*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

With second babies they often don't engage completely until the very last second before labour kicks off, you are probably dilated from baby bobbing in and out and head butting you x
Oh possibly, I just presumed they fully engaged and then you started dilating. She did say at first that baby moved head and then she felt it again? Didn't understand that at all!! Haha

I had loads of show just a while ago so atleast that's something. Thought I was going to go free of any of that this time.

I seen bunny is home now. Great news!
Ready for labour now... come on body! X
Oh tessa your mums so funny! Sounds like something my mum would say! However he week before i went into labour i was getting the best nights sleep id ever had throughout my pregnancy!! Hopefully the trampoline will do some good for you.

End is in sight now kelly good to hear your body is doing something tho! Fx you go before the 16th :)

I never got told if my baby was engaged or how many 5ths she as engaged.. i never even thought to ask when they were deeling round. Feel like iv missed out now haha! Pretty sure she was partly engaged with the pains i was gtting in my cervix!

Feeling terrible today... i honestly feel like im still pregnant! Really bad back ache. Stomach and back cramps. Barely been off the loo due to the runs and my pelvis is worse than it ever was when i was pregnant! Im so drained, i need rubbed out and re drew again lol!! So thankful my OH is here to watch the kids i dont think i could cope! Xx
Haha, it gives me false hope the engagement thing. With my son I was 4/5 at 38 weeks and had him at 40+1 this time I have been 2/5 since 36 weeks and no signs, so I would rather not know lol.

Oh dear. Sorry you don't feel great. I hope you start to feel better soon! Xx
I was fully engaged on Tuesday but still no plug loss or anything so don't think it means too much either way x
Fx u won't b long now Kelly.

Tessa ur mum Is so funny altho I can understand mayb not to you lol.

Mummybee what's shame u feel so ruff I hope u start to feel good soon n cam get off the loo!!!

Quick update - had second sweep this afternoon - now 3cm and midwife could feel my waters. She said she couldn't understand how baby was still in there as the sweep was the most favourable she had ever done and baby is REALLY low! Been cramping/contracting since about half 5 and lost some plug which I didn't after first sweep- really hope this is it!!!
Oh fingers crossed for you dairy girl ~ that all sounds brilliant!!!! Hope to wake up tomorrow morning to some baby news! Xx
Fingers crossed for you dairygirl :)

I've lost some more plug now, but I lost loads for over 24 hours after Tuesday so not feeling hopeful.

Hope it kicks off for you tonight hun.

I've come to terms with the fact that I am certain now that I will be induced. So I should most probably stay positive and see next Wednesday as my new due date! Xx
I haven't heard from Kim at all today! A bit gutted. But hope she has had her baby. I wouldn't want to text as don't want to bother her xx
Kelly if you look at it like that, anything else will be a bonus. Just relax and enjoy your week as much as you can.

Hope Kim is ok, fingers crossed she is just too busy snuggling to let you know.
Omg I am so uncomfortable.
My belly is tightening, really painful! Like very intense BH. Feels nothing like my contractions did last time so don't think it's that. Anyone else had painful BH?
I think there is such a fine crossover between bh and proper early contractions... So it could be! X
Yeah hun, I very often have painful contractions but then I have an irritable uterus which is stupidly sensitive haha x
Tell you what this is.. earlier on I got the talc out and squeezed it really tight cus it's a game I play with my son. I only went and forgot that he had a talc accident a little while ago so we brought a new bottle. Well, i squeezed it too tighht and it went everywhere! ! My OH's hair turned grey and my son looked like a ghost. I laughed so hard that i lost a big chunk of plug and have had had a painful belly since!! X
Haha kelly that made me laugh.... Clearly we all need to cheer up and get chuckling more!! X
LOL Kelly, classic! Are the pains getting any kind of pattern hun? xx

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