*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Thank you Purple & Gilly!!

Awww how lovely is that of your friends, glad you had a lovely time and bump got spoilt.

How you feeling H?

Gilly I can't believe someone would call your phone at 5am! How bad is that! Try and get as many naps in as you can today bless you!

My MW was at a home birth all night so she's moved my app to 3.30 today, 2 hours earlier which is good but just hope OH can come home and be with me !

Good luck everyone else that has their sweeps today - how you feeling about them?

Ohhhh Bunny I forgot it was sweep day for you today, can't wait to hear if you are dilated etc. So exciting! x
H, glad you feel better after waking up feeling sick. I had to get up twice last night to wee which for me is rare. I've only had to get up once every now and then. I've got such a bad back today and shoulder.

Gilly, sounds like a rough night. Zzzz
I can't moan about my OH like that, he is actually much better than me at the lack of sleep etc and my son is equal with who he wants x

Good luck with sweeps today ladies.
No signs of baby coming for me today! Upset :( x
Thanks H & Kelly! I know summer has one today too and I'm sure there's someone else, baby brain haha!

Just hoping OH can get back but it's looking pretty impossible as its his and his dad's business & his dad is driving up to Scotland for a wedding early this afternoon & OH can't close till at least 4.30, were hoping his brother will step in and help for an hour or so but he works nights so depends wether he reads the message before 3 xxxx
Are you feeling hopeful for it to do something and gets things moving?

Summer, how do you feel today?

Morning girls, well had the worst sleep I've ever had. If I didn't look ill when I came in I do now with my red face and blood shot eyes from no sleep lol hubby will be panic stricken when he sees me.

The lady opposite me is unbelievable she's had the midwives running around after her all night. She got told off at 1am because she was still on her mobile talking loudly and just ignoring her baby. Me and a very uncomfortable lady waiting for a bed in labour ward were trying to rest at least a bit, but it was impossible.

Just waiting on a doctor and another blood pressure check, I really hope its came down so they can just book my induction and I can go home for a night really want my own bed and to pick up last bits that hubby won't remember. I'll be on a bp tablet until after I've had her. Really can't believe I got pre-e never had any symptoms apart from the glittery lights a few weeks ago in my eyes.

I really do take my hat off to you ladies with little ones to look after too! Who on earth called you at 5am Gilly?! Hope it was important!
Glad you are feeling better H, how is Ruby this morning - I remember having bad earache when my wisdom teeth came through so you could well be right about the the teething thing.

Happy due date Kelly!! I have to get up to pee in the night every 2hrs at least! All prep for the broken sleep patterns though I suppose. Hubby is great - he seems to always wake when I wake and ask if Im ok/need anything so hoping he will be good when baby is here (though he will have to go to work after the first 2 weeks do won't be expecting him to be doing baby night duties). Only thing that worries me is that he never remembers waking?!- I.e we'll have a short conversation, sometimes he'll go downstairs and get me a drink of water - then in the morning has no recollection :shock: on the one hand I'm concerned about him dealing with the baby in a semi-sleepwalk state, on the other I'm thinking I can convince him that he slept through and it's his turn again! Mwahaha ... :lol:

Bunny you look gorgeous in your pic!! Yes hopefully your final bump one eek!
I'm a bit nervous about my sweep today (stupid I know when I've accepted a whole baby is going to be making its way out of there!!) I'm just a bit squeamish about stuff going 'up' down there (with the exception of the obvious:lol:) but I coped fine with smear test and internal scans when diagnosed with PCOS so thinking it's that sort of level of discomfort?! Midwife said she was happy to try but was doubtful it would be successful - she said it doesn't trigger labour so much as speed things along, apparently the cervix has to be 'favourable' soft and slightly dilated - which doesn't tend to happen in first time mums until 24-48hrs before labour anyway. In subsequent pregnancies it tends to happen sooner therefore a sweep can be more successful. O well can only try! At least we'll get an indication of where we're at.
How are you feeling about it?

Aw sorry you had a bad night dolleyes! Yes hope your BP has stabilised and they can give you a definite plan of action this morning! Xxx
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Happy due date Kelly!!!!!!!

Mixed emotions really Kel, I don't want to get my hopes up as I know for first time mums the cervix can be quite far back, bit nervous OH won't be there with me but I know it can't be worse the labour so just have to get on with it :) excited at the same time but not pinning my hopes on this making something happening this weekend, I'm focusing on two weeks from tomorrow that I'll 100% have my baby girl! Think we're feeling pretty much the same summer?

