*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Thank you fingers crossed.

Been bouncing on my ball , just about to have some food and then try and go for a walk.
My head is banging I just want to lie down but seen so many people say try and keep active when things are starting so don't want to risk slowing things down if this is the start xxx
Oh fingers crossed bunny this is it for you!! Defo good to keep active but you also need to conserve energy for the big event to come so make sure you rest if you need it too!

Gilly all that cooking with 3 under 2 really makes me wonder if you are super mum?!

I have had so much 'get up and go' today! Belle and I went for a walk to pick some blackberries this morning, came home for lunch and then went for a few mile stroll along the beach. After we went for a drink in a pub garden so she played very happily while I enjoyed a becks blue in the sunshine. Craig and Belle have just gone off to see esme now so I am wallowing in the bath. Still feel bright mentally but my hips/legs/feet are telling me to have a rest! Can't tell you have relieved I feel that it is 4:30 pm and I have no signs of labour... Hopefully means I will make it past midnight so esme and baby can have a birthday each. Hooray! X
Well I have been a mad woman on mission today literally scrubbed the entire house from top to bottom even been hoovering all the door frames and skirting boards, just about to have a big clear out of the linen cupboard as it is driving me nuts! Been getting loads of cramps and back pain, loads of discharge (not plug but way more cm than normal) and my bowels have started some mad clear out! Not holding my breath for labour, I am just trying to encourage some BH etc to help dilate cervix a little bit lol x
Oh fx bunny n h hope this is it for u both!!!

My milk has cum in now n man I had forgotten how much it hurt!! Prob worse this time as um combi feeding so they are getting engorged when she isn't on them I'm going this will ease in a few days when we settle into a pattern. If not I will defo b letting them dry up the pain is to much esp as I know I won't b doing it for long anyway.

Pains have slowed down, still hurt when I get them buy much more time between them. Seem to have slowed down since I've ate :(

Oh well - she will come when she's ready!

How are you all feeling? xxxx
Bless you Michelle, I tried to BF but had a few issues so stopped literally after a couple of days of combi feeding and even that was painful so can't imagine how bad it can be for longer. The only perk was having decent looking boobs, much cheaper than surgery lol x
Bunny, more time between them doesn't mean it will tail off, they may just be trying to develop a more regular pattern. I remember mine went from lower bump cramps 5-6 mins apart to full belly contractions 12 mins apart but then they were literally every 12 mins then every 10 mins etc until I got to 4-5 mins and called triage :) Don't give up hope just yet xx
Thanks H! Do you think lying down on my left for a bit will slow them down? Or if it does they were going to slow down anyway?

From my experience if it is real labour and you have had pains for hours nothing will slow it down. I was sat on living room floor during my contractions doing literally nothing except txting my mum lol and they ramped right up x
Thanks H!

Still having pains but feel really exhausted, full of cold all of a sudden today and sore throat. Going to have a lie down I think. Every time I go the toilet there's plug either on tissue or in knickers (sorry TMI) , definitely no where near what I lost earlier haha xxxx
Obviously I have no actual experience of labour to compare but When I had quite intense and regular contractions after my sweep - I was bouncing on my ball / standing up and rocking (mainly because it was less sore that way) but I think it probably prolonged the 'false labour' unnecessarily - they fizzled out after 6hrs when I went up to bed/hubby gave me a massage. (I was just too excited)
The MW at antenatal class said when it's the real thing nothing will stop them so you may as well keep as comfortable and relaxed as possible - if you fancy a lie down or a bath go for it was her advice - because if it is the real thing you want to be as rested and relaxed as possible. I intend to do that from now on :) Like you say - they will come when ready - and I'm sure we will know about it.
The last walk has started up my braxton hicks again but no way near as intense as after sweep and no pattern so just chilling on the sofa watching 'friends' - could actually do without going into labour right now because I've got a roast chicken in the oven that won't be ready for an hour and I'm starving!! If it happens tonight I at least want the energy of a homemade Nandos behind me! :lol:xxx
Hahaha summer you make me laugh, gotta love the Nandos though!

Enjoy your rest bunny, you may need the energy later :) xx
Mm Nandos! :-D Yeah make sure you've got the energy!

I've been thinking today the wait is hard because you're on a countdown but you just don't know when you're counting down to. Not like a Crimbo countdown x
Ohh summer that sounds Yummy! I really hope you pop soon.
My second and third walk today both kicked off my BH! But very short lived. I'm thinking this baby could need an induction xx
Hopefully baby will surprise you Kelly :)

Purple, I know what you mean, very frustrating indeed, especially if you end up overdue x
Just been naughty and given In and had a glass of wine. Hoping it scares baby out of me! X
I've been totally in a world of my own today. Kept losing concentration so many times today. Think baby is taking over my brain :)
Hope it works for you, my baby has spent the last hour constantly pushing as hard as he can on my cervix, it is getting really bloody painful now :(
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That feeling is just horrible :( I could hardly walk up the stairs to bed today. Think I'm in for a painful night. Please can we get some baby news soon xx

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