*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Not horrible at all Tessa. Understandable that you want your own space xx
Fingers crossed for you Kelly, but if you have any doubts at all I agree maybe just give the midwife a quick call for your peace of mind.

Little one in bed now after our what is probably our last day as a family of 3! Still clinging on to the hope that baby may start to move tonight - had a pretty productive day - cleaned house from top to bottom ready for when we bring our little one home and treated ourselves to a Chinese tonight but eaten way too much! May regret it at bedtime!!
That will be nice Tessa :)
Peace is crucial. I've had 3 tightenings/pains. Between 9 and 12 minutes apart. Then left the app running and lost track of the last one lol! I'm thinking that I might give myself a few hours to let things progress.
I feel bad phoning maternity unit now if it's nothing. So maybe the morning will be better x
Good luck tomorrow Dairy, so exciting that you be meeting little one very soon! Can't wait for news :D xxx
Just had some blood! I like blood! Very tiny amount but... Yay. I'm actually getting excited. I feel so heavy like periody! Xx
Yay for blood kelly!!!! Was it blood blood or mucus blood??

Dairy very excited for you for tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the news xx
Tingy blood in my pad of water. Same as I had when waters broke with my son x
Ring the midwife unit kelly!!!!!!!! Just see what they say ~ I am so excited for you!!! It's been ages since we had a sept baby x
I want to see if I get some regular contractions. Last time it wasn't long before they became very intense. I want to be sure lol
Yay - 9 days over is a charm Kelly I told ya ;) Can't wait for updates! :D xxxx
Hello lovely ladies ! I haven't been on for a few days so it's probably too much for me to catch up on sorry but Tessa filled me in on Facebook.

Fingers crossed this is it for you Kelly I'll pop in as much as possible!

How's everyone? Your baby's will be in your arms very soon and this wait will be forgotten about xxxxx
Wide awake for no reason, checked in just in case there was an exciting labour thread.... But no! X
I'm awake! Just got up for a wee and had a trickle down my leg and wet patch. Can't tell what it was but got cramps again straight after :(
Weird thing is, clock said 3.43am which was 1 minute after my waters popped with joshy lol.
Oooooooh Kelly! This is getting exciting! Fx you're on your way now.

How's everyone else feeling?

Good luck for induction dairygirl! Xx

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