*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I text Bunny last night to see how she was but not heard back yet. I imagine she's having some quality time with her OH.
Mark did the 3am feed so I slept from 11 until now, feel so much better.
I reckon you're going to be next Kelly!! X
Glad you got some sleep Gilly, bet you feel like a new woman! x
Can't believe it's my due date!!!!!!!!!! All of a sudden feels like my pregnancy has flew haha.

Sorry hadn't been in touch, just caught up and you were right we enjoyed our tea & then I started getting lots of pains and back pains so OH gave me a massage and I fell asleep. Woke up a few times through the night with tightenings and pains, lost more plug but since I woke up this morning (only about half an hour ago) there's been nothing. I think my daughter is too comfy and just likes teasing haha. But so far no baby news sorrryyyyyy! Having to stay positive tho, in 10 - 14 days she will be in my arms if not before.

Summer all sounds promising for you! So exciting!!!

Kelly how do you feel this morning?

Haven't heard from Sara or Violet either....

Gilly glad you got some sleep - I'll text you now :)

Anyone up too much today?

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Glad you are ok hun :) Hopefully pains will pick up for you again x

My parents are picking Ruby up at 10.30 and not bringing her back until Sunday so my plan is clean, sleep, do last min things and have a nice chilled evening with OH. I am avoiding all baby eviction tricks until Sunday as really looking forward to enjoying what will be our last weekend just the two of us for a while :)

Hope everyone else has nice plans :) x
I think I'm going to go watch OH play football, it's about 40 min - 1 hour away from our house but I can't cope being cooped up in the house makes me feel like I'm just waiting for something to happen and I can't do that for another two weeks! My only worry is if my waters went I would be ashamed haha!

Sounds lovely H, Sod's law baby will come this weekend now haha ! Xxxxxx
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Happy due date bunny! Maybe risking travelling the distance labour will start for you lol! But like u said. On a positive note in teo weeks she will definately be here. If anything happens before its a bonus.
God im so excited for you all now!!!! Xx
Hahaha Bunny I thought same thing, parents will pick Ruby up and I will go into labour lol.

Good plan on the football, I was same as you with my daughter, went out to meet friends for lunch etc on due date and after as didn't want to sit round twiddling my thumbs :) xx
It all stopped overnight :wall2: I never expected the sweep to actually work - I was just happy to know things were progressing but after an entire afternoon of strong back pain and contractions 8 mins apart I thought something must be happening - I was exhausted!! Took paracetamol and came up to bed - hubby had been massaging my back all evening between contractions and he carried on until I fell asleep - then I guess it must have fizzled out ... Bummer!!!

Happy due date bunny!!! Sounds like a plan - I hate just waiting around at home.

H - sounds like you have a nice day/night ahead of you with hubby - enjoy! :)

Pretty much the same as me babe, wasn't expecting it to work but when had all them signs really got excited. Gutted we've both work up to nothing.

Think I'll be okay going the game, it's about an hour away from our house, 40 minutes from the hospital. Just sick of being cooped up haha. Mum and dad are both about same distance away too xxxxx
Sounds like a lovely sleep Gilly!
Bunny, glad you got a good rest too and happy due date..

Nothing exciting here either. Every ache and pain has gone completely :(

H, sounds lovely, enjoy your weekend :)

Today we have no set plans. I think staying active again is a good plan. Walking, scrubbing etc. This evening, OH brother is having a house warming so atleast that will keep us busy for a few hours x
1 year ago today my GP finally put us forward to the Hewitt Fertility Clinic after over 2 years of asking - it's crazy to think 1 year on on exactly the same date it's our due date!!!!!
I think so too H!!

Constant buzzing in my left ear this morning, doubt it's pregnancy related? It's doing my head in haha xxx
Please give us.some babies! I know I shouldn't be so impatient. I'm only impatient as OH is off work already :( and also shouldn't be as two people were due before me and are more overdue! Sorry :( x
Bless you Kelly! I will be glad when I reach due date, this back ache is getting a bit annoying now and my hips were really painful when I woke up this morning. Shouldn't complain though as they only started hurting in the last week or so I have had it fairly easy before that x
Happy due date Bunny!
Sorry to hear things have stopped for you, Summer.
I'm sending labour vibes to you, Bunny and Kelly. I'll send some your way H, after the weekend! Xx
Not getting to cum on here as much as I use to what a surprise lol.

always get excited when I do tho as I am always hopefully for Labour/birth announcements.

Good luck to u all really hope it's soon n u will all b joint me in sleep deprivation!!!

Kelly I will try n remember to put sum photos in the September mummies thread on fb.

Jesus just weighed myself and I have put on 2 stone! :( No wonder I feel way bigger than when pregnant with my daughter as only put on 8lb with her! Depressing!

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