*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

It stopped after a few hours but the pain and pressure on cervix right now is unbelievable it actually hurts to walk so think it must have done something so all good anyway :) typically Ruby had a bad night last night and kept crying for me so ended up having to sleep on sofa with her in the end so just as well things tailed off lol x
Aw H, got excited when I read your first posts!

Must be something in the air, Amelia had a bad night too. Started at 12:30 losing her dummy and moaned on and off. She woke properly at 4am and needed a cuddle to get back to sleep. Thankfully nothing since and she's still asleep so hoping I can get a shower and wash my hair before she wakes up!!
Lol kiddies have brilliant timing with sleep issues don't they, wait until the week you need the most rest and have a bad night or two bless them. I am lucky, OH is at home for whole of September so at least he can look after her whilst I shower etc x
Ladies I miss our conversations I'm just finding it so hard to keep up!

I should be home today so when little miss is settled I PROMISE I'll catch up and let you know what's been going on with us.

Fingers crossed all your baby's come soon xxxx
Not surprised you finding it hard to keep up hun, hard to find time to do a lot of things with a tiny baby especially if you are stuck in hospital too. Hope your first day at home together goes well, bet you can't wait to get back to home comforts now? xxx
Hopefully this is the start of things for you H. Other than the occasional twinge I have had zero symptoms and even though I had absolutely no warning with my first labour I'm still convinced nothing is going to happen! 8 days overdue today - have 2nd sweep today and all my hopes are pinned on that. Will also get my induction date so the either way the end is in sight!
Dairy girl hope today works for you!

H positive thonking that last night was doing something ~ am sure you are beginning to make some progress, just sorry it timed in with Ruby's bad night!

Bunny you just enjoy time with Ella and we look forward to a catch up when you have time!

Kelly how are you today?

I am totally not trying to advocate drinking while pregnant but my glass of wine last night was amazing!! I relaxed, was sleepy by 9 15, went straight to sleep and only got up once to wee! Amazing! When I did get up had quite a bit of a bloody show, and then some on pad and more this morning. Guessing this is just where midwife had a fumble yesterday, even though she didn't do proper sweep? Not getting my hopes up, but it's a little sign at least xx
Know that feeling H, I've had so much pressure for days now and it's so painful. Especially when I get out of bed! Sorry it didn't start for you, but hopefully pushed things along a little :)

Bunny, I found it hard with my son to find the time. We understand and once we are all settled we can all catch up more on facebook x

Tessa, I felt the same after mine. I wouldn't have another now until she is born but it really helped me when I had one just to relax a little bit as an overdue mummy. That's great aswell about the bloody show! I had a lot aswell afterwards, but not losing any now.

Hope she can fit me in today for another sweep! And really hope that she tells me I am more than 1cm dilated this time! X
I think any sign is a sign in the right direction! Sounds like you had a good nights sleep too :)
H -this sounds like your getting closer and body's getting ready - fingers crossed!
Hope the sweep works for you Dairygirl - itl be good to get that date. End is in sight!

Enjoy home comforts and snuggles with your little one Bunny!
That's an amazing sleep Mary!!

I must be so selfish but I ended up in such a fowl mood yesterday! (very unlike me) met up with some neighbours for a drink last night last one with them before little one comes. Only to be told I couldn't even have a sip of the prossecco that I bought - I have not drank all pregnancy! Then was asked by every one about feeding regimes and when we are planning our second? Only to be 'told' in no certain terms by numerous people it was cruel to only have one! Argh! It was hard enough getting to have one as my oh's had leukaemia - surely it's none of they're business anyway!! I haven't even had this one yet - but so many opinions - I wish people would have normal conversations with me now...and they wondered why I left early!
Sorry for the rant - but it really got to me! X
Me too kelly, defo no more, but actually I think last night really helped me get in a good mind frame, and of course getting a good nights sleep is great! Hope they fit you in today.

Thanks dairy girl, have kind of resolved myself to the fact that nothing will happen before Monday at least... That's ok x
I just hope you ladies don't have to wait as long as us. I'm on day 6 and for the others to be on day 7 and 8 is even worse and I feel bad enough as it is! :(
Feeling better now - think I had to get that off my chest sorry!

Poor you 6days over - I feel like iv been ready for the last wee while! I see what they mean when they say the last month of preg lasts a million days lol! Really daft question I know but how many days do they let you go over before induction? My midwife was quite vague about it as it's still 9 days until my official due date- it seems to range by a few days, is it different in different areas or per pregnancy?
Yay another baby!! X
I think it is different for different areas. I've heard my area is 12 days. But, I'm 6 days and haven't heard anything about it yet. I'm sure it's usually around 14 days x
Kelly that is soooooo exciting!!!

Char sorry looks like I totally ignored your last post, but it hadn't come up when I wrote mine! Sorry you had a rubbish night, people defo need to keep their views to themselves! However many children you choose to have and however you choose to feel is totally your and oh decision. I am sure everyone will pipe down once baby is born! Xx
Thanks Mary, I hope they do! - its me, my iPad seems to be doing half posts atm!
Gosh 14 days....that would take me to the 3rd of October! Going to have to do some serious eviction Methods before then lol! X
Sorry Char, I didn't see your post either or the one right before that!
I don't understand why others feel they need to give their opinions really! You should have insisted on having a little sip of your drink as it's entirely up to you what you do.
I'd have left early too! ; ( xx

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