*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Good luck for ur induction today dairy I do hope it goes real quick for u.

Kelly I hope u r in hospital!!!

Thanks for all your good luck wishes ladies! A little anxious but also very excited that hopefully I will be holding our new baby later on today! We are booked in at 12:30 - just hope we don't have to wait around. Will try and give you an update when I can.

Kelly, I'm so excited for you- really hope you have managed to start labour naturally- our babbas could possibly be birthday buddies later on today - good luck xxx
I feel completely normal again today lol. Decided I am just going to treasure being able to go to bed at 10.30 every night and not having to get up until 6am for as long as possible as I really will miss my sleep when baby arrives! :D x
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good luck today dairy I'll be checking back in to see your beautiful bundle!! Enjoy it I can't believe my Ella is a week old already !!

Eeeeek Kelly I hope your in hospital!! Xxxx
No news. Going into maternity unit at 10 to be checked.
Still crampy and heavy but no painful contractions. I'm gonna sound mental if they say no waters. Especially as nothing has leaked since I put this pad on! Hope they don't think I'm stupid lol x
Good luck today dairy.

Sorry nothing's happened Kelly. They might keep u in if it is your waters. Good luck x
Good luck for today Kelly - don't feel stupid I did the same remember I called my MW out because thought it was my waters xxx
Hi ladies I was in triage last night for reduced movements as baby is usually incredibly active but I hadnt felt him at all by 6pm yesterday. They did the trace thing and happy with his heartbeat but I still only had a few movements all evening and again this morning nothing so far. What would you all do? I feel silly phoning again 12hrs later when the trace was fine. This is so unlike him tho.

Also does the machine pick up contractions? Cos when I had my daughter I was continually monitored and my husband would count me down from 100% on the machine. When I went in last night the machine went up to 100% three times. Bump was hard but not painful. Were they contractions or braxton hicks? Thanks x
Baby2sky I would guess they were bh if they weren't painful? Personally if I were you I would ring them and ask after a good ctg how long you should leave it with still little or no movements ~ see what they say.

Good luck dairy! Kelly I really hope they are able to pick up that it's your waters ~ that should get things going!

I have a heavy aching tummy today, but prob just from being unable to get comfy in the night... So sill but I just couldn't sleep cause I was excited about meeting my baby! X
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Good luck today Dairy!!
Hope it is your waters Kelly - when I went into labour I was having contractions anyway but couldn't tell them 100% whether my waters had gone as I felt very damp - even when m/w examined me she couldn't make up her mind whether it was watery discharge or a leak but made no difference as I was ready to be admitted to labour ward anyway.

Baby2Sky - I went once for a ctg due to reduced movement - all was fine but they told me not to hesitate in coming back even the next morning if I still wasn't happy - do whatever puts your mind at ease, they are very hot on monitoring movements at my hospital and never made you feel silly for being over cautious.

Logan is just perfect (objectively of course :lol:) but my milk came in yesterday and blimey my boobies are massive and sore!! He's doing so well at BF'ing though so I'm really determined to persevere.
Hope we see some more babies arriving very soon xxx
Hope you don't have to wait too long Kelly!

Baby2sky both times I had a trace it did pick up contractions that I couldn't even feel so must of been having BH at time. If you still have concerns over movements and the usual laying on left side, drinking ice cold fizzy pop etc doesn't work I would definitely call back for advice x
Baby2sky - definitely ring and speak to them, I went in for reduced movements 4 times in the week my son was born. They never made me feel silly, on the fourth episode they scanned me too and saw the fluid was low and they induced me right away (right away in hospital terms anyway). If if not kept going back they might have missed it.
If the movement isn't normal, ring, no one will make you feel silly. :) xxxx
Let us know how you get on hun xxx

I'm getting more cramps today, just feels like I am going to start my period. At least we are moving in right direction even if it takes another 2 weeks :)

My plan for today is to try and get lots of sleep in! No cleaning, no nesting, no bouncing, just sleep! :) x
I'm very jealous too h I am feeling shattered today.

Really hope it's ur time Kelly.

Summer, sorry your boobs are so sore! But great news that logan is doing well :)

Well, she didn't think it was my waters but wasn't 100% sure! She said I had lots of watery discharge. Gave me a sweep. I am 3cm dilated still and 0.5cm cervix. Good news is that she said they won't need to use a pessary at induction as waters are going to be easily broken! She does think they will go before then but I don't have faith in that lol x

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