Aww dolleyes that sounds awful - your calmer then me I would have told her to shut up !!! Hope things get better for you!

Good luck with your sweeps ladies today! Doll eyes sounds like an awful night! Good luck seeing the doc this morning xxx and happy due date Kelly!
Bless you Doll_eyes, really hope you get some decent sleep before this induction kicks off. That woman would of really wound me up! will be stalking for updates, good luck hun xx

Hope baby surprises you and arrives today Kelly, will keep everything crossed for you! :)

Summer, yeah definitely teeth I think as today she not mentioned ear just tells me her teeth hurt so will just keep dosing up on calpol and teething gel and hope for the best. If she gets a temp or anything though I will take her to GP/out of hours to get her ears checked.

Summer and Bunny - best of luck with sweeps, can't wait for the updates after. They are uncomfortable but I wouldn't say painful and it helps prepare you for labour in a way as you will be getting someones hand up there a few times to check you once in labour anyway so worth getting used to lol. Just breath through it and it helps :) xxx
Thanks char & H! Quite happy it's been moved forward two hours means I'm not waiting around all day just gutted OH doesn't look likely to make it. He's gutted too but oh well.

Aww hope Ruby is better soon bless her, least it explains the moods! xxxxx
Haha im a big baby so just let her carry on, she was really annoying hubby! I'm getting moved to a different room with women who are waiting to be induced so hopefully be a bit quieter so I can snooze. Just trying to keep calm and its all going to be worth it even if its not the way I'd have liked xx
So glad your being moved to a different room - that must be a bit of a relief! X
Hi ladies hope u r all ok I have tried to have a quick catch up on the thread but I'm defo out the loop lol. Really hope sum more babies arrive soon so nice to cum on n see news of babies!!

Summer is currently on the boob bless her she seems to take after daddy n love her food!! She's having bottles too so I can get sum sleep. Can't stop looking at her she's so perfect. N so glad harry seems to like her so far!!

Funily enough tho I have so much chocolate in the house n goodies in my box but had a cereal bar at the 1am feed lol.

Ha Michelle I got totally confused then and wondered what summer was doing on your boob, and then realised you mean your summer not our summer/Kimberly! Haha! So glad you are doing well and Harry is happy ~ and that you have treats of course!!

Happy due date kelly!!! Really hope things kick off for you soon!

Summer and bunny good luck today ~ looking forward to an update!!

Dolly eyes just rest when you can. I remember when I was in hospital before and after having belle people were just soooo noisy it was ridiculous! Sure once it all starts going to adrenalin will kick in and all will be fine! Also for induction stories just remember Michelle's nice quick experience.

H hope you and ruby are both doing ok.

I have spent the morning in Costa and now lying on the sofa..... God it's times like this I bloody love pre school! Haha! Xxx
Haha Tessa I got confused by Michelle's post then also !!!
She is beautiful Michelle!

Thanks for the good luck! I have excited nerves but trying not to get ahead of myself as it could come to nothing. Can't believe it's my due date tomorrow! Madness!

Doll eyes so glad you've been moved to a quieter room! Let's hope you can get some rest!

I went for breakfast with OH this morning & did a bit of work in his office, just got home now going to have a tidy and a shower ready for the midwife to show up! Eeeeek x x
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Good luck with your sweeps Bunny and Summer. Fx they get things moving.
Happy due date Kelly!
I'm still awake but mum has come around to keep me company and entertain Otto. Managed to get dinner prepped and everyone is having a quiet moment.
So pleased Summer is settled perfectly. I think we should savour how lovely our boys are with their little sisters, got a feeling that may change at times in years to come ha!
Doll_eyes - your night sounds awful, glad they told that woman off, I would've been livid. Fx your BP has gone down and you get to go home before induction.
Haha didn't think about that when I wrote it lol.

Yea Gilly it is lovely but prob won't last long altho I reckon they will always b over protective of them n poor Otto has two to look out for!

So looking forward to all your Labour threads ladies.

Just did the very long walk into town and back, good few miles clocked up. Man I can tell I am near due date now though, back was killing me by the end of it! Can't wait to lose weight and feel nice and light lol.

How is everyones day going? Any exciting updates? x

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