*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Eeek loving these beautiful baby pics!!!! Please send my love to Danielle - hope she is able to bring little Ella home soon Xxx
Aww Gilly lovely photo of your little one :)

Michelle glad you are getting into a nice little routine already, that is half the battle isn't it? I am keen to get into a nice routine from day one this time round as found it really hard with my daughter as we kept having loads of uninvited visitors late into the night for the first 2 weeks lol. We live in a different area now so things have to be arranged with in laws first rather than drop ins, bonus ;)

Kelly I was practically crying by 9 days overdue so hope you don't go that long. I think what helped me was we arranged my induction date for the Monday and as soon as that was in place I gave birth the Friday before lol. I swear with me my body holds on for ages due to anxiety lol. Trying to tell myself I don't care when baby comes this time so he arrives but it isn't working lol.

Gilly, give bunny my love, hope she can go home soon and Ella is just so gorgeous!

Well had my bloods done for pre eclampsia so just awaiting results later today but my bp has gone right down to 94/72 today so all looking good :) xx
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Fantastic news Summer and you have a very good point, always a good thing to have less work to do in one go! :) xx
Aww love the pic Gilly.
Hope Danielle is doing well, thanks for update x

Ohh summer! 3cm is really good. I'd be surprised if you made it to the 17th too.
I agree with the second part of your comment. With my son, I had nothing to prepare me. I went from 2 cm (9am) to birth at 4.42pm. But had contractions every 2 minutes lasting a minute for 10 hours! I'm hoping with all the pains this time that labour will either be shorter or not so intense for so long.

I have another sweep tomorrow at some point (have to text my midwife to fit me in)

H, hope results are good later. Good news on BP :) xx
My baby has gone super active all of a sudden. Almost like she if so squashed in that she needs more space and is going crazy trying to make it lol! Really giving me backache x
Ah gilly the pics are gorgeous ~ what good head control she has!! So glad bunny is doing well too ~ such cute little babies!!

H glad the bloody pressure has come down at least!

Summer so happy you are feeling more positive, I would have got my hopes up last Friday too if I was you. 3 cm is great though, nearly 1/3 there!!! We really should have all chatted last night, I did come on but there was nothing new so didn't bother posting as hoped everyone else was sleeping. Maybe night time chat tonight?! Kelly? Anyone else??!!

Just read that my area don't offer sweeps till 41 weeks for second time mums, although my midwife did say on the phone that she would do one today. Really hoping she didn't get confused or decide not to today. The whole 'stop/start' is doing my head in and I am not doing anything fun with belle as too scared to go far in case it restarts while I am out. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Xx
Just cry Tessa, that's what I did first time around when I was desperate ha! Mw said she would do one and then changed her mind, I burst into tears and I think I guilted her in to it.
I've sent everyone's love to Danielle. She's still getting checked out but says she feels absolutely fine in herself. Fx her little family is home v.soon.
Summer I can't see you going another week at all!!
Kelly, let's hope the activity is down eviction.
My MIL sprung a visit on me this afternoon, cannot be arsed at all and hate short notice, but may as well get it over and done with. May take some preventative paracetamols for my head, the woman only has one volume! Seriously clock watching until hubby gets home, I know we're married but it's really awkward when it's just me and his mum. I spend all my time grinning and nodding and she spends all her time making passive aggressive observations about the way I look! Moan over, sorry. ;)
Oh Tessa! 41 weeks is rubbish. Hope she does it for you.

I'm hoping tommorow midwife tells me I am more than 1cm now!

Gilly, I did have a little smile at that comment. I can just imagine the awkwardness. Hope the visit isn't too bad. :) xx
Tessa I agree with Gilly, cry if you need to to get a sweep done lol. I will be begging for one next week too lol.

Gilly, I feel same about spending time with my MIL on my own, totally get it!
Well midwife was happy to do one but inside of cervix is still shut so she couldnt get in properly. She said outside is open, so she gave a bit of a stretch but not a proper sweep. Rubbish, looks like I will be waiting a while yet x
Aww Tessa, sorry it wasn't more positive news but we all know what these babies are like, might still surprise you and suddenly dilate loads overnight! x
Sorry sweep wasn't as positive as hoped Tess - but these things aren't prescriptive. My friend had an attempted sweep on her due date but was told wasn't favourable and MW couldn't even get tip of her finger in - she still went into labour naturally 3 days later (though it was a 60 hr labour!!) Wheras I had a very favourable sweep on Friday / 2cm dilated and 5 days later still no baby :roll:
Hope your blood results find back find H - very good sign that you have nice low BP.
I've taken paracetamol because my back is really crampy after sweep - also got lots of tightenings - but not getting excited as the same happened after my sweep on Friday and then fizzled out after about 5hrs. Only annoying thing is they're not painful enough to get excited about but too painful to nap through - only managed about 3hrs of disturbed sleep last night so feeling really tired - though I know I should probably be walking/bouncing instead :lol:
Oh no that's rubbish Tessa bit as summer had said u never can tell what's guna happen!!

Hope the results r ok for u h. Yea a routine is so good. We have limited visitors this time n defo said that we wanted Harry to be kept in his routine esp tea bath n bed so no visitors after 5 they then have to wait till he's in bed!!

Tessa, sorry it wasn't as positive as you had hoped. I reckon with my son I probably wasn't dilated at all. It took 3 hours of contractions just to get me to 2cm!
Summer I really feel for you! I really hope this works for you and you go into labour tonight.

I'm thinking my sweep was unsuccessful aswell. Fingers crossed for tomorrow! xx
Ah thanks everyone. I am ok actually, went out for a walk and pulled myself together. Went to sainsburys and got stuff in for some nice dinners since it looks like I will be here for a while! Also very naughtily got myself a little bottle of red wine, which I am very much looking forward to later!

Summer I really hope today's sweep works for you. you are totally right in what you say, it must have been so hard to get your hopes up and then nothing... At least now for me if anything happens before Monday I will see it as a bonus!

Kelly fab they are doing you another sweep tomorrow, my next app isn't until next Thursday!

Sorry if I have missed anyone, but hope everyone is ok xxx
No test results for me until tomorrow now as they not managed to rush it through but I am not worried as really don't think it will come back positive. Feel much better today so think maybe I had some weird little virus or something :) x
Tessa, I thoroughly enjoyed my wine on Sunday night. It was quite refreshing and calmed me a little.
I'm slightly concerned though that after tomorrow, my mw is away and I don't trust things progressing afterwards.

Feeling so miserable x
Ah kelly I am sorry you are so miserable. Can you speak with your midwife tomorrow about seeing another midwife while she is away, or going to the hospital for another sweep in a few days if things don't progress?

H glad you are doing ok, hopefully results will show you have nothing to worry about tomorrow xx
Bless you Kelly, being overdue is so hard, come on baby behave yourself and come out!!

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