*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I've got to catch up with x factor soon. Floor done. Was living laminate so didn't take too long. never thought I'd go overdue to be honest. My mum originally said September 6th! We shall see ;)
Me too Please Bunny! :) hope you get a good nights sleep Bunny
Sorry most of the symptoms have eased off generally! But hopefully they'll ramp up for you lot again shortly!

Thought my waters had gone yesterday as I coughed managed to fill a whole pad and wet patch on a chair then went to loo and managed to empty a full bladders worth of pee! Bizarre - Hope that's not tmi! But nothing's happened since except really dark pee (not sure what that's all about?!). So I'm guessing it's just an embarrassing leak. :o I have a growth scan on Monday so unless anything else happens I'm going to leave it till then I think... xx
No H, absolutely nothing, no pains, no twinges, no BH, no leaks or show, nada. I've been bouncing on my ball, rlt, epo and nothing. I'm secretly hoping that it'll all just happen at once with no teasing so my waters will go and bam, 6hrs (?!) later, my baby boy in my arms. I know I'm kidding myself but I can hope. How are you feeling now? 10 days - eek! x
Not sure how you would tell tbh... thought you'd def get some sort of other symptoms but iv had nothing :/ x
Just got in to bed, feel drained today been a busy day for me and bump. Had more show just before I came up to sleep, haven't had a massive loss yet but lots on and off throughout the day. Pains are still there but still not regular enough to monitor.

Everyone that wants to be added just drop me an inbox on Facebook (Danielle Taja Piercy) and I'll do it tomorrow :)
You're so welcome.

Hope everyone's symptoms get stronger etc

Night night x x x
Purple, I'm hoping mine is like that again this time. Waters, then contractions, plug and baby lol :)
Char, not necessarily. That is why infection is definitely possible if waters go and are left x
Hope someone's gone into Labour tonight, I'm sat here looking at my beautiful daughter thinking how lucky I am she's so perfect!!

Fx u ladies will all b holding ur little bundles soon.

Sorry not had chance to get through posts. Just down at delivery for my third pessary which wasn't needed and is so much better with a bit gas and air helping insert it! I haven't needed pessary three as I was 3cm dilated and my waters broke so I'm on my way to baby finally!

Not having contractions yet so might need the drip in four hours. Hubby is on his way xx
Sounds fab doll eyes fx baby will b here soon.

Char, I would definitely get it checked just to make sure it wasn't waters as sounds like there was quite a bit x

Purple, lol I hope you get baby within 6 hours of labour, stranger things have happened! Lol. I get the odd backache, cramp or painless BH but they never last long and I have had zero plug loss which is annoying as was losing it for ages before I had Ruby but nada this time which makes me think I will end up being induced. From his weight at 32 weeks he is estimated to be around 8 and half lb at this point so really hoping I don't have 3 weeks to wait or he will be a 10 or 11 lbs baby! Makes me want to mourn my lady bits as not sure they will be the same after that, my 8lb8oz daughter was a bad enough recovery down there Hahahahaha x

Best of luck doll_eyes, hope it is a nice speedy labour for you Hun xxx
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Good luck Doll, almost there! Eek H, yeah that doesn't sound a good weight for a natural delivery. Do you have a sweep booked for the same day as me? (17th) Wondering if I can book an induction at that appointment? The mw reckons 7.5-8lb for me x
Thanks girls contractions every 5/6 minutes now not unbearable yet :) only thing is I'll not be having my water birth and I have to stay monitored but besides that it's going okay xx
Good luck doll_eyes. Sorry it hasn't been the best or quickest few days.

Yikes H, I don't even know how I'd manage a 8lber haha.

I'm so unhappy today. Lots of pain last night kept waking me up but still no baby. I feel like I'm much more overdue than I actually am though. Fed up already though x
I know Kelly! No wonder it took me 3 hours of pushing and lots of third degree tearing and an episiotomy to get her out! The only reason I didn't end up with assisted delivery was due to it being a weekend and all the Drs being in emergency sections! Lucky nothing went wrong really! Still have good memories of birth though, would never put me off having more lol.

Purple, my midwife was convinced I wouldn't even make it to my GP appointment at 38 weeks so she not mentioned a sweep etc but if I not gone into labour by my GP appointment on Tuesday (had to move it to 39 weeks) I will be asking him if I can be induced etc as my fundal measurement was 40 weeks two weeks ago and I don't have diabetes so not due to that must just be his size. Just gonna tell him straight I want a scan for size if he doesn't agree to induction or early sweep etc as not happy lol. I am back in evict the baby routine today though, already cleaned whole kitchen, just about to have a shower n then I will be cleaning rest of house, getting on the ball, drinking rlt and may even go for a walk up the mammoth hill I live on lol x
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Good luck on baby eviction techniques! It's ok to measure ahead that much though isn't it?
I've got one floor left to scrub before I have to go through them again! Today I'm thinking is another walk in the park day with OH and LO! :) xx
Yeah 2 weeks ahead is fairly normal but the week before that I measured 5 weeks ahead and she said it had only decreased as baby had dropped right down into pelvis so it took height out of my bump so god knows how big he really is lol x
Morning ladies ! Will get you all added now. Had an amazing sleep must have got 10 hours!!!!

Over my due date now so need to keep positive and busy every day in case I go insane. Thinking about moving my induction date back also to give my body a couple more days to do it naturally what do you think?

Dolleyes so glad to see things are moving forward for you, hope you have your baby in your arms soon! Sounds like your doing amazing. Xxxxx

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