upset me that my baby would only really know my in-laws well! Now I feel I have a part of my family here too, and he's so excited to be an uncle bless him :)
We went into town to get some bits for his flat he insisted that he didn't want to borrow an umbrella and we got stuck in a torrential rainstorm - proper monsoon/thunder/lightening. We were in hysterics - Set my Braxton hicks off - I thought I was going to go into labour from laughing!! :lol: also had health visitor appointment in the afternoon and second antenatal class this evening - literally just got home and sat down, phew!!

Also celebrating the fact today my baby us officially fully cooked!!!!! :dance:
And to put the icing on the cake I've just seen Gilly's thread and have been able to update the first September (sort of) mummy on our front page! :pompom:
Going to go to bed with a smile on my face tonight, and hopefully sleep well!
Sounds like a busy but lovely day. It's lovely that you get to have your brother near you and it sounds like you get on so well :)
Have a good night's sleep :).xx
Awwww summer that sounds lovely and so happy you have your brother close! Sounds like he's going to be a great uncle!
How have you been feeling? Me you and Kelly are all pretty close aren't we in due dates.

Wow you have been busy, Summer! :)
Hope everyone that's not feeling 100% feels better soon. I've found some 4G so I can actually keep up now!
Bunny - I've bought Gone Girl and Horns in to read, I really enjoyed them so reading them again. In fact Horns is where Merryn came from (although she spells it Merrin, which I prefer but had to give in to the proper spelling for hubby ha!)
Fx your friend's baby is here soon, Michelle.
The baby opposite we is having a little cry, luckily the girls are sleeping through it but I'm wide awake. Xxx
Morning ladies, SHE is here!!! Born last night just before 11 n weighing 7.6.5ozs called Evie May!! Can't wait to see her already, she my best friend but more like a sister to me love her so much n praying all her spd pain goes away now. I'm feeling tired n achy n a but crap today but Harry is going to grandmas at 10 for the day n night so I'm cam rest up n hopefully will b ok layer for my date night.

Gilly I love the photos ur girls r gorgeous.

Gilly, you have the cutest little babies and you looked bloody fab in that pic yesterday! How are you feeling?

Michelle, yay for your friend! When I read the first few words I thought you were talking about yourself and was sat here with my mouth open until I realised you meant your friend haha! Glad you can get some rest today and enjoy your date night!

My parents are having Ruby from Saturday morning until Sunday night this weekend so I am really looking forward to two whole days of catching up on sleep, doing last min baby things and just relaxing. They have not had her overnight since she was around 6 months old so it will be first time in well over a year that I can sleep in until whenever I like! :D x
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