*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Good luck H!

Had an eventful afternoon, Otto got stung on the back of the leg by a wasp just as Merryn puked up everywhere. Mark's at work so it was total chaos for 20 minutes. Indi just slept through it all obvs!
How's everyone feeling? Xx
Pains and tightening going round my lower back and into bottom of bump, been going on for over an hour now and getting really uncomfortable, nothing I can time at min but this is how labour started with Ruby so I am feeling positive it may lead somewhere in a few more hours x
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Knackered for sure! We painted the whole dining room twice. Made lunch, went out and brought some new curtains and light shade and bits and changed our room completely. Moved the living room around aswell. Now I'm making dinner! Got more leaking. More than yesterday. Thinking hind waters maybe.

Not heard from tessa at all today.

Haha Gilly, can tell who the laid back one is then sleeping through the chaos lol x

Helen, fingers are crossed for you xx
Sorry girls, just hadn't got around to catching up today! Nothing exciting here, just usual tightenings, back cramp that is now normal life!

H that sounds very exciting!!!' Keep us updated!

Kelly you are a crazy lady doing your kitchen! I said to hubby today our mantle piece needs reprinting and to grab some paint and I will do it but that's very different to a whole kitchen!! Hope it's looks fab and is worth the aches! IF that doesn't start labour nothing will! Xx
Was getting hopeful for u Tessa then!!

someone has to pop soon!!

You would hope so wouldn't you Michelle!!

This feels so much like early labour, back cramps are really painful, but when it's about the 10th time it's happened with no outcome there is no point getting excited again for no reason. So glad summer is better today and had a good nights sleep xx
Leaking quite a bit now. Giving it another hour and a gonna have a quick bath as I'm in a lot of pain! Then OH wants me to phone Maternity unit x
Oh kelly I am excited!!! Enjoy the bath ~ would say hope it eases the pains but I really hope it doesn't!!! Tomorrow would be a lovely day to give birth ~ 14th sept sounds lovely! X
Had a quick bath. Still in pain but it's just pains from doing way too much today!
Still unsure as to whether to phone a midwife though! X
Kelly I echo your OH Hun, ring maternity unit defo as if it is your waters you need to labour within 24 hours of them breaking. Can't believe you totally redecorated today, that is too funny lol x

I feel like you Tessa, I try not to bother getting excited too much over pains anymore as had them on and off for weeks. These got really horrendous today then stopped for a little bit and have just started again now. Don't think my body knows what it is doing lately at all! At least it is my due date on Tuesday so only another 2 weeks max either way :) x
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I'm feeling what feels like tightening but not same as usual BH. Not close either and not in my back but I have a pain around my coccyx that's achey?
I'm going to time them now to see if there is any pattern x
My labour started out with achey bad back pains with Ruby as if I was just sore and then gradually turned into proper contractions which is why I got excited earlier when same thing happened. Defo a possible early labour sign x
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It's so bloody frustrating kelly!! But defo ring if you think some of your waters may have gone... Defo worth getting that checked. Xx
I know tell me about it, I am so bloody fed up so can't imagine how you overdue ladies feel. I think having pains for hours etc that never lead anywhere is slightly worse than no symptoms at all in some ways as you get your hopes up every time even though you try not to and then boom, nada :(
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Just sat here watching baby practicing breathing again, so weird to watch as never noticed it when pregnant with Ruby, all she ever got was hiccups! :)
Yes I would totally rather have no symptoms. Last time I didn't have anything until the day it kicked off so I never got my hopes up that anything was starting. It was soooo much better.

However there is a plus side to going a way over... Mil has jist booked a holiday for 2 weeks today. I was so worried about her wanting to take baby straight out on her own and not giving us space etc. Now I feel so much more relaxed as even though I obviously want her to meet baby before she goes I will also know we have that week of peace coming up. Am I a horrible person?! X
Lol not horrible at all Tessa, I would feel same way! xx

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