*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

H and kelly you guys are going to have the cleanest floors ever!!!! Haha!

Loads of luck doll eyes ~ fingers crossed today is the day for you!

The sun is actually shining today so I am really excited just to get out in the fresh air for a walk, and maybe a pub garden stop! X
I know Tessa, it is a beautiful day here too, makes everything seem more positive lol x

You could do Bunny, they do say when you feel totally chilled about baby coming whenever is the time labour will kick off so maybe having a nice chilled relaxed approach will help ;) xx
Glad things are well on the way for you doll eyes! Best of luck :)
I'm trying really hard to stay positive (I know 40+3 isn't lots overdue) but each day I get a little more anxious. The midwife never mentioned 42wk induction at my appt. last Friday - I think if I had a definite end date booked I'd feel a bit more relaxed - will ring tomorrow.
Going to make the most of the sunshine and go for a walk before lunch. She said 'waters were bulging' must have to give out soon surely ... :pray:

Definitely a good sign summer as when I had sweep with Ruby they said I was 1cm dilated but it still had to shorten a bit etc and I only went 9 days overdue so if you are 2cm and waters bulging etc you are probably a lot closer to labour than the 9 days overdue I was :) xx
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Wishing you a quick and easy induction Doll_eyes. Baby cuddles imminent!
Glad the party went well, Tessa.
Talking of food, I'm back on the straight and narrow. I follow the primal/paleo and some Whole30 diet and did really well on it before Otto, didn't quite manage to get back in to it properly after him and then I fell pregnant again. It's all about cutting processed food and legumes/grains etc. I started it because I have an autoimmune disease and it was recommended, I definitely feel the difference when I'm on it. You'd think that would be enough to keep me on it but crap food always has its pull when you're tired/pregnant, well for me anyway.
I made paleo banana loaf yesterday and then we had sweet potato rostis with steak and homemade guacamole for tea. I've got a pork, chorizo and quinoa casserole in the slow cooker today! Will have that with broccoli later. Quinoa isn't paleo or Whole30 but the recipe is consider gluten free and 'clean'. Got my parents coming for lunch so I had to adapt it or my dad freaks out ha! I'm rambling a bit now, sorry! I have an Instagram (paleomammy) with recipe ideas on. Xx
Just a quick one ladies, when I pass urine I get period like pains. Is this normal? xxxx
Hmmmm you might possibly have a uti Hun, get yourself to the GP tomorrow and do a urine sample as you made need antibiotics x
I've noticed if I'm having a BH contraction I physically can't pee - I have to wait for tummy to soften again, but I agree with H I think if you get pain when actually passing urine it's worth getting checked out Hun xxx
I had a urine sample Friday when midwife came round and everything was okay , I think it's when I've finished weeing xxx
Come on babies! Are we 5 behind now according to the front page? They are making us wait x
Well I have been on my hands and knees scrubbing away and all I have now is a very bad backache lol x
I got that Bunny when my bladder was really full, was tested for a uti but Dr seemed to think it was pain from waiting too long. I didn't feel I was waiting though. X
A walk sounds lovely ladies enjoy the sunshine, its beautiful here but a quick walk to tescos really wiped me out. I'm on the sofa now enjoying the peace as both Harry n summer sleep n im waiting fir sum friends to arrive. I'm so excited to start seeing all u guys in labour. Keep checking in fir news doll eyes.

Bunny 10 hrs sleep u lucky thing think I got 5 last night n thought that was fab n got that in 3 different blocks!!!

Just went the toilet and I lost what looked like my whole mucus plug. I'm pretty sure I've been having surges (contractions) all day lasting 30 - 40 seconds at a time but not regular yet. Fingers crossed she doesn't keep me waiting much longer xxxx
Ohhh Bunny how exciting! Sounds like how my labour started, keeping everything crossed for you sweet x
Thanks H! I'm pretty clueless so it could just pass but I feel different today and these pains feel different. Fingers crossed xxx
I would say if you lost bloody show and the pains been all day even if not regular yet you are well on you way as when I had Ruby I lost bloody show and had very irregular pains for prob 6 hours or so that then started to become something I could time, took quite a while for them to become painful :) xx
Good luck Bunny! Hope it's something starting.

Been for a walk and had lunch at MIL house. We are just off for our second walk now! :-) xx
Eeek exciting bunny!! I'm pretty sure I lost all my plug the morning after sweep but I'm lacking on the contractions front since Friday! Just about to go for our second walk of the day to see if we can get things going again! :)

Fingers crossed Bunny x

I've been so lazy and had a nap on the couch and started dreaming I was having contractions ( must have been lay with some pressure on my bump) gutted when I woke up to nothing haha x

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