*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Kelly I hope baby comes soon so your hubby can spend lots of time with you all. My hubbys company have asked which exact weeks he's off, but that's like him being able to tell the future, who knows! Luckily his boss is flexible and will just sort it out so he can start his paternity when I've had her instead of a random date. Think he's under the impression it's gonna be like a two week holiday lol he's in for a shock! Xx
Thanks, me too. OH doesn't qualify for paternity this time so we have had to use annual leave. Gutted. I'm going to try all the eviction techniques from tomorrow :-)

Yeh, it's definitely not the easiest two weeks off lol x
Thanks, me too. OH doesn't qualify for paternity this time so we have had to use annual leave. Gutted. I'm going to try all the eviction techniques from tomorrow :-)

Yeh, it's definitely not the easiest two weeks off lol x

Ah bum, hubby has just managed to qualify. We're at a funeral tomorrow, but then after that project evict baby is back on! My mums put me off trying a hot curry lol she said I might poo myself. Which is likely anyway, but she thought it was hilarious and when she looked what a membrane sweep was online she was equally as supportive, she's really keeping me amused and sane! Still haven't managed to get hubby to dtd he's been on lates so I'm not my most alluring when he gets home like a drooling sealion! Ha xz
Haha! Your mum is getting a laugh out of this then :)
I also am not keen on the got curry idea for that reason lol.

I'm the same with dtd, when OH was getting in at half past midnight, I just wasn't really keen. He is off from 3pm today though so may well have to start dtd every day! X
We've been DTD everyday and nothing's happening yet, I really didn't enjoy the curry last night so won't be doing that again! Still feel very under the weather myself, heads banging and feel exhausted but booked in at the salon at the top of my road to get my hair done in 10'mins to make myself feel better about myself haha! Then off to a mental 1 year olds party! Wish me luck jaha xxxx
I had been feeling like that for days. Feel . considerably better today now x
I'm being sent to hospital at half four, think I've got possible start of pre-eclampsia. Lots of protein in wee and blood pressure is really high and I've felt funny all morning. Hopefully it'll come down at the hospital, but told to take hospital bags in car just to be safe.

Not sure whether to shave my legs quickly, stupid thing to worry about lol hubby is on way home now to drive. Told they're really busy so I'll update when I can or when I get home think it'll be a long wait. Xx
Just got home from midwife and have had a very positive appointment! She performed a sweep and I am already 2-3cm and cervix is soft and stretchy (sorry if tmi). Baby is very low and she could even feel it's head! She was very hopeful things would progress in the next 24-48hrs!! Eeeeek! Xx
Hope everything is ok with you doll eyes, at least they can monitor you closely at hospital xx
Hope everything is ok with you doll eyes, at least they can monitor you closely at hospital xx

Thank you :) gonna go buy some water and magazines at the shop think it'll be a long evening least I.got to watch the bake off last.night. She's turned back to back as well after being in perfect position the last two months. X
Doll_eyes I hope everything goes well at the hospital. I'd shave your legs.. just in case lol xx
Good news dairy x
Glad you're appointment went well Dairygirl!

Hope everything is ok doll_eyes, it's good that they are getting you checked out. I think I'd shave my legs but then again if you don't it'll be Sod's law something happens and you have to show your legs to everyone! :D Keep us updated hun.

Keep is updated when you can doll eyes, glad you are in good hands and being well taken care of.

Dairy girl that's fab about the sweep, remind me when your due date is again? Have you been feeling much happening? Hoping I have similar for mine next wednesday!

Just seen a pic of baby summer on Facebook, she is sooooo beautiful, like a little dolly! X
Still here, my bp isn't improving and lots of protein but baby is fine on the monitors. Just waiting for bloods to come back then they'll decide what's happening.

Now being kept in overnight Hubby's just going to get me some bits. Never been in hospital before so not happy lol xx
Aww doll-eyes sorry you are having to stay in - but at least it was picked up and you are being well monitored.

That's really exciting dairy girl!! I'm hoping mine is 'favourable' enough to perform a sweep tomorrow.

Hope you had fun at the party bunny, I'm feeling knackered too - not ill, just suddenly REALLY tired so I've napped on the sofa all afternoon. Probably not the most productive way of getting baby out ... :whistle:

Kelly - hope baby comes soon so you can make the most of hubby's leave. Try not to get disheartened, could still be any moment - you say yourself you had no symptoms with Joshua until your waters went so hopefully that's just how your body does labour! :)

Sorry you have to stay in Doll eyes that's pants - but at least your in good hands and being kept an eye on! Sending positive thoughts your way!

That's fab news Dairygirl and exciting!!

Just had a three hr nap - lot longer than intended but so knackered! Sat in front of the fire to warm myself up - anyone else really cold? I'm usually way too hot lol! Xx
Thanks ladies! Due yesterday so 1 day overdue - not much happening as yet but have a bit of a heavy period-like feeling. Gonna have a good bounce on my ball once I've got my little girl to bed. Let's see what tonight brings........
Fingers crossed for you dairy girl!

Doll eyes hope everything gets sorted nice and quickly for you.

Summer and char drap I was totally shattered this afternoon too! I stupidly ran around doing jobs and cleaning while belle was at pre school and then had to sleep after picking her up! Thankfully she was tired after first day back too so she lay in bed with me watching tv while I slept ~ bad mummy! X

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